SPATIAL had enetered into the Gestalt metaphor and that, surely, was the bit I had sense Kant missed! Sure ly it was!
The counter-intuitive, even paradoxical, properties of the transfinites argue against a Kantian a priori, and suggest that physical reality has impinged upon the mind from outside itself.
Feb. 11, 1964 -- Born in Sandpoint, Idaho.
1982 -- Graduated from Wasilla High School in Wasilla, Alaska.
1987 -- Graduated with a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Idaho.
August 29, 1988 -- Married Todd Palin, whom she would have five children with.
1992-1996 -- Entered public life, serving two terms on the Wasilla City Council.
1996-2002 -- Elected mayor of Wasilla City, Alaska, for two terms until term limits forced her from office.
2002 -- Lost her first statewide campaign for the GOP nomination for lieutenant governor.
2002 -- Frank Murkowski left the Senate to become governor and named Palin chairwoman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.
2003 -- Split with the party leaders by battling Randy Ruedrich, the head of Alaska's Republican Party.
2006 -- Upset then-Gov. Murkowski in the Republican primary, then defeated former two-term Gov. Tony Knowles, a Democrat, in the general election.
2007 -- Pressured lawmakers to get the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act passed, to build a natural gas pipeline to deliver 35 trillion cubic feet of North Slope natural gas to market.
Aug. 29, 2008 -- Chosen as Sen. John McCain's vice-presidential running mate in the 2008 election.The Office of Fossil Energy gives notice of receipt of a joint application filed on January 10, 2007 by CPANGC and Marathon, requesting blanket authority to export on their own behalf or as agents for others on a short-term (2-years), or spot market basis from existing facilities near Kenai, Alaska up to 99 Trillion British thermal units of liquefied natural gas to Japan and/or one or more countries on either side of the Pacific Rim over a two year period commencing April 1, 2009 and terminating March 31, 2011.
Rejected sympathy for Down's Syndrome son, as gift from God: Opposes topic 1
Opposes embryonic stem cell research: Opposes topic 1
Every baby is created with a future and potential: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Praised by pro-life groups for keeping Down syndrome baby: Opposes topic 1
Safe Haven bill: allow surrendering newborns without penalty: Favors topic 1
Adoption is best plan for permanency for foster care kids: Opposes topic 1
Pro-life: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Choose life, even if her own daughter were raped: Strongly Opposes topic 1
Opposes use of public funds for abortions: Opposes topic 1
Pro-contraception, pro-woman, pro-life: Opposes topic 1
Only exception for abortion is if mother's life would end: Opposes topic 1
Favors topic 2:
Require hiring more women & minorities
(-3 points on Economic scale) Recognize Juneteenth to celebrate the end of slavery: Favors topic 2
Recognize Martin Luther King holiday: Favors topic 2
Value our cultural diversity: Favors topic 2
No special hate-crime laws; all heinous crime is hate-based: Opposes topic 2
Strongly Opposes topic 3:
Same-sex domestic partnership benefits
(-5 points on Social scale) Non-support of anything but traditional marriage: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Vetoed bill denying benefits to gays, as unconstitutional: Favors topic 3
HIV/AIDS among Alaska Natives is public health crisis: Favors topic 3
Comply with same-sex partner benefits despite disagreement: Opposes topic 3
Marriage only be between and man and a woman: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Special legislative session on same-sex health benefits: Opposes topic 3
Ok to deny benefits to homosexual couples: Strongly Opposes topic 3
No spousal benefits for same-sex couples: Strongly Opposes topic 3
Top priorities include preserving definition of "marriage": Strongly Opposes topic 3
Strongly Favors topic 4:
Teacher-led prayer in public schools
(-5 points on Social scale) Teach creationism alongside evolution in schools: Strongly Favors topic 4
Supports teaching intelligent design in public schools: Strongly Favors topic 4
Committed to providing strong education, including morals: Strongly Favors topic 4
ABC method: back to basics, plus patriotism & ethics: Favors topic 4
Let parents opt out of schoolbooks they find offensive: Favors topic 4
Pledge of Allegiance with 'Under God' is good enough: Favors topic 4
Opposes explicit sex-education programs: Favors topic 4
Declare a National Day of Prayer in Alaska: Strongly Favors topic 4
The Bible has profoundly influenced America: Favors topic 4
Recognize America's historic and founding Christian heritage: Favors topic 4
Strongly Favors topic 8:
Death Penalty
(-5 points on Social scale) If legislature passed death penalty law, I would sign it: Strongly Favors topic 8
Death penalty for adults who murder children: Strongly Favors topic 8
Strongly Favors topic 9:
Mandatory Three Strikes sentencing laws
(-5 points on Social scale) Establish "FBI Day" to support fighting global crime: Favors topic 9
Register sex offenders; & investigate internet sex crimes: Favors topic 9
Victims' rights are critical to "justice for all": Favors topic 9
We are tough on crime and beefing up law enforcement: Favors topic 9
Collect DNA samples from felons: Strongly Favors topic 9
Maximum sentence for first-degree murder by police: Favors topic 9
Strong public safety presence, via police, courts & prisons: Strongly Favors topic 9
Strongly Favors topic 10:
Absolute right to gun ownership
(+5 points on Economic scale) Hunts as much as she can; freezer-full of wild game: Strongly Favors topic 10
Supports ending D.C.'s 32-year-old ban on handguns: Strongly Favors topic 10
Lifelong NRA member & champion of right to bear arms: Strongly Favors topic 10
Supports Constitutional right to bear arms: Strongly Favors topic 10
Opposes topic 5:
More federal funding for health coverage
(+2 points on Economic scale) Health care must be market-and business-driven: Strongly Favors topic 5
Take personal responsibility for personal health & all areas: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Doctors should manage health care, not bureaucracies: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Personal responsibility & choices key to good health: Strongly Opposes topic 5
Flexibility in government regulations to allow competition: Opposes topic 5
More affordable health care via competition: Strongly Favors topic 5
Opposes topic 6:
Privatize Social Security
(-3 points on Economic scale) Fund the Seniors Longevity Bonus Program: Opposes topic 6
Strongly Favors topic 7:
Parents choose schools via vouchers
(+5 points on Economic scale) 294 Alaska public schools progressed under NCLB: Favors topic 7
Supports charter schools, home schools, & other alternatives: Strongly Favors topic 7
Supports parental choice for what is best for their children: Favors topic 7
Support charters & home schools; not private school vouchers: Favors topic 7
Parents know best, about school spending & school age: Favors topic 7
Opposes topic 18:
Replace coal & oil with alternatives
(+2 points on Economic scale) Nonsensical to leave domestic supply untapped: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Produce more of our own oil & gas, for national security: Opposes topic 18
Resource rebate: suspend AK 8-cent fuel tax for one year: Opposes topic 18
Lift moratorium on offshore drilling: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Exxon-Mobil should pay $507 million for Exxon Valdez spill: Favors topic 18
Energy relief plan: $100 per person monthly, for oil & gas: Opposes topic 18
$250M for proven alternative energy, including wind & hydro: Strongly Favors topic 18
Fund cellulosic biofuel research in Farm Bill: Strongly Favors topic 18
Convince the rest of the nation to open ANWR: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Commercialize Alaska's North Slope natural gas: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Agrees with Obama on more Alaska oil & gas production: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Unlock ANWR; we're ready, willing and able to contribute: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Bush is right: drill ANWR & develop our own supplies: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Stranded Gas Development Act no longer applies: Opposes topic 18
Get ANWR open: Strongly Opposes topic 18She did.
Serenity Under Pressure
In 1970, Wasilla was a village of 400 on the edge of the wilderness in the Matanuska-Susitna Valley, a river-split basin where the first leg of the Iditarod dog sled trail runs. There was one road to Anchorage, "and parts of it were gravel," recalls neighbor and close friend Marie Carter Smith, "so it was an all-day trip."
The Heaths lived in a small cabin heated by a wood-burning stove, all four children crowded in an attic bedroom, where they huddled under quilts and watched their own breath. Since store-bought food was hard to come by, area families relied on wild game as their main form of sustenance. The Heaths and the Carters hunted together, and "one moose would feed both families for a winter," Smith says.
Palin stacked firewood endlessly and worked in a large communal garden where winter vegetables were grown. Anyone who dined at the Heath home remembers large stews of whatever the family had shot. "Bear, moose, sheep," recalls Kim Ketchum, one of Palin's childhood friends.
By age 10, Palin was picking off rabbits out the back door and sniping at ptarmigan, an Alaskan game bird, on cross-country skis. Her father would rouse her at 4 a.m. to hunt duck before school. On hunts, she learned how to field-dress a moose, a fancy term for butchering it.