Thursday 22 August 1991

ENTER HAM: Double Circulate Red Polish Heliz (X0) for "Persisting in Such Ravenlike Habitatareas"

It did start as a joke (Haraway says this herself in Video One). Continues into Video 2 introducing HAM, the chimp, as the visual of ChIMp in Ch Ains and Pains referring to "tele- " _metricall (rat" on the Pacific in-fauna" (Ref Dp Spacnine/ Role of Rodent in Deep_Space Narrative. She, saying (Este still nudging me, her hair, our lectures. We hard to get back to the Alumni Hotel Room. Wait, she;'s talking about Meinckle Mouse again. that's my subject. She, Este that is, loving the question of "what it means to be human" and the emergence of the markets. I laughed. A CarbonEnginere of Entities? Wha' on earth? (I was sitting in for course requirements). The coke cans had become Cider botttles. The cider had become liquer. the liquer had become irresolute thought and the next Rave. I wasn't really in it the same way she was. Still, she was Donna Haraway. And it was the History of Consciousness. And, after all, who wouldn't mind living in Santa Cruz with all the ifs and buts taken out, in such Civilic Civility amidst those thorny cedars of the mind. Pirsig had of course chosen Montana. And the mountains. But who, after William Irwin Thompson could deny the Pacific as a figurative ground for thinking? Enter: "Doing the history of the world on chocolate and coffee and sugar" (to paraphrase Haraway) drinking from her "personal apparatus" Ironic Cup.