I wish; a six, or four “The reading of the complete edition of ‘Leaves of Grass,’ writes Wallace, “was to Mrs. Gilchrist an overwhelming revelation-- unprecedented and unlooked for. It opened up vistas within her own soul of unimagined glory and significance, and cast a powerful beam of light upon the whole of humanity and the universe,, which transfixed them before her eyes.... It appealed to every part of her nature-- body and soul-- with a voice at once individual and divine.”waltwhitman
For should my true-love less than woman be,
She were scarce anything; and then, should she
Be more than woman, she would get above
All thought of sex, and think to move
My heart to study her, and not to love;
Both these were monsters; since there must reside
Falsehood in woman, I could more abide,
She were by art, than Nature falsify'd.
196, 197, 198, 199
This would occur at a geometric threshold point near center probably associated with the Fine Structure Constant ( see the section of goldenmean.info/predictions - showing the fine structure constant derived from the translation of vorticity on the surface of a donut). Re: where the entity emits charge ( like the saints halo ) - is when charge attraction (implosion .bliss electricity ) becomes self-sustaining - then sufficient charge exists to radiate. As far as when time turns around - the hypothesis suggests that faster than light speed is precisely where time travel is enabled ( since time is only a name for the phase velocity of rotation).
314, 315, 356, 357, 358, 391, 392
Multi-mode Spectroscopy
Multi-mode spectroscopy uses the simultaneous data collection of several signals. In the case of the UHV AFM/STM with standard preamplifier tunneling current, normal force, lateral force, and frequency shift signals are available simultaneously; furthermore, external inputs can be selected in order to obtain useful multi-mode spectroscopy combinations. The choice of the appropriate feedback regulation channel is independent of the combination of different channels for data acquisition. Hence a number of different phenomena including local conductivity, adhesive properties and surface elasticity can be investigated on conducting and non-conducting surfaces. The typical force/distance curve used for force calibration can also be applied in a spectroscopic manner, yielding information on local adhesion properties and surface composition. The slope of the force/distance curve in the contact region gives information on the local surface elasticity, and the position of the break-off point a measure of local adhesion properties.
:: Omicron NanoTechnology GmbH ::
A wealth of possibilities is opened up by the combination of AFM measurements with tunneling current detection. An example is the spectroscopic differentiation between conducting, semiconducting or non-conducting molecules by measuring I(V)-curves during an AFM experiment (conductivity mapping). By applying an electric field between tip and sample more physical properties of the sample, e.g. piezoelectricity or electrostriction, can be investigated