These are stunning assertions. Fulcanelli informs us that the western cabala used by the troubadours and the builders of the cathedrals is based on the language of the Argonauts and the quest for the Golden Fleece. Which in turn is but one application of a vast Ur-language of symbols, derived perhaps from the DNA itself, that unite the global cultures of mankind, from the Inca to the ancient Greeks. And, to top it off, he told us that traces of it can be found in the language of the Gypsies, a fairly obvious reference to the Tarot, long held to be a Gypsy invention. Is he telling us that the Green Language, which is heard according to David Ovason only by those "who have clothed themselves in the skin of the dragon,"[4] is simply a symbolic approximation of the information, transmitted by weak laser pulses, coming from our DNA? David Ovason, zodiacs and Washington, DC
David Ovason cannot be labeled an anti-mason. In fact he is careful to disassociate himself from those who hold a negative opinion of Freemasonry and has, since publishing this book, become a freemason. But he is an astrologer by trade and inclination, and his perspective is strongly influenced by his own beliefs. This leads him to conclusions about Freemasonry and freemasons that are not contained within the rituals and teachings of Freemasonry. Unfortunately a number of his unsubstantiated claims can be used by those who do wish to condemn Freemasonry. For that reason a brief overview of his book is included here.