and here comes the rain pouring down i’m seeing what has happened or is about to happen within computer world (aha aha ah!) andi it is 1.19 a.m on October 30th as all this has been ahppening all day seems ironic to pin a date, but there it is... here comes the RAIN!!!!!! for the next stage! of the playing Game...... the trees at the stage it was at when i returned from fordingbridge. the downpour has ceased. it lasted a minute or three. i stood in the cold infusion kitchen and pulled on my ciagrette, thinking that my final act in this flat would be to ut the fridge where i had originally intended.... with “CHIRON IS PROCESS” AND “VALIDATE THE NEPTUNIAN ILLUINATION” AS written “art” in a clip frame o resting on my larger spatial picture of Hastings...
it sthere its not there
its there then its not there
its there then its there and there its there! now
its not there!
THE BABY’S BIRTHED. THIS IS THE WHITENING. the elliptical paraobola of consciousness as I mentioned “releasing” itself from the REAL PRISON! this time its done! this stuff we are doing here is the phase three “proof” so needed by XCV and that won’t stop there!!!!
1.26 “it may be that “he” J. has just got back 1i89 explaining the freedom i have had these past hours... or it could be he has just left! oh wouldn’t that be...! (and so the rain returns)... its hard not to say hes being a bastard creeping in and out keeping meon edge and all that its a story in itself what i have had to do these past five seven days no need to tell that stroy this one has its own flow and as you are realising / releasing. rotating and convexing the whole becomes greater than the sum of the perceived previously parts, because you do understand the hidden “SOUL” component to “experience” until experience shifts through its stages as it is.... now anyway hes d ra s a sk. so no worries plus !!
Air Pump
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Writing/Reading on Ferroelectric Materials:: Omicron NanoTechnology GmbH ::
The initial surface was first imaged in non-contact mode without a bias voltage at the tip.
Imaging of the same surface area in non-contact mode without a bias voltage yields both dark and bright spots indicating the presence of positive and negative gradients.
This image was acquired with -1.5 V at the tip. The features appear black, due to a repulsive electrostatic force interaction.
The opposite contrast is observed here, where a positive bias of 1.5 V was applied to the cantilever tip.
EFM mode : The UHV AFM/STM was used in EFM mode (Electrostatic Force Microscopy) for writing and reading on LaTiO3,5 [1], a ferroelectric material. The conductive Si cantilever was prepared by ion sputtering. Using the nanostructuring routines of SCALA, the OMICRON logo was created by domain polarisation with the tip in contact with the surface and a voltage pulse of -8 V applied to the tip for 0.5 msec.