Sunday, 21 September 2008
the only thing you really need to know!!!!!
The ONLY tilting angle of the toroid relative to the tetra for which it works, is the angle prescribed by the orientation of both the toroid and the tetra inside golden mean projective geometry (icosa-dodeca "implosion" physics). This is the hub of cosmic creation. In this, case, the spiral map on the surface of the toroid shows the ideal coupling of rotational and toroidal momentum as defined by the Golden Mean projective physics, in the form of seven spiraling charge regions.
Friday, 12 September 2008
OnOMiCronNanoe/Canoe tech, UCal. See?
Barbara Hand Clow wrote the following “around” the new moon of end of october 2008: “Humans and societies function within cycles that are mirrored in the sky by the locations of the planets and the Moon going around the Sun. Just as it is possible to consider the basic personalities of the people invited to a party and predict what kind of party might result, it is possible to use planetary analysis to anticipate the qualities of the human social field on Earth during a given period of time. Astrology can predict how individuals might be feeling, just by knowing the archetypal influence of each planet plus the Moon. Just like a wild rock-n-roll dance party is very different from a black-tie dinner party, life on Earth is very different during wartime than it is during peacetime. Astrology also states clearly when an influence begins and is finished; this makes it possible to look back or go forward in time to identify patterns.
Meanwhile, the Elite (powers-that-be that control the world) debunk astrology while using it as a tool to predict human behavior to perpetrate their power games. This site observes how some global political powers use astrology to stay one step ahead of the people.:: Omicron NanoTechnology GmbH ::
Astrology is the highest art for analyzing human behavior, and smart people use it. AstroFlash! looks at how the Elite might be planning events for us during the end of the Mayan Calendar, and it offers tips on how to live better amidst such transformative times. Also, this astrological analysis includes the influences of the Days and Nights of the Galactic Underworld-1999-2011, based on Carl Johan Calleman's time acceleration hypothesis, which explores Nine Underworlds of evolution in the universe over 16.4 billion years. AstroFlash! explores how individuals can succeed and be free and happy during the remainder of the Mayan Calendar.
How have we gotten to this critical juncture? Why are 1999 through 2011 so critical for the survival of our species? My recent book Catastrophobia (2001) theorizes that we are afflicted with a crippling, species-level, post-traumatic stress syndrome that I call "catastrophobia". This trauma complex developed 11,500 years ago as the result of a great cosmic catastrophe in our solar system. This malaise in the collective psyche of our species deepened during thousands of years after the 9500 BC cataclysm, when our ancestors endured starvation and horrific environmental stress. Before this time during the Regional Underworld-100,000 BC through AD 2011--Earth was the Garden of Eden; we experienced oneness with our planet. These events that separated us from nature are deeply buried in our minds. Just like adults who once endured early-childhood abuse that they've largely forgotten, we must heal ourselves by recovering these memories and understanding how they have changed us.
Catastrophobia presents a biotech company that develops and markets differential gene profiling technology for down stream study of gene expression, regulation, diagnostic, predictive toxicology and therapeutic purposes. The company is situated in the Greater Boston area biotech hub and commercializes proprietary gene expression kits, services and technologies to accelerate and enhance the discovery of new markers. evidence that Earth's axis did not tilt very much before 9500 BC, when the cosmic disaster disarranged the whole solar system. Therefore, AstroFlash! is structured by seasonality--equinoxes and solstices-because once the axis tilted, early humans quickly learned how to maximize their potential by arranging their lives by the seasons. Seasonality is not taGeneExpression Systemsken into account much in modern times, but it actually has a huge influence on human consciousness. George W. Bush invaded Iraq exactly during the Spring Equinox of 2003 because the Elite knew this moment had formative potential. This was also Day Tree of the Galactic, so this invasion caused events that will influence the rest of the Galactic Underworld.
Once Earth's axis tilted 11,500 years ago, the new seasons necessitated agriculture for human survival, and gradually hunter-gatherer cultures gave up their ways of life that were in harmony with nature. Focus on the seasons and lunar cyles goes way back to more than 10,000 years ago, which is why AstroFlash! examines them in detail. I've discovered ancient ways to balance our consciousness by showing how to use the potentiality of each season with intention. I believe that we must utilize the potential of this quarterly pattern to slowly integrate our neurological systems with the changes caused by the recently tilting axis. Like Humpty Dumpty falling off his wall, we can't put ourselves back together again. We can use the cycles of the Moon to master our emotions very effectively when the lunar analysis is understood in light of the four seasons. This technique really helps us handle time acceleration.
Monday, 1 September 2008
visiting the queen dox. rx (2.11. ) for Colin
I came five, six, seven times that night, on her chest, in her mouth, on her back, and on my own in the shower with her sat there reading the poetry on the walls: “Is this one from England?” She makes a long thin trail over the paintings with her fingernail, scratching the surface for more home truths I Envelope her again and finally we conjoin completely. It is done. The seeds planted, light their own way down to the seafront shops and the metallic telephone boxes of might. Sunshine has been replaced by an electric storm. Robert’s staggering home past Bar Bleu on the sea’s edge, hum drumming about taking a taxi home. Benjamin and Fern make their plans for Saturday Night. Hey. Brown bottle ally where the graqndmothers aid their bones. Slip juice into cup and drink together. The Almighty has arisen. Holding her hand in the car afterwards, talking about the Pikey’s interest in Catholicism and Crowlety. Did they really give him Crowley’s landlady’s diary. I wonder, pouring libation from Russia down my throat. Hi Hey! Steve rounded up a few pills and made me feel important, I the great weed taster, set up patterns for the masses. Love now Rules Supreme. The deity of light her hand in mind the yellow dresses in the schoolyards breething poetry as girl sweeps lawn and path p[erforming madrigals of music and magic with her beast inside the roaring thunder of lust, the dying embers of patronage, the juice squirting down her legs and into my mouth. I live in a small two room flat; shabby and oil and coffee stained carpets preside over walls concreted with images, painting sekmet from Egypt. She sits on the ladder, naked, as I draw her face in with charcoal. I shoot pictures flashing fast a hundred two hundred rolls of film across the vast acrerage of her beauty. Veunys rising up from the sea, comes crashing in with her beauty and smiles as she leans back into her metalk backed chair, pausing to enjoy the attention my look is giving her., Green sea fueled by beautiful rain. Robert staggers as far as College Kantina and is asked to step inside for a last glass of wine. He is forces, therefore to take in the electrical storm swarming round the Beachy Head where the even the suiced have been stopped by the image. We talk magic. Proper magician he is mate. And the conversation France eneters into the geometry. David Icke. The Illuminati. I talk with a grey haired geezer., I should know his name thinks Steve. Places eight tabs into my wallet. Hand on heart, this is true I say to chloe. The handsome man at the corner of the bar rejecting all protocal advances himself to the woman. Aie Christma Caramba. The seed smells inside me. The growing nutrients of a new age. Saturn propels me forward into 9 degrees of Virgo, and the gathering at the Russian’s Place takes shape. Grey clouds give way to black night. The summer is Royal and the summer is peaking and the waves are crashing and young girls hold their hearts and unplug their televisions because of rumour. The cars screech to a halt. The ecplipse has come, unannounced and unheralded. What planet is that? Even the astronomers were caught napping. What planet is that. The Pikey laughs. He’s got his hand in to Edinburgh and WILLIAM’as been awarded.. “No. You have been awareded the Order of the thistle! I poet, down beatedn for so many years, dovetailing life with the spiritual utterances. Where could Rilke have gone, else to the angels. Where would Rilke have gone had he stayed with the angels. I recall a past life, between the Lake in Balxaklva where the Prussian Prince made the pasth open to Tibet,. The Panchen Lama, and the whole hierarchy opened the gate into Albion, eventually seeing that it would take years and years. The codes for the reincarnation proptovole were given in 1876 AD. AN there are more to emerge. Now that the clearing of the air has taken place the seeds untie together
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