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Pink Flamingo [Home]
"Democracy demands that little men should not take big ones too seriously; it dies when it is full of little men who think they are big themselves." C. S. Lewis
t is a fully general way to describe phenomena, including consciousness, because all phenomena (including particles) can be described with waves.
* Mass Conjugation and Four-Particle Mixing is phase conjugation adapted to particles. The gravitational tracking beam between a planet and a star is phase conjugated. The helium atom with four nucleons is the most perfectly balanced form of mass conjugation and four particle mixing "
More important than a technical explanation of photon (soliton) creation is its metaphorical meaning. It is the first creation, the first manifestation of "the Word" and the word is pure focussed intent plus pure creative force. It is the immanent power to Become. You may or may not like the science - never forget the metaphor.
With the creation of photons (light), the material world is still a bit in a theoretical stage. This is true, both in a historic / evolutionary sense, as well as in a functional sense, from moment to moment. Light symbolizes, and at the same time physically constitutes the functional connection between matter and spirit. It constitutes per definition the luminal transition zone between subluminal and super-luminal physics, and its angle of perception and conception is a measure of its message.
The photon's net angular and impulse momentum are a keen prelude to the gradually manifesting, macroscopic and macro-cosmic forces in the further course of material involution. But at the same time, they are the tell tale story of the imminent forces of the Vacuum which created it in the first place.
Now, whereas in the case of a planet orbiting a star, such a system can be analysed in its components of gravity, inertia, orbital rhythm and orbital shape - if in another system the very same principles are at work but cannot be analyzed other than by their metaphorical meaning - this verily consitutes the first and still rather theoretical stage, and this stage is where matter exists in the form of pure light, externally and internally.
The luminal transition zone between matter and metaphor is taking shape in the topology between the Singularity and our 3-dimensional continuum. It takes shape as the deeply intuïted toroid.
In response to my original paper - Fractal Universe: Cause of Gravity - paper ( goldenmean.info/fractaluniverse ) - Douglass White wrote: "Dear Dan, Thanks for this. I may put a link on my site. You will note that I put links to two great animations by the team right on my (web) front page. I assume you were the first to map the phi spiral onto a torus."
Ultimate Nanoprobe
A major challenge in Nanotechnology is the incorporation of single nano-devices into large integrated circuits. Device technology research thus requires high resolution topographical and chemical analysis as well as local and non-destructive electrical characterisation on the nano-scale.
An adequate UHV coarse positioning technology is a key to efficiently operate four STMs for nanoprobing. Omicrons piezo-electric inertia drives ensure (a) reliable 3D positioning of each probe (10x10x5mm) and 2D positioning of the sample (10x10mm); (b) independent and orthogonal axes for easy navigation; (c) stability for STM operation; (d) step sizes from a few 10nm up to several 100nm. For optimal performance in both SEM and SAM, an external XY manipulator allows precise alignment of the complete NANOPROBE stage with respect to SEM column and NanoSAM energy analyser. Even when using SEM for navigation, an optical position read-out system with 50nm nominal resolution is indispensable for localisation and re-localisation of a single nano-device among billions within large integrated circuits (see figure 3).
Traditional instrumentation suffers from one fundamental issue: How to cover the dimensional range of a fully integrated circuit down to the nanometer range (or even atomic scale) of single devices and how to integrate an adequate navigation system.
To meet these requirements, over the past 6 years we have being advancing and establishing a new approach to integrate state-of-the-art SPM technology with high resolution electron microscopy and spectroscopy: (1) Four independent STMs for nano-probing and imaging; (2) SEM for rapid probe navigation and to bridge dimensions from the mm scale down to the nanometer range (3) Position-readout of sample and probes. Combining different surface analysis methods at the very same sample area to gain complementary information by SEM and SAM for chemical mapping.