Saturday, 31 October 2009

I was fourteen years old when this picture was taken of me with my father outside of Ohio Indian territory when he dad said to me that this would be w

New Ur Document

Now thought had me by the hadron and Cerne up and runging through children’s minds the warp and the woof od the teacher’s barking mad fear. Semblance of tranquilty later in the fractality of a park. The Queen wore white and looked virginal. Phil wore a latex tux and in lime green pantaloons rushed forward to say Howdy Doopy Dog. The biscuit was fresh and the park laden. I was inside my own mind and loving every aquare fractal inch of it, and yet still oak trees were oak trees and beer was beer. We sailed up off Top Street for Top Shop and swallered a large tonne of fish jokes before embarking on the Q & A Palisarde directive. I wished for a Guru and found one, tossing him by the wayside like a stray cut throat black cat from Borneo; milliseconds later, there were feasts for swallow eyes when Tariffs bearing beauty made their round on the footstall. Haberdashers and ironmongers, ecplisoids and pentagrammers, ideographs and geodesic types made laughter sail through the winf. El Banko had said it would all go collapso, but every nigger knows the worm hole is in essence a diametric opposite to chaos or catasrophe. The labyrinth has a plughole. Every om has an ouch. Every joy has a spurt of love juice, and one simply has to come. Best not avoid the coming and rushing ands compressing, they said, and git yrself a step ladder ahead of the old oilstuff, I wrote later that Wittgenstein could be understood through the hiatus he made in the teaching world for those long fourteen years; I never qwuite understood why death seemed to be around us until they the head and the prof and through a thousand tears and eyes and mirages finding that one man amidst the many burning bushes. I tried to explain it. I tried to savour it. In the end I just made art out of it. But heart, the dear ones and the flowersd in the inner circle insisted, there was more to evolution even there, even more than love is the love the creator has for man, for woman the goddess descending nine nights a year; for the man and the boy, the girl and the child, the bamboo shoot and the acacia, for the lemon yellow Donovan toting bag wearing hipster who had defied his own goodness in order to fit the cogs in the wheel had decided that the way up was Hadron and the collider was our hearts and the nest embed had to be perfect and fractal. Gis a hug to an old Cabber would ya. The cab ride was short, up round Regent’s Park over York bridge and mercifully quiet for a taxi man. Saw we as two on our way to a meeting and well I might have enjoyed saying it was for a publisher. 

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

I Veda Came down from My Andromedean High Counch Feral and Between My thight ~Yellow Haired Fredy was there heloring me hup hup, he said I was...

The Narayana sooktam in praise of Lord Vishnu is one of the most important hymns in the Vedic rituals. 

Sahasraa sersham devam viswaasham viswaasambhuvam 
Viswam naaraayanam devamaksharam pramam padam

This universe is the eternal being (Narayana), the imperishable, the supreme, the goal, multi-headed and multi-eyed (i.e., omnipresent and omniscient), the resplendent, the source of delight for he whole universe. 

Viswataah paramam nityam viswam naaraayanam hariim 
Viswaamevedam purushaastadvisvampajeevati

This universe is the supreme being (Purusha) alone; hence it subsists on that, the eternal which transcends it (in every way), the omnipresent absolute which destroys all sins. 

Patim viswasyatmeswaram saswatam sivamachyutam 
Naaraayanam mahaajneyam viswaatmanam paraayanam

The protector of the universe, the lord of all souls (or lord over self), the perpetual, the auspicious, the indestructible, the goal of all creation, the supreme object worthy of being known, the soul of all beings, the refuge unfailing (is he). 

Naaraayanaa paro jyotiratma naaraayanaa paraah 
Naaraayanaa param brahmaa tattwam naaraayanaah paraah 
Naaraayanaa paro dhyaatah dhyaanam naaraayanah paraah

The lord Narayana is the supreme absolute; Narayana is the supreme reality; Narayana is the supreme light; Narayana is the supreme self; Narayana is the supreme meditator; Narayana is the supreme meditation.

Yachca kinchit jagat sarvam drshyate srooyatepi va 
Antar bahisca tatsvaram vyapya naaraayanaah sthitah

Whatever all this universe is, -seen or heard of, -pervading all this from inside and outside alike, stands supreme the eternal divine being (Narayana). 

Anantamavyayam kavim samudrentam viswaa sambhuvam 
Padma kosaa praateeksam hrdayam capyadho mukham

He is the limitless, imperishable, omniscient, residing in the ocean of he heart, the cause of the happiness of the universe, the supreme end of all striving, (manifesting himself) in the ether of the heart which is comparable to an inverted bud of the lotus flower. 

Adho nishtya vitastyante nabhyaamupari tishtati 
Jwaalamalaa kulaam bhaati vishwasyayatanam mahat

Below the adams apple, at a distance of a span, and above the navel (i.e., the heart which is the relative seat of the manifestation of pure consciousness in the human being), effulges the great abode of the universe, as if adorned with garlands of flames. 

Santaatam silaabhistu lambaatyaa kosaannibham 
Tasyante sushiram sookshman tasmin sarvam pratishtam

Surrounded on all sides by nerve-currents (or arteries), suspends the lotus-bud of the heart in an inverted position. It is in a subtle space (a narrow aperture, the sushumna-nadi), and therein is to be found the substratum of all things.

Tasyaa madhye mahaanagnir vishwachir visvato mukha 
Sograabhugvibhajan tishthannahaaraa maajaraah kaavih

In that space within the heart resides the great flaming fire, undecaying, all-knowing, with tongues spread out in all directions, with faces turned everywhere, consuming food presented before it, and assimilating it unto itself.

Triyaa goordhwaa masdhassayee rasmayaatasyaa santataa 
Santapayati swam deha mapadatalaamaastaagah 
Tasyaa madhye vahnisikha aaneeyordhwaa vyaavasthithaa

His rays, spreading all around, side ways as well as above and below, warm up the whole body from head to foot. In the center of that (flame) abides the tongue of fire as the topmost of all subtle things. (note: due to the attachments and entanglements of the jiva in worldly enjoyment and suffering, the consciousness is enshrouded in potential as well as expressed objectivity, and hence it appears like a tiny streak of flame within the dark clouds of ignorance. But when the jiva rises above worldliness the consciousness is realized as he infinite.)

Neelaatoyaada madhyaasthad vidyullekhavaa bhaswaraa 
Neevaaraasooka vattanvee peeta bhaswatyanoopama

Brilliant like a streak of lightning set in the midst of the blue rain-bearing clouds, slender like the awn of a paddy grain, yellow (like gold) in colour, in subtlety comparable to the minute atom, (this tongue of fire) grows splendid. 

Tasyaa sikhayaa madhye paramaatmaa vyavasthithaah 
Saa brahmaa saa sivaah saa hariih sendraah soksharaah paramah swarat

In the middle of that flame, the supreme self dwells. This (self) is Brahma (the creator), Siva (the destroyer), Hari (the protector), Indra (the ruler), the imperishable, the absolute, the autonomous being. Prostrations again and again to the omni-formed being, the truth, the law, the supreme absolute, the Purusha of blue-decked yellow hue, the centralised-force, power, the all-seeing one. 

Ritam satyam param brahmaa purusham krishnaa pingalam 
Oordhwaaretam viroopaaksham viswaroopaayaa vai namo namah 

Prostrations again and again to the omni-formed being, the truth, the law, the supreme absolute, the Purusha of blue-decked yellow hue, the centralised-force, power, the all-seeing one. 

Naaraayanayaa vidhmahe Vasudevaayaa dheemahi Tanno vishnuh prachodayaat

We commune ourselves with Narayana, and meditate on vasudeva, may that vishnu direct us (to the great goal). 

That perfection. Tis a moment in situ that your self found. A here that is your own salvation. Truths, once made clear, are rotund; happy bddhas in the field of our mind. That r, your own owl sounds, are succinct. And this, your own mind italicized is bth remnat and forward momentum. This much was true. Yes. Hello. The verification of our own subservience. Jealousy. And romance. That seen and never heard stuff. C. You were the ost and best. Nearly. Castles in the air. That aid. There I was. And your owness in me. Again. A subaltern and yet quiescent and inestimable light.

In e.

That said. Rotund stuff and I GIGA WHYTED THE REMNANTS FOR YOU. To this I was subservient. And yes. The yers ah athe yes and the ahr I gh in it. I was subaltern to you. And now? Ah. Jokes on me and the you f the nuff of the snizz of thegiff.

Vishnornukam veeryaani pravocham yaah paarthivaani raajaamsi yo 
Askabhayaaduttaram sadhastham vichaakramanas tredhorugayo vishnuh 
Raaratamasi vishnuh syooraasi vishnuh dhruvamsi vaishnavaamasi vishnave tva

Which valor and deed of the all-pervading Vishnu may I glorify? He has enveloped the earth and he heaven even up to the minutest dust of creation. Vishnu supports the abode of gods, preventing it from being shaken from its position. He takes three strides (which may mean the three strides which Vishnu took in his incarnation as Vamana or the three strides which the sun is supposed to take in the sky during the day, or he form Vishnu is supposed to take as Agni, vayu and Surya) as the most gloriously euoligised one. O thou, instrument of yajna, who are the front and rear of vishnu’s form as yajna, thou who art its mouth and its connection. Thou art the firm support. Thou art verily Vishnu. I prostrate myself before thee. 

Om shanti shanti shantih

Om. May there be peace, peace, peace 

 The ruling deity of astrology, he is also the lord of learning and the lord of obstacles-hence the name Vighnaraja. When pleased he removes the obstacles from your path on auspicious occasions and creates obstacles on inauspicious occasions, and vice versa when displeased.
Ganesha Moola mantra: Om Gam Ganapataye Namah.
Ganesha Vedic Mantra: Om Sreem Hreem Kleem Gloum Gam Ganapataye Varavarada Sarva Janam Me Vasamaanaya Swaa Haa
Ganesha Gayatri Mantra: Om Vakratundaya Vidmahe Vighnarajaya Dheemahi Tanno Danti Prachodayat.