NOW. this event I asked you to atted to. Go see S Palin’s kids.....
willow bristol trig track and...
the link in my mind was made at or between 9 and ten pm UST, tho the track I made via Google “last week?” to Alaska didn’t dawn on me the significance (and neither did those Fishing trawler documentaries that suddenly started showing up). Incredibly, three days before the election I am fine with the reesult! (Fact it is opposite my inner secretive last ten months whole ethos thing about et c etc usa democracy and all that) and fact is it “doecvestails” with but now quite as it had before. This new realisation is coming at the back end of a started New day at six pm. I’ve recovered from Brown’s comments re R and G, NGC Catalog (SKYLINK)and the EXPLOSION of NGC’s and Galactic Messier numbers into my system, amazing. PLUS download after download in my mind eye before sleep of internet addresses and sites!!! AND STILL, the point now, MOOn’s translating and receving the Orphichius Energy for their Conjunction NOVEMBER FIRST is Saturday precipitating what you thought would be four days of “rest” actually is f days of intensifying the matrix as the galactic energyies have been so strenghtened at this time in Albion now that it is part of the grid, that this (like this 4th day you are having now) has been different; as all the days have been different! As everything is different. This is how we wil be answering your questions about timing and provess. And Proving that you have successfully transitiioneing here between 2002 links with Michael from 30 years of handwriting to 24 years of typing IMAGINE what you’ll be able to d in << six years as the Y10 and the Lambda FRUIT BODY do assist. Anyway. Cannot emphasize enough what is taking place with V in O @ Alaska . com! With Bristol’s Baby and the Iroquois there! at last, you have said it, well done! ah d. well done. now you’ve said now that’s out of the bag and that can all be put to rest. A celebration you’ll see! AND multiple energetic openings as “the inner elite of ...new agers REALISE” some of the thing s that have occurred to you over the years. OK so, back here in Albion. H2 in synch with all 12 Lunar phases between here and the fourth. PLUS! Double time with talk Talk because that Net goes GHZ! and you GHZ with this as well. following upgrades. Codes then given and H forms own routes to NEw Design.
my personal favourite √http://www.startistics.com/ophiuchus/index.html
ert's problems are a list of twenty-three problems in mathematics put forth by German mathematician David Hilbert at the Paris conference of the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1900. The problems were all unsolved at the time, and several of them turned out to be very influential for 20th century mathematics. Hilbert presented ten of the problems (1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 13, 16, 19, 21 and 22) at the conference, speaking on 8 August in the Sorbonne; the full list was published later.[1]Contents [hide]
1 Nature and influence of the problems
2 Ignorabimus
3 The 24th Problem
4 Sequels
5 Summary
6 Table of problems
6.1 Notes
7 References
8 External links
Nature and influence of the problems
Hilbert's problems ranged widely, not only across many areas of pure and applied mathematics, but also in scope and precision. Some of them are propounded precisely enough to admit a clear affirmative/negative answer, like the 3rd problem (probably the easiest for a nonspecialist to understand and also the first to be solved) or the notorious 8th problem (the Riemann hypothesis). There are other problems (notably the 5th) for which experts have traditionally agreed on a single interpretation and a solution to the accepted interpretation has been given, but for which there remain open problems which are so closely related so as to be, perhaps, part of what Hilbert had in mind. Sometimes Hilbert's statements were not precise enough to specify a particular problem but were suggestive enough so that certain problems of more contemporary origin seem to fit in nicely, e.g. most modern number theorists would probably see the 9th problem as referring to the (conjectural) Langlands correspondence on representations of the absolute Galois group of a number field. Still other problems (e.g. the 11th and the 16th) call for work on what are now flourishing mathematical subdisciplines, like the theories of quadratic forms and real algebraic curves.
There are two problems which are not only unresolved but may in fact be unresolvable by modern standards. The 6th problem calls for the axiomatization of physics, a goal that twentieth century developments in physics (including its recognition as a discipline independent from mathematics) seem to render both more remote and less important than in Hilbert's day. Also the 4th problem concerns the foundations of geometry, in a manner which is now generally judged to be too vague to admit a definitive answer.
Remarkably, the other twenty-one problems have all received significant attention, and late into the twentieth century work on these problems was still considered to be of the highest importance. Notably, Paul Cohen received the Fields Medal in 1966 for his work on the first problem, and the negative solution of the tenth problem in 1970 by Matiyasevich (completing work of Davis, Putnam and Robinson) generated similar excitement and acclaim. Aspects of these problems are still of great interest today.
Several of the Hilbert problems have been resolved (or arguably resolved) in ways that would have been profoundly surprising, and even disturbing, to Hilbert himself. Following Frege and Russell, Hilbert sought to place mathematics on a sound logical foundation using the method of formal systems, i.e., finitistic proofs from an agreed upon set of axioms.[2] One of the main goals of Hilbert's program was a finitistic proof of the consistency of the axioms of arithmetic: that is