The whoosh of energy. I make big notes about the Sirius sequence, 9pm 10pm as it gets closer to eleven I am overcome with the sense of choice and options. I find myself walking down the street. There has to be a bar open. I take the twenty out and wander to the seafront where the Bar Bleu lights are shining on a silhouette in the window and the star Uranus is shining in the night sky. I’ve seen loads of dogs today, I think amazingly there I look and see cavorting in waves the two White Wolves of my dreams of transcendence. The still dark water lapping offshore. I am surprised. Onlty three days ago the high tide was at midnight. I know I am tired, I argue back with the presence of the remorseless and resourceless activity of the inner sensor, understanding as I stand there, leaning against the white glossed rail, my hands feeling the corrosion of salt; hardly a breath of wind. In the dark where sea meets sand, rock husks and geomnetris of fishmermen offshore stood in the waves for the last of the seasons Mackerel. Turtles have been caught off the coast of Ireland and Cornwall. I am longing to see a dolphin. Al’s told me that the dolphin over in Foljstone is still cavorting with the locals. And the Dingle Peninsula Dolphin seems to be happy there. It’s been there for years. Off shore, the twinkling lights of the Marina at Eastbourne speak of opulence, marina rigged boats, luxury cabins and and a life at sea. I turn away from the sea, depositing my codes into the air, bequeathing Neptune and Poseidon in the still evident wave cascade of the High Energy of the Royal Summer. They do not recognize me, I, the King Royal, asking to be seated now at the bar as the Landowner who lives an hour away turns me away, politely, which obviously counts for something. Samantha, the nineteen year old College Student from Hampshire makes sure that I do see her large smile. I would stop, I tell her telepathically. But I am in the middle of a wave. The high Sirian energy of form makes me listen to Derek’s banter and explanations pour from his mouth like wet rain on silk, I can see the strands of his own alcohoism affecting his memory. Damn good Drummer at the deck closes up his rock solid set of records and I feel the hairs on my neck rise up as tho my back is turned to her she is studying my form. We unite in an ethereal realm. The hands we held together, the light in our eyes as we telepathically plan our future get together. I turn and walk out, knowing the bar up the road, back up the hill, opposite the police station there are shallow shudders from the trees and earth, rising as it does with new moon energy protects them from seeing us. It is as hard for the police to see us as it is for us to see them. The crowded bar yields up an immediate fruit. The fruit in the form of Kalib and Stacy, Paul and Matt, the crying eyes into pints long gone at this hour as we race to the final exactitude of drinking after hours. She makes her way up behind me gyrating and pressing her slim hips into my ass. Her hands reach around the bar for her drink and I hug the tight back, and the fleshy ness of my own palms presses into her waist. The poet lingers ewith words. I have been to the open Mike he’s saying. I’m hammered now bbut as you are here. The Sirian lynx punctures the flesh with teeth and lunches on the bared nipple from the wet t shirt the deck raves flah great jumps of mind leaop into eternity the poet signs a hello to jeane and there are more shots now on the bar, I swoop into the back ally for a smoke, she makes her way to the toilet, I see the opportunity we have is limited but only in time. We press up in the cubicle together our bodies and hearts rushing with the illicit and the subjective experience we are having of transcendence masked by the look in other peoples eyes, we know we are one. One at the bar for the Indian with his friend. Two at the bar for the queer and the Joker. Three on the bar for the Postman and the drunk. Five slip into nighties and rally a cry to the disco lights and the violet flame absorbns us all, from continent to hiding place, we reveal all secrets. “I’m forever blowing bubbles, pretty bubbles in the air,” Kev’s been banned from Millwall for a decade and the last match he is telling me was the big one against the Hammers. He has promised me a dafe escoprt into the Blue Triangle at a future date. I want to tell the Northerners a fer home truths. As the lIverpublican laughs and asks me if he has poured my pint alright I say and see he has recognized me as a Royal. Ah great Kindgom of Sumer come again.
I came five, six, seven times that night, on her chest, in her mouth, on her back, and on my own in the shower with her sat there reading the poetry on the walls: “Is this one from England?” She makes a long thin trail over the paintings with her fingernail, scratching the surface for more home truths I Envelope her again and finally we conjoin completely. It is done. The seeds planted, light their own way down to the seafront shops and the metallic telephone boxes of might. Sunshine has been replaced by an electric storm. Robert’s staggering home past Bar Bleu on the sea’s edge, hum drumming about taking a taxi home. Benjamin and Fern make their plans for Saturday Night. Hey. Brown bottle ally where the graqndmothers aid their bones. Slip juice into cup and drink together. The Almighty has arisen. Holding her hand in the car afterwards, talking about the Pikey’s interest in Catholicism and Crowlety. Did they really give him Crowley’s landlady’s diary. I wonder, pouring libation from Russia down my throat. Hi Hey! Steve rounded up a few pills and made me feel important, I the great weed taster, set up patterns for the masses. Love now Rules Supreme. The deity of light her hand in mind the yellow dresses in the schoolyards breething poetry as girl sweeps lawn and path p[erforming madrigals of music and magic with her beast inside the roaring thunder of lust, the dying embers of patronage, the juice squirting down her legs and into my mouth. I live in a small two room flat; shabby and oil and coffee stained carpets preside over walls concreted with images, painting sekmet from Egypt. She sits on the ladder, naked, as I draw her face in with charcoal. I shoot pictures flashing fast a hundred two hundred rolls of film across the vast acrerage of her beauty. Veunys rising up from the sea, comes crashing in with her beauty and smiles as she leans back into her metalk backed chair, pausing to enjoy the attention my look is giving her., Green sea fueled by beautiful rain. Robert staggers as far as College Kantina and is asked to step inside for a last glass of wine. He is forces, therefore to take in the electrical storm swarming round the Beachy Head where the even the suiced have been stopped by the image. We talk magic. Proper magician he is mate. And the conversation France eneters into the geometry. David Icke. The Illuminati. I talk with a grey haired geezer., I should know his name thinks Steve. Places eight tabs into my wallet. Hand on heart, this is true I say to chloe. The handsome man at the corner of the bar rejecting all protocal advances himself to the woman. Aie Christma Caramba. The seed smells inside me. The growing nutrients of a new age. Saturn propels me forward into 9 degrees of Virgo, and the gathering at the Russian’s Place takes shape. Grey clouds give way to black night. The summer is Royal and the summer is peaking and the waves are crashing and young girls hold their hearts and unplug their televisions because of rumour. The cars screech to a halt. The ecplipse has come, unannounced and unheralded. What planet is that? Even the astronomers were caught napping. What planet is that. The Pikey laughs. He’s got his hand in to Edinburgh and WILLIAM’as been awarded.. “No. You have been awareded the Order of the thistle! I poet, down beatedn for so many years, dovetailing life with the spiritual utterances. Where could Rilke have gone, else to the angels. Where would Rilke have gone had he stayed with the angels. I recall a past life, between the Lake in Balxaklva where the Prussian Prince made the pasth open to Tibet,. The Panchen Lama, and the whole hierarchy opened the gate into Albion, eventually seeing that it would take years and years. The codes for the reincarnation proptovole were given in 1876 AD. AN there are more to emerge. Now that the clearing of the air has taken place the seeds untie together internally and externally forming the New Horizon. The birth planted ideas of a generation, the double plus MaxPly condiments on the shelves, quivering with exceitement. Oh how sub atomic life likes to be bought. Oh great Form. Oh great wonder. Outside in the rain, he tells me, the Paikey notices a giorl roller blading up the prom on water laden pavements, with no bra with wetness dfripping and even tho I say it myself, never have I seen such breasts. That’s what he likes about life; when people just let go and give themselves the permission top enjoy, It is a phikosophy of Enjoyment he is gathering together. Now Crowleys happy. The open season of energy the final clearing through the lightworlers conduits as we all now hear and listen to the outet Planets. Ah I was worried in the downturns. I’d had a month two months maybe three months of extreme enjoyment. More enjoyment than I’ve had in years. Blissfull laughter and real risks. As the ^D blens and merges with Time itself, as we form the new now in the image of the source, as time and space are conjunct and are brought into synthesis, as the metallic lines of the Bar riveted with hands that are now at this moment still beating the drums of the Oluympiad. Ah Greeks. Ah Jupiter. Ah Deucalion. Ah Melissa. Ah Juno! Ah, the great Harridam pounces on me and extols my truth from me. The great Greek God and the Great Babylonian Goddess untied in hands together blessing wthe rain with gold and silver filaments falling from the sky light up the latent ptotozoa in the channel. We have agree to meet and recommence the great Northern projects; the Norse meets the Swede in the GRden of Earthly and Vegetable delights. We are going Horse riding today. The girl, giggling, pokes her best mate off the couch and introduces her to her father. The warm sleep of night is rubbed from her eyes. How did you sleep through the whole thing. The other day was then. This is now. We have the codes for the opening and the blending, the opening of the truem harmonic ovctave of the town meeting the old harmonic that was set up as imprint. The two worlds meet in time today, yes, they have co joined for this. The lights on the sea opff shore infddicate fisherman are stil out there sloshing in nets and dope. Fridges all over the world running on empty are no match for the whitenes in the dark sjy, Crack! Boom. The low thunder rolling round the bay waking up the south east corner of Little Britain. The English thistle the Irish hound the German lapdog and The Hungarian Count have all arrived here. The great rebuilt kingdom of Sumer, right here on the southern shores. From Folkstone the storm places itself over the channel absorbing the buiilogical data released from the glaciers. The elephantine rivers swell all the way up to London, pounding hearts hold steady on the briadge at Charing and sweep up to Bushy the water mark bleeding gold. The systematic construction of poetry; the heart of the Cosmos; the galactic nature of all things; the surreal and the mundane; the hidden and the seen; the two di poles of experience, moving to source and moving away from source were brought into a harmonic accord. Swoops of light through the rocks in the West Hill, downward m,elting energy into the small rivers and wells, spread into the telluric. Pikey shows me his two packs of cigarettes. Al orders another Dinner; even the kebab shops are closed. Gerry opens the door to his closed pub and stands on the lip opposite the two bos still selling weed, three a.m. Andrew makes his play for rosa outside Moda. Julie’s made her confidence known and she’s been willing to risk aklk for him. The catsuit and hotpants were made at home but the heels she had to go to London for. The time tube of the past, the votex generating positive energy that was all held in for so long. The panchen lama made that agreement long ago. As china moves through its rubble, the west becomes the east and all is reversed. The here was reversed over a year ago. The positive dipole remains in place. This is doing, they tell me. This is what we can now do. Now that the codes have been cleared and the opening smade clear and the agreements signed sealed and delivered …
I wake upo, bright, breezy. My Gemini inspired mind races for a minute before I realize Stacy’s curled up behind me, holding my hand. Naked save for her thin white vest top. I rest again. Unlike my own usual habit of getting straight out of bed, I feel a sense of relaxation , and realize that I can lie down and rest with her, her nergies are that clear. I just lie there for what seems like several hours, several relaxzing hours where the phone is not ringing, there are bno builders outside, even the road sweepers and car vacuumers seem to have taken the day off. When she wakes, its as if she sense si t too. And we both lie there, drawing ourselves closer to each other until we are hugging and pressed together in silnces, as if we both knew, as if by some chance she too had found the one. So the Lion did lie down with the Lamb on Broadway in the end, and the intrinsic meanings of life are uncoded by the fullest expression of Love. Fun today love? Yes I’m fine. Afterwards standing in the kitfchen drinking OJ. After that, sitting on the floor, stunned, not even needing a coffee or a cigarette. And then I put her back up on the ladder again, and she sits there, draped in a white sheet, looking ever so Greek and ever so beautiful. Both of us smiling. That was some night. Yes. Yes it was. Even now, even after all that, she is still trying to speak without moving her lips. Yopu have to understand how I paint. I begin I tell I know I feel. Waters in the bath are warm now for you darling. She slips between bubbles and I caress my own good luck, hoping it and I never run out of fuel for manifestations like this!.
The next interludes are dominated by the eclipses, august one to sixteen, dominated too by the involvment of my own mind maps from May and June, telekinesis, mayan claneder free wheeling returns on the bar HOLLY STICKS her necks out of joint and the yes of Stacia are open to me. lLingering in the floodlit cavern she peeling off from the group to come hug mne she says, come and kiss me. We roll into the DUKE AND HIS MISSUS near claps herself shuit with jealus of how she wishes she had the freedom to fuck around. Love takes a bit of a back seat. Aquarius, Chiron and Jupiter all seem to be Northward bound to nodes, Chiron feels like a new mode has been made. The slippery surface of the beer stuck to the linoleum gives her feet enough purchase on the floor. Shoes from Next grip the side of the lavortory as she lifts skirt to finish herself off; poppong another E. Outside I am smoking and listening to her at the small window in the ally. She saying she likes ro know she is being heard, or watched. Arrangements are made to deliver delicious fantasies into the real. Byh Monday I am deep into Dirian energy. The delight has been replaced by a cold if stoic approach to ho9me and living. I resume the job of sorting piles of paper; buts up on the bed she does as her legs stretch to reach the walls I am blutaking myown lover to one side, I am blue for you she says this as her feet swing off the wall and around my hopping cock, her fingers reaching for oil and her toeas now marking my penis with nail varnish. As sweet a wetness and fondness as love is, I emerge from the cavern, delishously ravaging my own heart, loving her every minute of it. Round top bar stools perched bums and black shorts over balc s frog leggings tgie our attention to her lower half; she seated last week at the Rooms, swinging her belly and showing me the bruises again she comes to me with etes, eyes wide and curious as if I am some sort of foreign object unseen, unknown. Are all lovers endangered species? Does lust rule the conquerors fears? However much I try and avoid her gaze I can’t help but accept, she knows it too. Every night I am in her metaphorical bed. Every day I wake up in her arms, talking softly and gently, happy to be free of the old controlling dialogue that the harpie used to drone on and on outside the drunken navvie’s wife fingers cheap bacon as the old sausages fryd up in the wythces sauce fake orgasms for a controlled delight. After the karaoke, after Leon, after Mate Matt gloss finished and the strewth of humnour and thje belly extended arching across my body, she coming onto me, slowly the other one after a few beers also making her intentions known now as the roof is lifted on Morals, as the scheme is made for the evolution of society as the calender and the sixth dimension create forms, so the Wind comes in. they tell me I am col. General XAVIER 56, FRONM jni 89 Arcturus CODE 45, through the veil. Lifting Heat to Full MOON. Hope and glory. Outside olde England, reorganized now, the Matrix and the countryside. Adlington bringing back 2 GOLDS ; the smashed record of Spitzx’s Era. Fading fast, growing licentiousness, cash in hand and freedom from shaeckles; the mighty roar as I camoe inside her nose. The endorphin rush up the birth cnala. The electric heels in the cocksure atance as brickety barbecues replaced by coal fired burners in the country attract nest embedders from all over. Sheep hang their lingerie off wooden rails, lilac slick tooth laden with dentistry biting into pink labial skin. The sunreplaced by roaring storms that bring in Codes from the Galactic Cxenter. I can’t quite believe Dvert called me again or that ghollyoaks attracts my attention. Fortune favours the enlightened. The sirtian codes come in all at once, the roof lifts off the skirts are off the knickers are off the shoesd are all over the floor theres a spilt coffee on her rose carpet, the crimson duvet is stretched across her naked body as Mary makes toast for the two of us as I take puctures. Al calls me over for a pint, and Mike makes it clear that his business is going to take off in the new year. Michael speaking to me quickly and rapidly, so much of it in code, so much of it making sense, so many risks. The day I worked out new key commands for the Mac is the day I spent my load making sure I didn’t spend my load. Skywalker meets Leila in the fountain of youth over in Bermondsey frogs make leaps into the coulm of light made by light. The nine dimensional has really released its potential I say, as I sdleep with the mask on my faveorite face, her little hand clutching my thumb as a girlchild goes to sleep secure in one sense. Mothers still beckon. Irregardless, irradiant, the Christine Child makes it clear. There must be something more now to evolve. Every pore, by the time I reach Grand Central on the 16th, every pore has opened with sewett yellow sticky plastic on car seats the olaboured tourists round up the cushy and go bowling barreling rolling haunting inebriating Yellowstone park generals make tiradeous notices to keep bears in order the great Nebual opens its gates to the new subatomic and protoxzoic. Feeling ice codes fueled by sun I take shelter from the rain and the blazing solar winds that came through this year. Our curtains roll green into the heart. New wood makes balances in the House. I take up book organizing and diplay myself to heroes welcome. Coides are made to lift up the energy, purification processes …. Made real as I look back to June 2 2005, and March 20 2002 and really find it all quite extraordinary. Here I am! She jumps in through the porch door and announces herself to me. Ah sweet love of wisdom. Sophia in trainers and trekky bottoms on carpet, sparking up a wedding Bong for the two of us starts rambling musoic talk and slippery fingers make wheels in the air as she showers me with compim,ents, I lift up my energhy and try to meet the intensity. God making manifest a divinity! God and Jesus and Mary as Heart Principles. The violet flower she shows me only after fifteen minutes, puilling aside she showing no fear unveils the sanctified source and growls. I make apoliogies as I wipe the trace of last years lust, and the heart amythyst crystal I hold to my own view absorbs the last malignant strains of 3rd density lechery. They are all beautiful. She brings me to the cadence of feeling tho I recognize all this I have also created myself; However, even as I reach inside the white bra strap’s metallic click laden endeavour grows to finger me. Her feelings are that we both created a divine reality to insure a decent time in this our last sojourn away from Home. In Amen, the kebab slaying woman reaches her maz at two a.m fortunes finding her sober enough to ask him back to her place. Red licking lips at the plastic table greatly excite her anticipatpry powers; the whole town, now, a whole twon, the grid locale, now a unified grid, the seventeen boys playing chase me facter Boy come round to see her THONGING. THER DREAM. Inside the alletys, offices, ups tairs Cosmoplitan delights hide the sophistication of the sub dynamic enterpise. The infinite subtlty and display of forms breaking round the corner the hungaryyan Magyr makes full strides twice nightly up to Town. Perk nipples rouged for him. Her arms. Their kinky endeavours. Truht is in the conceptual dynamics of the Ninth Dimension, and all wil be revealed. She whispers to me, later that night, in the yellow haze of the candles we have lit to receive him that I am further on now and that the awareness and the Soul choices also come clearer. Stacking shelves, at home, Stace makes her legs taut on the counter so he can take her quickly. Theres not much time between toilet breaks and lunch, she says to him. But you can find me waiting behind the pellets. A New Yorker has made his himome routwe to Yo nkers for just just such a sweet seweeting Englsih rose without prickles. Ancient forces occupy center stage. &^% BC is processed. The Diamonf LD > flying Garuda, prophecy trelelfton *9 made it through, I , hunfer. Make it so.
It’s the 20th. Phew and blammoed by the rejection at the Royal Lees hut his head the bands playing vertiggio on the doormat, several edges conundrum builders heads with vertex swartes made by Heaven. Nightly queen bess at the bar on Saturday. The white shirt pulled up round her heavy midriff. Love they tell me doesn’t observe; or is afraid of accepting what it observes.
Phones ringing off the hool, these rapa and their friggin girlfriends opinions poluutating the environments. Outside we strum our guitars, happily oblivious. Down at the Oak, theres new buds ready for autumn, and Missy’s nearly pregnant and Her Friend is too. When the old man showed her how to out it out the only thought in her mind was that she had finally figured out how someone became pregnant. Cor blimey. So that’s how it happens. After that she systematically pretended, I don’t know. And hoped she was never asked. Of course and now that’s over, the springs hope and the buildup latent shrubs in Kensington, now flowers and concerts have passed. An eternity rose up from Jupiter. A cloud of clrty smacker, made the Elspeth min me qwak, Lemmings rubbed noses with forthright ganymedes cruised the Nile, everyone was a subjective conjunct and the labella made noise when she ripened. Onward entelechy, romanced Keats. Onward enantiamorphia. Musaaes revered in Maya quoted vertiginous verse from the high altiude of working class life. In whent Y’isis. Out came Circe. In went Minerva. Out whalloped and outclapped by Eurydice, the churchbells slayed. I am a tourist, he shouted. Quizzicked by meandering watchers, smokey joe nobbleiffers and butters in the plenitude, last year made by Silence, wished they hadn’t seen the eloquence. Strut wenched and ambivalent engineers hoped they would have it in them to barf. Long time phone callers, switchcard operators and Mendacious Stamp Collectors were all bedeviled when it came to buying the bacon, swotting flies off the crackhole with the Daniel chapter from the frech national bibliotecha. Worlwind. Vortex. Tornado. Pomegranat, the sincerity was remarkable. Humbled by the sheer exactitude and explanatory potentioal of the aforesaid Immobilius Mundi, I wrote a scrapheap into magenta on the Fosters Bar cap. Tense moments ensues as Deaf by lightening ordered his vesitgular and round bottomed Annexe from Poloratugatoral in West pughkeepsie Buzzed the door for the late night lock in. Vanquished by the bill paying extrav, invertebrate dollars, fortnightly winter suits and endless sallied forth couches unizsed and sexed by Couch, ran the headline later that day to avuncular renegades from Besswax Heaven, where the angelic wrote scripts about the magnificence of the worms endeavours, others just trod on unblended by the extrav beeanth yore, after habitude and Consueal the Rorty gang bustered with the sennet, and seats were sold with the couches for an eloquent gesture of arse made round the nighthalls for a wagon of jelly they, stooping in the litlamp promenade, bathing in the forty something smackspectaculr Hastings Girlsin the denim blue dress ran up to the Owner of the Yelton, calling him a Fat Wanker. Pisshead across the street, bneing boirthed yeronner from Rumdigger postcode fx45 2c, wrote back to me saying he hadn’t called her a bitch, but a bloody tourist, roaming round Men’s Hells for a good scene. That made him swallow. And as he thought “Crikey of Rileye” I’ll have to sea craggy green about that unless the Winderstruck bombshells calls, then its nadooks for Egyptians if I’ve a half swallow in me I’ll be… But he never had the chance to finishete the pretty, because latelyeliet and tardily bunched in rags, barreled over the bar for the chinks Charity Bottle, and then legged it out the boozer. Farmers in Washington noticed the sea swell underneath their bedeviled castle when that turned yellow and sour, he thought she said, swore, never to build a castle without a moat and fact. Drainage levels near zero. Dambusters nightly on Sundays pouring Romance down the guilltine of Tv. Barfed. That sent Sally to the hospital as her Fluke was in Casualty with the geezer from Knightsbridge having just had his head kicked in by the norther posse. Latitude wet fifty found them banking way too much foranIcicle and they were sold out by scum from A European enclave. They daid fuck you back to the nurse when she told and insisted no treatment until they showed some cause to sober up, at which point out came the whiskey, “to steady my head, dear.”
It slipped shoed round at the speed of light, yet stuck in a chair was I. the elfin marvelous directed the seamstresses and the world shook with joy. Beijing has finally closed out the games. It was a good one, by all accounts clear air and notwithstanding a few questions about underaged and armpithairless teens on the pole bar, all went well. Now the banners come WEST. And so, tree root and sapling rises prepares for a future. I have now accepted a role in all of this. Some aspects have frightened me; even after 4teen years, I still quake when on the precipice of the New. And yet sometimes, its not the new that makes me shake, it’s the implications of the revelations; the significance and power of belief conjured in the right f88 direction. I paved my way out of the Neptune Leo override in August and simultaneously genii locied my way back to the Olde England, shaved and locked out, roaring at the magnitude of the gold elixer costing as much as brass. The germaine reflections on the lifd of an eye; Kenya resounding on the karaoke but in the back halls of Los, urizen and Tharma made their way back in the door via the poets wild and wet and watery bismuth in Palestine. From Wales came news. Under an oak tree the new codes for the telluric would be given, Six thousand bbareass naked nymphs lined the avenue. A ferry took us across the worst of the crags, and the queen greeted us cordially and civilly. Beneath her trousers a radiant light emanating. For our enjoyment, Sara and Nadine displayed excellence; and Natalia and Okgo Yes said, this one’s for St Leonards. We were hot on the A list then. We moved aside from Mercatoria selling up at 195 thousdand land we’d built a farm on before Portugal. Now we renew Olive and apple trees, budleas and laburnums coat our walls and our entrail wreak of love. Distinctive personages stood in line with mere elf mortals and vanquished our fear of them by displaying humanlike foibles. The dresses flew up to the top flag pole and men burned decent sized reefers in the gm lorry of a New Jamaica. From there, rain fell, and we grabbed the chance to praise our nakedness and blew the top of the house that night. It was amazement. Amazement that Uranus had predicted and proved the quickening is health and must happen. QUIXOTIC as Aquarius was in Neptune, the memories of sea swathing our hips as we dove like dolphins into. She and I made sound yawp together off balconies. Lord of All glammed it up into the couch for his missus brought tea round for the Big Screen. Plebs shed beds and tv’s were all thrown out. The carcasses of technology everywhere laden by the bins. Orange neon happenstance and yellow juiced wine gums made us lick our lips for all that eclipsing, something did shut down, perhaps a Virgoan tendency for perfection is a good thing, wondered Ben Elfin out olud from the balcony. As he watched the sun setting on that hot summer day his mind returned to the bluebell field in which he’d first lay down with her; her dark skin so close to him now, seemed oddly distant in his memory; All he could really remember was the sound of the grass. Windsweeping in from the West took them inside, and drinks were poured before the taberbnacle was again given to the collective. All hail jupe the tone free of All remonstrance, simply shining.; Beulah, Ulvelah and Xerxes all presiding in fornicating madness of Dsionysian cleansing under ritualistic holly the sun shone down. Further back from the green fields, patterns on lawns emerging, circular, tetractys, ovoid, oblongate quadicosidodecahedrons and the Ceres side of Astro jumping became clear, even on that hot night the shields went up against the solar ingress, star studded from 2 million years ago Green said that was what Stevens meant to say with his concupiscidiant guitar. I myself drove a yellow wheelbarrow down to the Old Ladies pram race and bedeviled by tankards pissed in by barkeeps too bored to think much of it. Ah swoon. The street swayed with the speed the notes came out the banks. The corners were eroded, but the cornices were perfect. Church of sandstone turned inward and became domicile, and the glittering vectors were making it all come right. I went with Don down to the Leon Castle, and there, high abover Borders and trans beyond concept and experiences there bathed in that florid light. Buddhas drove their wars down to the Laundromat and it all became clean, and well ordered. Saturn, pushing through at 11 degree of the Virgtin cloud made us look toward the 2010 conjunctions but at the back of the top of the flagpole there was the when it all was over, and here we were referrirng to 2020 or thereabout. Eight long forks were placed side by side at the dinner table that night as the Edinburgh festivellers broke rank and played Dixie Down on trombone for the Candian Marionettes who had always been Scottish brought back tap shoes and tradition to the islea. Cameras and actions, makeshift watches and new night panties disregarded for the imaginal. Cleveland broke though into the Royal enclosure, winning its race in Valencia two fathoms before the next, as Neptune again sailed us to the gold. We couldn’t stand it, but we couldn’t hate it either. We couldn’t analyse it but nor could we ignore it. A dog running through the park leaping into the arms of a puppy; and the dandelion tea served upon angelic conches that were laced with Hemming and Vitamin pills. Our hearts, enriched by this spectacle, stood there on the balcony, only feet from the Queen.
She was great, the great western blue electric steam fulled locamotiveationed us through tallow and fallow yes until we were there high as robbins dusting themselves off with laquer, smarting through Xiix
fibulations in the chunnels, ground meat axes in heads laughing at the new You tiube Tube slots were backhanders malingered with juice fueled etiquette as the marionaettes played laughed oh yes we laughed. I was beside her there and then, looking up like a lap down through the folds of her dress. Beautiful she was and not half bad as Danny said it, nearly cut his finger on her dress sense he did. Anyway, there we were , schamboozling or whatever she was suppsed to be doing, we were then…great nives and parks and warm burrons on silks in windows designed by dream merchants to pander for the establishment. Poetry, yeah we had loads of it coming out through our trousers in fields where chestnuts dropped down onto liminal chicks on their yellow breasted waveup the long walk, sally, she roared helpless asna ant, horses ass mouth speaking gibberish we were so happy that yes came through the music and the streets dj’s encamped in barracks, the light green oaks drawing us in. We were upon the woodlands edge when we saw her. Fantastic. All of the winter sould of albion following in her trail. The waking up wasn’t easier than difficult and we sat at the feet for several hours hosting our thoughts together, the plates of the past and the new risen princess presiding. It was elocution and investigation; romance and genius took us throught your land. You were liminal and fantastic as we brushed past you on the lawn all of our elders saying, look at that. My dsear ones, the sweet filled hearts of the love we were feeling came throughout the day. When the seamstress had left the boys alone and run me to the offies
I was on the verge of thinking something when he said, “You should write that down” and so should you and so Windsor west upon staines massive ground the earth shaking and heaving with the new codes, planetarised consciousness and the laughter both making waves up the chasm of dreams, and so it came to pass that we was we that were there eh. Mate. Looking across the barroom I could see Simone was anchoring her back bra strap for better supportage and visual we were enjoyment itself then and coming up better than not on any more of that mate? Two packs came through with the merchc. And we sailed round Thameswater for the broomcupboard was full that day roaring nebulous, intrinsic, furthering the yor and the vortex was sweeping us upon it now inside As the hurricane hit, we swelled, picture the desert with sea washing over and he said, Did You Know, Ants never sleep? It was an odd one that was, and As I was still so very busy… words dawned, drowned by the music in her things…”Getting the big man into the bath,” she said. “that’s what my game is.” Done trussing her, I heard she’s a lier and a thief. Dualism creaking out of the new woodwork; couldn’t very well cover up the sore past with a lick of new paint. Did you see the cobwebs. Arnold was talking. This time, having painted the football posts white, they had him do the shed. Just paint over em mate. Win’t do any harm. Youn and youthful she was then, a very tribe of earthly delights in her own being. A joy to visit her sometimes on the train she would sprawl and cavort, stretching herself into the new clothes. Gap. Denim. Yankees snapped heads as we, underground and well, uncovered with Hazed Hued Vodka, exploring the relationship between military inner and out space. The Ok roared inside me, yelling at me, this was the way to gold. But she didn’t listen, or if she did she hisd with it behind the chest, with all the rest of her secrets. It was wonderfull really. Shelly made his move, exciting the girls. Princess B, from school, lingering softly at the camera as she learned its new technology, and old Customs and Excise Man came in to spy on the properness of the ultilities. The laughed at him, as theyh always did. Horses for courses and all of that. Simplified lines drew us to the Great Park, even if the Queen was awry, she could be brought round to the idea that it was aworth the meeting of the minds. The Old Tree vectoirs that had been replaced from the great flood and the rainfueled extravaganza that was the green fields held the parties attention for four hours, Ernest laying in the grass, soothing his exploding parameters. Melchtis lab the fox hound Grover rounding up his tails, Prince Mikael s youngest coming in from school without his shirt and a ripped blazer, good deya at the offarce dear? Rancid memories left beside the tree side. 10, 00 oaks and an unopened letter still to be faced wirth, myrth and welcome mats later on Mid Town near Top Shop on the hill raising the flag for all to see. Godlove and QEC directifying the earth fragments. Deer Park Varnasi, and the old Buddha swayed as they chased themselves into laughter. A phot tn the eye then arriving, for her smile we asked and consented. Ismerorican, ladies in svelt hats masqueraded as future pies and preece of this? Ah. Pass the butter. Let the mountain explode itself and be what it is inside itself. Letting the copper oars running.
Bare rolling and watching the telly, its truck me one afternoon as I surveyed the para Olympics that this was hr year we would. Beijing and parachute drops from twenty thousand. Ashamed to admit. Delighted to announce. Chantalle Petticlaire and the onederfu way this has happened. Now there is the new start, a desire and huge feat made. Theres something in the air; seven years later, in Tibet as the panchen Lama and the Entourage make their own way through the fires. I, carrying fag and lunch of vodka and juice and dreams that I once had, rolling down the hill in sixteenth position through Sough up Ealing Broadway. Ere mate. Gis us a hand with that limit. See that? Tanni and Wannit. Wearing a Phelpsian desire of five medals. And I decided that we would and we could and we shouldn’t let the poor dame pass up the chance for a sickette note. Downstream guards hid in the bushes at Long Walk, Upstream stares as the delights and the folie coupe du Grace was launched downtown. She was shiny she was shirty she wore pantyhose up under he nighty. He was handsome that one was quick and the world reverberated with Compassion now that the paralympic flame has been lit. We curled up on couches and cried for Louisa as she ran the last haf mile with only one hand inside her; the hearts were dragons, the Hsng Hou dynasty said it was best, how they made their fortune pulling rigging across the high seas I just don’t know. Its her birthday, said to explain for her behanviour dancing and ringin in the night, poor bloke from Kitwe wth a black eye sounding very dour about it all. Upscaled at Paddingtons, passage through tubes to the Victoria Express we were lining up for delights when she lifted her dress now we are back at home drinking eating pizza and loving with smiles and gless and truths that we feel on the floor in black boots the one we made up and the one we left behind and the truth and the farce of it and under their milks white steaming session of a weightlifiting Powerball of a night the glum yellow brick faced Van Gogh left behind wioed off with a European smile. PppAre pare. Duttare. Com. The shinin lamp upon the roads of our own hearts had been lit, and I felt a surge of compassion and sadness; embarrassment at myself, and yet, understanding. How we are and have been a compassionate world; how wee care why we care what we care about and what it is that we do and can unify around. The younf wan yes tit up the old crocker was telling me, His father worked fa Bmw and that was a white propellor ain the dei sky on the hub. I played with Clarkie as a babs, Yellow jacket. Bee. Watch out it sings and it stings, through the corridor a hearty laugh and a notebook came from the Near East. The flame was lit from the temple of Heaven as the galactic center passed overheard this year we crammed into the tube station near ten pm and found ourselves sitting opposite a right little minxer who was it seemed most definitely tho she was of course there with her mother of which of course there is no doubt that she was yor honour on this squireHe let us pass by. The four squaddies making their own way up to the barracks later, understanding that we had a special dispensation to see the Queen’s Grounds when we lit our cigarettes, questions would have been asked but in no sense were we trammeled by any of it. The wave of compassion swept through the nation some four days later, and it was welcome as we dsi we had to now and we did welcome the High Priestess of the Annuaki and the Sumerian Babylos roared into the fire again. Once outsde the stadium we were picked off by a couple of right Royal trests and they shared a moped ride so they were goshawfully hot and sweaty when we hugged. There was the wave again. Sweet, sentimental, crisp and cool. Callouses removed by something in the heart had loosened the truth.
Christmas came went was better and wasn’t yearly anyway even at the best of the solstice seasons shifted by degrees and cevtor quarants of our own experience were uniting something. Itt was amazing that anything culd e agreed upon. It was truly her fault. There really was a way to the moon. I really could win a flight to the outer edges of the sub lwevelas of the darkness of space.. Money did really grow on trees and there really were orphans being looked over in the west. It was a fantastic party laid on by fried green eggs and yellow melted sweets as the cloths and bedding as the shelves and illuminations were lit, there was a hush. A quuer walked down beside the track. Shameless. Open bob Monkohous’es mouth. Maonthly ayment `Udimonitors and qwuoncupiscents cigars. Yet be was the seemly of the Yellow Ice Cream. Round tooth and knock hatch to swarm of mackerel and flemming, the M25 talking of over our heads surrounding us each blade of grass up St Leonards Road carrying the messages; the real truth in the Para Polyamourous Olmpic Teamate’s face. The quietitude of Poetry and sausage, and mash. Benny Hill’s death and the turbulent skirts he wore. Their own genius and even today the grim polished mouth of a SuperNanny believing scripts are better than farce. Is she a fake Is he for real? Hey dude, pass the hammer would ya. We laughed. We had to. There was no choice in those days. We had no money. Not like now of course, oh no, definitely not like now. Then there were the radished. Few could say they’d seen anything as large after that. And on Wednesdays? Well, you just couldn’t move for the poets were there creaming off the cake everything their greedy hearts could eat at, munchers on spicersm travelers on uppers, pissers on toasters, and lambruscian teens on E’s for a weekend away from the Sebastopol. Cardiff Yeovil Bulith Wales Cardiff Yeovil Bulisth Wales. The Virgin train lost ground to the fucking great western at Slough and after that said the Ceo they’d reconsider flights to the Bahamas once the idea of Ike had passed. There were ransoms to be paid. The new kind of Corporate executive had of course been replaced by the mid nineties scarcrow bt after the girls had left the office in such a state there really wan’st anymore desire in the Compant yo to daew. So. Right mate? Beer arrived. Poured again, taverna gal Sharking it, on pints. Size eight. We were listening to the streets while Fanta’s Asked the Dust for more sponsership for their share of the Olympic Euro Million share prize half funded by the Lotto, the Belgian Education Minister and the German Home affaires Minister, Albrecht Schumpter, broke rank and arranged for a metallic metal Mickey to mark the Centenary of the Bicentennial Half stamp and Coin.
Down at the Sargeant, the Peeps came in droves for the truth. Bamboozled by the lights. It was when I was kissing them that they loved me, until the see saw swing bridge from the North came through the blue truth on me mickey mobile, text heavens sent to root the toot and yip the yap and crap the shit shat from the top of my cap. I wanted to tell myself the whole truth and nothing but the truth; cept the truth kept shifting near and far came to see it and hear it, and then over the counter trade made up the rest. I was hungry too for it, and pushed right through every barrier to get to the ticket office. But what was it that people wanted; I mean really wanted. Was it necessary to think about it anymore. I wonered whether the human heart would ever change, but the real truth was, did the heart need to change, was there anything wrong with the heart. In my own life I had seen change and I knew, as there really was no other way of saying ither way to wish away the past away, we were on a continuum of evolution and what had evolved was good and clear; now for the mincing, shouted Bert from the walltower, fresh off the boat are ya Mik? We spoke about Tara too, she had been in the Navy for two years and it wasn’t until she back home six months that she found out. And then there was Charlie. Dear Charlie. All maff and naw bavver. Ti Quit Na Baby. Jake said she wouldn’t mind. The rain pelted. The sun melted. The facts driveled into the brain’s circumscised trips of yawping towers. Eighteen thousand miles of Concert later; two million ham sandwiches on the lawn, twenty three million cups of tea etween five and eleven and saying that, there’s Phil now. Holding a book called Wallis by Jack Desolation Marge had a fag on each home run, sparking up Fenway, she was the cause of its rebuild. Cream Factory learned that Steve wanted Merissa To My Wedding to come for a home Queen/ O Driscoll Rounded the friscoil. The yurt gave way to John Hurt and the uy said, Yaever seen a Teepe mae? Tarmac outside the carpet Pub selling us fifteen quid bottles of wine just because they should shouldn’t. Who did care. The I did care and the Olymipiad and the future cared and the people were untied once again. Da feet are always momantuary. Da friggin ships were faster than cars now and the freekin speed a comminication was faster than light and we was yabbering away with Zelotropa 59 and Alpha Zoomed us in again and again the sheer fact of our fourth dimensional Overcoat came down upon me; the way corterized and circumscribed had been once a ridden and loved path and then fairly I said to it, it had to change. Later years past and the Soul came through again but that’s’s missing out a bit. The girl wasn’t happy. She delighted in having her buttons undone slowly, surely, beautifully. There was a time for ripping yar anup from the waterbed she said I could follow her to York and we could catch the same cold together. Clouds gathered that day up at the Overpass the Dickless goof was sdtanding in the shadows dancing with a marionette face and a whiskey under each arm, Spelenplednidide! Shoutes from the bartstaff, the one redesigned dress amongst them shimmering like a lost flower in the ancien regime of the ocean. Upwards sailed the hands to the air, pints flying screams and yokes sold for buttons swim children swim couched the proud parestibales upon landing ina sea of chips and swiftly cleaned up shit. Yes. Are you? She was quiet. Dan was made good by a wandering truth and I was angry at myself. And they were happy and then I was happy. And then they were sad. AND then we all forgot what we were feeling as limbs and lanes and things opened upon the shoreline ahead a new pier, dreams that we could have and hold. Get Potter out of here! Landlady at eleven stood up by Hack the Main Mack of Jake and the sausages were sold for three pounds every day lifted fro m the same shelves. And all the police cared about was who was selling the drugs. Well, to celebrate an Olympiad, a non smoking venue had to be established and where better but beneath the big screen TV. There was truth in it. And I had given it a lot of thought, plus there was no doubt I had gven them permission. Mountains of ice cream, flags deserts, stories of life , hell tears, repeatitions Simon making X cry Jane making herself cry people coming people making themselves pretty people Making themselves with sugar coats to hif the wife back from teeland to Zeeland on a Yom Kippur Coastal seaway that went from Sirius B to Anglesey. Coming inbound G &6 Five Nine from a Geezer in Spain., “that slow ahead Goat, the Captain, reversing his Jimmy over her lawn, didnae care to plan the exodus from her bank too his. It was seeping through the tarmac on (87 at 678 point nine knots in the windspeed, gales, tornadoes and the root beer gurgling off the dream for a while I sped into the old taverna and pished my innings away with good cheer. And then we wet ourselves in France, siply pissing ourselves laughing as the eyes came u from the fields bearing gifts from the marooned queens. Flowerlilly and Blossom Socks made their fortune at the Hyndai Two thoudsand guinea sweep steaks rops and tackle fidgeted amongst the plans and the wet dew sucked from my feet a thought that was plum bare exposed. I wanna clean slate, I kept repeating it to myself like a mantram Om Ah siddhi pema hum aon mah bike the year passed fast by as Illinois spread her legs and received me. There was something I wanted to say and there was sometimes a feeling a sense an issue as the gargoyledd inner mentor defecated on the best ideas; so were the best ideas that hidden? Down in the Pueblo it was easier to see, but up here in the heights it was harder. As the guilt and the dreams that didn’t happen merged with the necessities of doing. Telve IMIX, the calender shaking truth hit the headlines around 2011. And as the stellae had predicated, there was a new speed, and it wasn’t clear who could and who couldn’t keep heir end of the bargain up. Not that matter was substance. Nor that light was all there was either. The geometry of the torid, exploained and expanded well enough now into the rivers of his Tuft’s laden mind the Minge from onty had brought her seat at the tupelo and there was a crowd to see her through it. Inside the Puelble the speak ggot ten esier and the feelings simpler driving home the daisies in the Misdichotomized Saloon that became the Beauchamplacemat in another life. Taking the peas out of dolphins, Brainhead said was fun. Easy irony on the news sending e straight back to the first pages of the glass bead game. Writing for one. Wrting for none In between the hubris and the ha ha that’s funny, beside the boat with the nigger tied up and the heart ripped out generations later we had encountered the soul; we had encountered the facts of degree ventors and soul engineering we had bloody well discovered what the world was really about. Hadn’t we? There was a hush before the redecorated Albert Head hall broke into pandemonium for yet there was a another strip ass bare naked beauty delighting someone somewhere with a wistfull eye. Mind and hearts turned to Pound. Dollar looked in. Yen took a handle and played lottery. The frank marc lire punt had all been dissolved; were they planning to bring that all back into operation some time in the future. Ah yes. My lady, she was reminding me again, too this too that too … bites of twix late and I was soiled again on a floor in Windsor by the inebriated, misguided and jlly lads had given me up to the pleasure of it. I had to force the strawberry down. Guides lingered from their routes delivering messages that I was then supposed to deliver. Pound after pound went seeping out of the wallet and mysteriously came seeping back in again all the world was a acar and a Hyundai model makeshift with green top and vertexes that had been designed inside diamond prisms where our hearts and our good health had stood rooted to the ground there mighty huge and massive displaying branches that were as entwined as the mitochondria and the amoeba’s cocks. Who had also come dancing and enjoyed the fray. Lenses were then fitted, one at a time and gently so as not to overpower the Nebulas over Chile Pandora, the Panama Matrix and the NeoHolland High rise drinks that were supped when the Hawaiin ones came on line. EKahuna! E. Mamkela. E og shin tam ekashowana. Te akalana de Madeira tuvuela.! Si. Five oceans we had crossed, and still our seccxtants were true. The cloud cleared later, years passed, months became sweet memories and weeks dissolved into pains that couldn’t be understand until one fine day the water brok and there it all was, exposed beautifully for what it had ad always would be generation after generation no matter the weetabix eaten would still miss this one. There was noise and bells and animals ad furs and furs as animals as oxygebnatag green grade three from Urubula came with extensive remodulation and remixed fibreopticoids as the galaxies said yessiree to the plan bob. A. Why Marlowe keeps going up the river and why them Indians passed on all that tobacco. Yep that was about it. And then , and there and thus it was said, “to look at a thing monstrous and free’ that’s the beauty of it. Uglified by the too tight fashions we were breaking out like amoeba, everywhere feeling, fueling opening our hearts to the enormity, breaking down every expectation and judgement until one fine happy day when we were all finished with that business… three dots as a heartbeat and then the chilling cold of the pure empty compassion and heart of it all rooting us like those oaks into soil through thousands of miles of e and f and G train tracks all over the world. I sang Fardo and changed the way I viewed the underwater world. It took 260 years all told. 20 x 13 and that was it, the home run number come in with boat seventy seven 441. The shouts from the pub across the road were heard by the neighbours, bearing up after three hours of Carnage at the Festival. The Carlisle root cellars rampaged by salt water were filling with fresh drum beats and the wine saved from christmas’ past was brought out in our silver cabinet trails of tears. Yarrow took readings from the MidAtlantic risge and depth charges were made into scane so that we could improve the quality of our genetics. And that’s how we were dug in with points doing pasa dobble and Mesoamericans doing tango on the high rafts of cruise ships down usa’s pants a really new set of genetics shop bought from money saved high up from the plains of Stonehenge there were several languages we were using. There were reasons we had left such gaps at Scarra Breay there in the plankton’s heart, beneath all that huppa hupela George and his vanquished knights came rolling back in from the West. Orkney roared and giggled, found it all very funny as time wasn’t exactly as pertinent to them as it was to us. I, the flexible thief on my own trail of the triple octopus. Oored at Ingerness, we had shales and hoodies with enough supplies to support the veritable and noble armies oft taught hought. Time had not weathered this lot flat, I thought I was a sheer drop! Co mary, lookat the size of it! Eels brought in were sold and hung in dry leathered satchels that the old tubman had wor and made before his lot came in at pier nineteen there were several hundred gold doubloons, and even the odd Roman coin din’t fetch more than a few hundred. Gentlemen of yore were not considered less they had an annuity of ten thousand pounds a year, making all us these days, Wells dug seep off Turbingen way were re routed via Kentickette bridge for the Loang Haul over the Yangtsee, three thousand guineaseans were born making that road fit for saddle lovers who legging their tired limbs up over their guitars drew pictures for us of a world we had seen time and time again change. In outer Mongolia the sheeps bollocks kept popping up in the pub’s stews, and across the Alaskan and Siberian railroutes, sleeping gals in Lumbermen’s Jackets searched for frilly knickers beneath old dressers hewn from ancient cedars. Still, dying for some and not for others seemed to be the proclivity of some and not others.
Did `up swell then to night sea and dreamfueled as there was in this fuel a consortiments of aperitifs and vestibules, prams and chasers, dof hated and goggereled racers west of ascot had come down for freebies in nighttime publican haunts. Stories wielded up several Mayors, a famous Grouse Hunter the ex-duke of the Queens House guard who had relocated to Ipswich after the way. From Wolverhampton came bandy legged bicycletteers who had swarmed around the Carlisle for pints yer gonna have for afters when the Roz arrived from Duneaton all eyes turned and the venom between the men wwas disregarded only by the idiotic and obscene. Shaven heads mulled with pint sized equlibriationists who had sworn allegiance ot to a creed that was bth sacrosanct and overly pedantic. From the A259 and the B roads came the sons and daughters ofgham Nightly Village and the Dorkshire Arms were born through the parades later that night, on hoofback came tranquility up the Vales, as she was putting on her fishnet best black for the Soot’s Sweep, income bread and buttery warm cream thighs wqere shown to round and full applause. It was tippin. Later when I had arrived I was told all this by the local Shag and Gossip Crowd who had promised me a full fortune of High Jinks if I just stayed around. Then came the Yellow Ribbons out on the floats and firworks thick with hops that launched dreams that I could see erupt from eyes shed of water. In the firsides, black iron and steel grates, caked with dirt and tar. On the walls and chandeliers, a thin smeer of love painted houses and rag dolls which had once kept someone company at night. Lasting a full six hours, the piss ups were all joined together in the Town Center, where later it would all kick off. There was knew watering arm wrestling, maidens who had failr undone their shirts without the asking and beer swilig was rife around the Conker tournament; then came the toe twisting and knew curdling crawl up the lanes to the summit where the lawns were wet with that summeer moistness of beer and rain, and our knees were soaked through with the strain of keeping ourselves vertical. In sang and song, in rhyme and poesy, in limerick form and ultimately colloquially the tribehands passed round the edges and the perimets notationing for the future. At the back of the old Magistrates Cottages where the bomb had fallen in ww2 the neighbours had rebuilt a conservatory and were proud to be First in and Last Night out at every Event. At the end of Trammel street, where old Treppinsky had his morning coffe and Dawlish waited at the corner by the Fried Dolphin who was usually there in the mornings anyway, sleeping under his duvet, twirling thick strands of smoke in his old coat, ever the eye sore tourists lept at the chance to leave litter; keep the home firses burning said one lady; and good to keep the lads inside, said another sour faced Classlezz Denizen who couldn’t stand the crowds and left anyway , rather earlier than she would have liked. Backstreet grabbers of Countrygirl asses were lined up with the billiard ball cues, tank tops and stockard channings, ready for the bus that brought the schoolgirls in from Forrester, East Pickering. Dressed up at fortnightly Festivals, they had the kit and nobody save lads would notice or dare tun dun a good pund for a piss up late in the Punt. We salvaged a few shelves from bins and roadsweepers for our apartment was emptiish, and brought them all back, over the months to salubrious nights, arty farty speak and the occasionally well versed and phrased sentence. Some business from the Council was done and then and there and before our very eyes the pier had reopened and we were forgiven our debaucheries and the cost in punt it had taken to repair it all. I paused, stood at the corner of the Dull Duke and Couthourse Armory when a bright younf caughed me ava and freteaned me wiv is alphabet and ard kunockers hands. Twat shit fucker cunt ptoceeds go to Charity in his case Bastard was still reeling from his own lonely diaspora. Still, it was difficult to forgive when I smarted over marmite sandwiches in the hospital houise later, stared at by a Vixen with Brew Cold Eyes and a harsh agenda. Toots Tweets and Tillyhouse Mulberry were her colours then, nd her aunt having been at Goldsmiths even back then had utilized in her the art of the beach scouring artists, and this long before the Jarman Days. Long before even that, her bruc harry had swopped beds with keith Moons missus in Windsor and crashed a limo into what would, years late become Marty Caine’s house; and back even before then she was the one in bed with the very much later Famous Freedy Flintstone off stump in bed with his dad was she when but a sweet Tot. that explained why, so she was telling me anyway, over tea this, and arm in arm over one of those art couches with the French sounding chaise name, as she too had been on the set during much of benny Hill’s better years. Later, having been re-invited back to Windsor at the Queen mother’s discretion had spent three days in the Great Park and two on the horses riding daily up the long walk with the later soon to be Princess of Denmark and Finand and Italy and Portugal, tho the secrets of those meetings have not and will never be divulged. She was way up to it. Her stature and demeanour and perhaps personality however predisposed her to secrecy until such time she felt the person not judging her, in that old class way the some above and below do. After she had left, it was paintings all round for us, gifts from the artists who just wanted us to be happy and perhaps continue the money we were sliding their way. We had then already concocted the plan for the ReBurtonized St Leonards, however only a handful knew that this was planned and would take the best part of forty years. Couldn’t see that when it was all kicking off, could we. Said Lady Margeret, recently renovated shopfront now housed several new illustrators and grave digger’s friends who were so fnd of the churches round here they barely left, even during the summer. Royalty was doing something sifferent then as it is now, that’s all she could say/. After that the noises from the streets as the Quad bikes erupted onto the sea left us dazed. The murals were undamaged, as was the sculpture which we lovingly restored and brough back from Safehouses in Fordingbridge, much to the dismay of the local residents of the New Forest who had been enjoying them so much. We weren’t quite sure what to do the next day; Brighton, a carnage was cleared up. The King’s sons had even come down to take photographs, and really, it was all quite quite unimaginable and extraordinary. But then things were weren’t they in those days, unimaginable I mean, when the sky seemed like it would always be there; even after the war we never doubted that the sky might actually cease one day. She had put me in contact with the New York theosophists at that Time frequenting the bars at regents Park, and between her and the crowd come up from pickering, with the portraits from Francis, they were all able to do wuite white well, and lend as much of a good hand as they could with Warhol, refining and designing that form of cultural dis-establishmentarianism that would, later in the Nineties be called Chic.
From Norway she’d come to hastings because it was easier for her to live and write. She chose a beautiful four foored house away up the tackleway that could only be reached by the steps. It didn’t matter to her; she had no interest in cars und anyway, she had a preference to stay slim; she was as she said already getting on, tho at the time we met a mere twenty eight did not seem so old as my fifty six years, but in the ned it was clear, marriage to an Englishman and English children were desired. In the meantime her work was easy enough and woud not sspoil her looks or desirability, journalism to her being no more than the simple reformulation of letters that her parents regularly wrote to her. In Copenhages they sent news of which Pope when at what time with what significance would be arriving in Windsor, or Bleniheim and so she needed to do very little analyzing and could therefore continue wuite freely getting to know everybody until the right one came along. It happened, eventually, tho she had to wait until her 35th year, at which point of course, she was very nearly broken, had sold the house and was one summer away from moving back to Denmark… a place her parents had a moved to after their business was sold to the Finnish. Now that she was broken, as in the end no born artists escapes the dark road through hell, she emerged as cheerfully as she ever was, although to those s us that knew her, we knew she had gone through quite enough, the marks wore off and the scares from all the drinking, as also it was a truism nobody in Britain ever escaped the drinking, as true in 1066 as AD 49 and AD2022 no doubt she had her fair share of affaires along the way with this new husband as it was net to impossible to tell some men that she was taken because she chose to be. The old adage, some men never understand is a pshychological truism and this she knew because of her relationship to the Austrians which had come directly through to her grandfather’s family, as he was a practicing psychologist long before most people had heard of the world. The world of medical journals were as tight then as they are now, she reminded me of a watered down version of Dante Alighieri’s wife, during her illness, a sicknee I presumed that suited her, and didn’t necessarily add to her years. She cried when she saw the northern lights on television. Lumley’s lips suffice to say doing it for the lads, but pictures of home are pictures of home no matter what. Tea? Coffee. Azur had opened. The limerick nights had been rough and ready. Outside the Wales, the Kings Horses, The Grendadier Guard who had saved a Queen’s life. Inside the velor jukebox joked with my mind. Lively up. Aint it Black. Street sound and hi hopes for yut through the lukin glass. Era mate. Have a swipe of this. Pint shots and glass breakers. Sea shore, verdant green and seaweed in lng ponds; broken wood; old ships even now washing up on the shore; an old broom, with barnacles muscles and feathers washed in like a new art piece the sea was intelligent after all it was possible wasn;t it? If heterodyne waves and love hearts embedding into wave pulse nests were the thing then surely, that demonstrated intelligence. The ether burned me through I taking of shirt her rolled up breasts beautiful and stared at. How many. A fully cooked breakfast. Some comments about Johnathan ross; what a shit summer. Forgetting all the good bits. Some had holidaysed in Rome, others in Crete, Shar El Sheik. I wandered across the road. Could see fights here and there waiting to happen I wondered do you love yourself, do I love him, is love the heart seat of all of it; what about intelligence? Where had the wisdom mind gone. Wasn’t intelligence a part of it. The information gathering set had launched there own agenda. Now Eco policy made our Charity shopping even more worthwhile; the rumours were flying; they had begun arriving in 2001 and now 2006 it was dead near the time when it would all kick off. Acid, anyone? Two E tripping tourists smiled and asked the way to new town. Is that Old Town after that? Neon green Queen’s guards perched on rooftops pretended to do shingling. It was a hot day. The pool had emptied, and the shirts had all come off on the beach. Dawn had seen a few still sleeping, just at the high tide mark, and student beers and shirts had been forgotten and discarded knickers (a rare treat) were seen outside the local promenade an old couple fished about and decided on a int each for breakfast. And I had the hunger n me that year, the Ur, crescent in my third eye and palpitating heart as it all soaked in, like the wet sand through the towel, irreversible as the salt on the skin made the sun stronger, so too had the engineered idea begun to filter into the hearts and minds of men/ Wormers with rolled up gumboots hummed Lucy in the Sky with dancers as frightened children dashed back from the huge waves a new sail down the west st leonards end appeared on the horizon and all stopped and stared as that huge ship passed. “Must be from Eastbourne” I heard someone say. “About that game last night” Someone was apologizing. “he was drunk” “Nah. He’s just like that.” Old people. Can’t… Voices drowned out by number twenty buses packed with destinations.
guitar. I myself drove a yellow wheelbarrow down to the Old Ladies pram race and bedeviled by tankards pissed in by barkeeps too bored to think much of it. Ah swoon. The street swayed with the speed the notes came out the banks. The corners were eroded, but the cornices were perfect. Church of sandstone turned inward and became domicile, and the glittering vectors were making it all come right. I went with Don down to the Leon Castle, and there, high abover Borders and trans beyond concept and experiences there bathed in that florid light. Buddhas drove their wars down to the Laundromat and it all became clean, and well ordered. Saturn, pushing through at 11 degree of the Virgtin cloud made us look toward the 2010 conjunctions but at the back of the top of the flagpole there was the when it all was over, and here we were referrirng to 2020 or thereabout. Eight long forks were placed side by side at the dinner table that night as the Edinburgh festivellers broke rank and played Dixie Down on trombone for the Candian Marionettes who had always been Scottish brought back tap shoes and tradition to the islea. Cameras and actions, makeshift watches and new night panties disregarded for the imaginal. Cleveland broke though into the Royal enclosure, winning its race in Valencia two fathoms before the next, as Neptune again sailed us to the gold. We couldn’t stand it, but we couldn’t hate it either. We couldn’t analyse it but nor could we ignore it. A dog running through the park leaping into the arms of a puppy; and the dandelion tea served upon angelic conches that were laced with Hemming and Vitamin pills. Our hearts, enriched by this spectacle, stood there on the balcony, only feet from the Queen.
She was great, the great western blue electric steam fulled locamotiveationed us through tallow and fallow yes until we were there high as robbins dusting themselves off with laquer, smarting through fibulations in the chunnels, ground meat axes in heads laughing at the new You tiube Tube slots were backhanders malingered with juice fueled etiquette as the marionaettes played laughed oh yes we laughed. I was beside her there and then, looking up like a lap down through the folds of her dress. Beautiful she was and not half bad as Danny said it, nearly cut his finger on her dress sense he did. Anyway, there we were , schamboozling or whatever she was suppsed to be doing, we were then…great nives and parks and warm burrons on silks in windows designed by dream merchants to pander for the establishment. Poetry, yeah we had loads of it coming out through our trousers in fields where chestnuts dropped down onto liminal chicks on their yellow breasted waveup the long walk, sally, she roared helpless asna ant, horses ass mouth speaking gibberish we were so happy that yes came through the music and the streets dj’s encamped in barracks, the light green oaks drawing us in. We were upon the woodlands edge when we saw her. Fantastic. All of the winter sould of albion following in her trail. The waking up wasn’t easier than difficult and we sat at the feet for several hours hosting our thoughts together, the plates of the past and the new risen princess presiding. It was elocution and investigation; romance and genius took us throught your land. You were liminal and fantastic as we brushed past you on the lawn all of our elders saying, look at that. My dsear ones, the sweet filled hearts of the love we were feeling came throughout the day. When the seamstress had left the boys alone and run me to the offies
I was on the verge of thinking something when he said, “You should write that down” and so should you and so Windsor west upon staines massive ground the earth shaking and heaving with the new codes, planetarised consciousness and the laughter both making waves up the chasm of dreams, and so it came to pass that we was we that were there eh. Mate. Looking across the barroom I could see Simone was anchoring her back bra strap for better supportage and visual we were enjoyment itself then and coming up better than not on any more of that mate? Two packs came through with the merchc. And we sailed round Thameswater for the broomcupboard was full that day roaring nebulous, intrinsic, furthering the yor and the vortex was sweeping us upon it now inside As the hurricane hit, we swelled, picture the desert with sea washing over and he said, Did You Know, Ants never sleep? It was an odd one that was, and As I was still so very busy… words dawned, drowned by the music in her things…”Getting the big man into the bath,” she said. “that’s what my game is.” Done trussing her, I heard she’s a lier and a thief. Dualism creaking out of the new woodwork; couldn’t very well cover up the sore past with a lick of new paint. Did you see the cobwebs. Arnold was talking. This time, having painted the football posts white, they had him do the shed. Just paint over em mate. Win’t do any harm. Youn and youthful she was then, a very tribe of earthly delights in her own being. A joy to visit her sometimes on the train she would sprawl and cavort, stretching herself into the new clothes. Gap. Denim. Yankees snapped heads as we, underground and well, uncovered with Hazed Hued Vodka, exploring the relationship between military inner and out space. The Ok roared inside me, yelling at me, this was the way to gold. But she didn’t listen, or if she did she hisd with it behind the chest, with all the rest of her secrets. It was wonderfull really. Shelly made his move, exciting the girls. Princess B, from school, lingering softly at the camera as she learned its new technology, and old Customs and Excise Man came in to spy on the properness of the ultilities. The laughed at him, as theyh always did. Horses for courses and all of that. Simplified lines drew us to the Great Park, even if the Queen was awry, she could be brought round to the idea that it was aworth the meeting of the minds. The Old Tree vectoirs that had been replaced from the great flood and the rainfueled extravaganza that was the green fields held the parties attention for four hours, Ernest laying in the grass, soothing his exploding parameters. Melchtis lab the fox hound Grover rounding up his tails, Prince Mikael s youngest coming in from school without his shirt and a ripped blazer, good deya at the offarce dear? Rancid memories left beside the tree side. 10, 00 oaks and an unopened letter still to be faced wirth, myrth and welcome mats later on Mid Town near Top Shop on the hill raising the flag for all to see. Godlove and QEC directifying the earth fragments. Deer Park Varnasi, and the old Buddha swayed as they chased themselves into laughter. A phot tn the eye then arriving, for her smile we asked and consented. Ismerorican, ladies in svelt hats masqueraded as future pies and preece of this? Ah. Pass the butter. Let the mountain explode itself and be what it is inside itself. Letting the copper oars running.
Bare rolling and watching the telly, its truck me one afternoon as I surveyed the para Olympics that this was hr year we would. Beijing and parachute drops from twenty thousand. Ashamed to admit. Delighted to announce. Chantalle Petticlaire and the onederfu way this has happened. Now there is the new start, a desire and huge feat made. Theres something in the air; seven years later, in Tibet as the panchen Lama and the Entourage make their own way through the fires. I, carrying fag and lunch of vodka and juice and dreams that I once had, rolling down the hill in sixteenth position through Sough up Ealing Broadway. Ere mate. Gis us a hand with that limit. See that? Tanni and Wannit. Wearing a Phelpsian desire of five medals. And I decided that we would and we could and we shouldn’t let the poor dame pass up the chance for a sickette note. Downstream guards hid in the bushes at Long Walk, Upstream stares as the delights and the folie coupe du Grace was launched downtown. She was shiny she was shirty she wore pantyhose up under he nighty. He was handsome that one was quick and the world reverberated with Compassion now that the paralympic flame has been lit. We curled up on couches and cried for Louisa as she ran the last haf mile with only one hand inside her; the hearts were dragons, the Hsng Hou dynasty said it was best, how they made their fortune pulling rigging across the high seas I just don’t know. Its her birthday, said to explain for her behanviour dancing and ringin in the night, poor bloke from Kitwe wth a black eye sounding very dour about it all. Upscaled at Paddingtons, passage through tubes to the Victoria Express we were lining up for delights when she lifted her dress now we are back at home drinking eating pizza and loving with smiles and gless and truths that we feel on the floor in black boots the one we made up and the one we left behind and the truth and the farce of it and under their milks white steaming session of a weightlifiting Powerball of a night the glum yellow brick faced Van Gogh left behind wioed off with a European smile. PppAre pare. Duttare. Com. The shinin lamp upon the roads of our own hearts had been lit, and I felt a surge of compassion and sadness; embarrassment at myself, and yet, understanding. How we are and have been a compassionate world; how wee care why we care what we care about and what it is that we do and can unify around. The younf wan yes tit up the old crocker was telling me, His father worked fa Bmw and that was a white propellor ain the dei sky on the hub. I played with Clarkie as a babs, Yellow jacket. Bee. Watch out it sings and it stings, through the corridor a hearty laugh and a notebook came from the Near East. The flame was lit from the temple of Heaven as the galactic center passed overheard this year we crammed into the tube station near ten pm and found ourselves sitting opposite a right little minxer who was it seemed most definitely tho she was of course there with her mother of which of course there is no doubt that she was yor honour on this squireHe let us pass by. The four squaddies making their own way up to the barracks later, understanding that we had a special dispensation to see the Queen’s Grounds when we lit our cigarettes, questions would have been asked but in no sense were we trammeled by any of it. The wave of compassion swept through the nation some four days later, and it was welcome as we dsi we had to now and we did welcome the High Priestess of the Annuaki and the Sumerian Babylos roared into the fire again. Once outsde the stadium we were picked off by a couple of right Royal trests and they shared a moped ride so they were goshawfully hot and sweaty when we hugged. There was the wave again. Sweet, sentimental, crisp and cool. Callouses removed by something in the heart had loosened the truth.
Christmas came went was better and wasn’t yearly anyway even at the best of the solstice seasons shifted by degrees and cevtor quarants of our own experience were uniting something. Itt was amazing that anything culd e agreed upon. It was truly her fault. There really was a way to the moon. I really could win a flight to the outer edges of the sub lwevelas of the darkness of space.. Money did really grow on trees and there really were orphans being looked over in the west. It was a fantastic party laid on by fried green eggs and yellow melted sweets as the cloths and bedding as the shelves and illuminations were lit, there was a hush. A quuer walked down beside the track. Shameless. Open bob Monkohous’es mouth. Maonthly ayment `Udimonitors and qwuoncupiscents cigars. Yet be was the seemly of the Yellow Ice Cream. Round tooth and knock hatch to swarm of mackerel and flemming, the M25 talking of over our heads surrounding us each blade of grass up St Leonards Road carrying the messages; the real truth in the Para Polyamourous Olmpic Teamate’s face. The quietitude of Poetry and sausage, and mash. Benny Hill’s death and the turbulent skirts he wore. Their own genius and even today the grim polished mouth of a SuperNanny believing scripts are better than farce. Is she a fake Is he for real? Hey dude, pass the hammer would ya. We laughed. We had to. There was no choice in those days. We had no money. Not like now of course, oh no, definitely not like now. Then there were the radished. Few could say they’d seen anything as large after that. And on Wednesdays? Well, you just couldn’t move for the poets were there creaming off the cake everything their greedy hearts could eat at, munchers on spicersm travelers on uppers, pissers on toasters, and lambruscian teens on E’s for a weekend away from the Sebastopol. Cardiff Yeovil Bulith Wales Cardiff Yeovil Bulisth Wales. The Virgin train lost ground to the fucking great western at Slough and after that said the Ceo they’d reconsider flights to the Bahamas once the idea of Ike had passed. There were ransoms to be paid. The new kind of Corporate executive had of course been replaced by the mid nineties scarcrow bt after the girls had left the office in such a state there really wan’st anymore desire in the Compant yo to daew. So. Right mate? Beer arrived. Poured again, taverna gal Sharking it, on pints. Size eight. We were listening to the streets while Fanta’s Asked the Dust for more sponsership for their share of the Olympic Euro Million share prize half funded by the Lotto, the Belgian Education Minister and the German Home affaires Minister, Albrecht Schumpter, broke rank and arranged for a metallic metal Mickey to mark the Centenary of the Bicentennial Half stamp and Coin.
Down at the Sargeant, the Peeps came in droves for the truth. Bamboozled by the lights. It was when I was kissing them that they loved me, until the see saw swing bridge from the North came through the blue truth on me mickey mobile, text heavens sent to root the toot and yip the yap and crap the shit shat from the top of my cap. I wanted to tell myself the whole truth and nothing but the truth; cept the truth kept shifting near and far came to see it and hear it, and then over the counter trade made up the rest. I was hungry too for it, and pushed right through every barrier to get to the ticket office. But what was it that people wanted; I mean really wanted. Was it necessary to think about it anymore. I wonered whether the human heart would ever change, but the real truth was, did the heart need to change, was there anything wrong with the heart. In my own life I had seen change and I knew, as there really was no other way of saying ither way to wish away the past away, we were on a continuum of evolution and what had evolved was good and clear; now for the mincing, shouted Bert from the walltower, fresh off the boat are ya Mik? We spoke about Tara too, she had been in the Navy for two years and it wasn’t until she back home six months that she found out. And then there was Charlie. Dear Charlie. All maff and naw bavver. Ti Quit Na Baby. Jake said she wouldn’t mind. The rain pelted. The sun melted. The facts driveled into the brain’s circumscised trips of yawping towers. Eighteen thousand miles of Concert later; two million ham sandwiches on the lawn, twenty three million cups of tea etween five and eleven and saying that, there’s Phil now. Holding a book called Wallis by Jack Desolation Marge had a fag on each home run, sparking up Fenway, she was the cause of its rebuild. Cream Factory learned that Steve wanted Merissa To My Wedding to come for a home Queen/ O Driscoll Rounded the friscoil. The yurt gave way to John Hurt and the uy said, Yaever seen a Teepe mae? Tarmac outside the carpet Pub selling us fifteen quid bottles of wine just because they should shouldn’t. Who did care. The I did care and the Olymipiad and the future cared and the people were untied once again. Da feet are always momantuary. Da friggin ships were faster than cars now and the freekin speed a comminication was faster than light and we was yabbering away with Zelotropa 59 and Alpha Zoomed us in again and again the sheer fact of our fourth dimensional Overcoat came down upon me; the way corterized and circumscribed had been once a ridden and loved path and then fairly I said to it, it had to change. Later years past and the Soul came through again but that’s’s missing out a bit. The girl wasn’t happy. She delighted in having her buttons undone slowly, surely, beautifully. There was a time for ripping yar anup from the waterbed she said I could follow her to York and we could catch the same cold together. Clouds gathered that day up at the Overpass the Dickless goof was sdtanding in the shadows dancing with a marionette face and a whiskey under each arm, Spelenplednidide! Shoutes from the bartstaff, the one redesigned dress amongst them shimmering like a lost flower in the ancien regime of the ocean. Upwards sailed the hands to the air, pints flying screams and yokes sold for buttons swim children swim couched the proud parestibales upon landing ina sea of chips and swiftly cleaned up shit. Yes. Are you? She was quiet. Dan was made good by a wandering truth and I was angry at myself. And they were happy and then I was happy. And then they were sad. AND then we all forgot what we were feeling as limbs and lanes and things opened upon the shoreline ahead a new pier, dreams that we could have and hold. Get Potter out of here! Landlady at eleven stood up by Hack the Main Mack of Jake and the sausages were sold for three pounds every day lifted fro m the same shelves. And all the police cared about was who was selling the drugs. Well, to celebrate an Olympiad, a non smoking venue had to be established and where better but beneath the big screen TV. There was truth in it. And I had given it a lot of thought, plus there was no doubt I had gven them permission. Mountains of ice cream, flags deserts, stories of life , hell tears, repeatitions Simon making X cry Jane making herself cry people coming people making themselves pretty people Making themselves with sugar coats to hif the wife back from teeland to Zeeland on a Yom Kippur Coastal seaway that went from Sirius B to Anglesey. Coming inbound G &6 Five Nine from a Geezer in Spain., “that slow ahead Goat, the Captain, reversing his Jimmy over her lawn, didnae care to plan the exodus from her bank too his. It was seeping through the tarmac on (87 at 678 point nine knots in the windspeed, gales, tornadoes and the root beer gurgling off the dream for a while I sped into the old taverna and pished my innings away with good cheer. And then we wet ourselves in France, siply pissing ourselves laughing as the eyes came u from the fields bearing gifts from the marooned queens. Flowerlilly and Blossom Socks made their fortune at the Hyndai Two thoudsand guinea sweep steaks rops and tackle fidgeted amongst the plans and the wet dew sucked from my feet a thought that was plum bare exposed. I wanna clean slate, I kept repeating it to myself like a mantram Om Ah siddhi pema hum aon mah bike the year passed fast by as Illinois spread her legs and received me. There was something I wanted to say and there was sometimes a feeling a sense an issue as the gargoyledd inner mentor defecated on the best ideas; so were the best ideas that hidden? Down in the Pueblo it was easier to see, but up here in the heights it was harder. As the guilt and the dreams that didn’t happen merged with the necessities of doing. Telve IMIX, the calender shaking truth hit the headlines around 2011. And as the stellae had predicated, there was a new speed, and it wasn’t clear who could and who couldn’t keep heir end of the bargain up. Not that matter was substance. Nor that light was all there was either. The geometry of the torid, exploained and expanded well enough now into the rivers of his Tuft’s laden mind the Minge from onty had brought her seat at the tupelo and there was a crowd to see her through it. Inside the Puelble the speak ggot ten esier and the feelings simpler driving home the daisies in the Misdichotomized Saloon that became the Beauchamplacemat in another life. Taking the peas out of dolphins, Brainhead said was fun. Easy irony on the news sending e straight back to the first pages of the glass bead game. Writing for one. Wrting for none In between the hubris and the ha ha that’s funny, beside the boat with the nigger tied up and the heart ripped out generations later we had encountered the soul; we had encountered the facts of degree ventors and soul engineering we had bloody well discovered what the world was really about. Hadn’t we? There was a hush before the redecorated Albert Head hall broke into pandemonium for yet there was a another strip ass bare naked beauty delighting someone somewhere with a wistfull eye. Mind and hearts turned to Pound. Dollar looked in. Yen took a handle and played lottery. The frank marc lire punt had all been dissolved; were they planning to bring that all back into operation some time in the future. Ah yes. My lady, she was reminding me again, too this too that too … bites of twix late and I was soiled again on a floor in Windsor by the inebriated, misguided and jlly lads had given me up to the pleasure of it. I had to force the strawberry down. Guides lingered from their routes delivering messages that I was then supposed to deliver. Pound after pound went seeping out of the wallet and mysteriously came seeping back in again all the world was a acar and a Hyundai model makeshift with green top and vertexes that had been designed inside diamond prisms where our hearts and our good health had stood rooted to the ground there mighty huge and massive displaying branches that were as entwined as the mitochondria and the amoeba’s cocks. Who had also come dancing and enjoyed the fray. Lenses were then fitted, one at a time and gently so as not to overpower the Nebulas over Chile Pandora, the Panama Matrix and the NeoHolland High rise drinks that were supped when the Hawaiin ones came on line. EKahuna! E. Mamkela. E og shin tam ekashowana. Te akalana de Madeira tuvuela.! Si. Five oceans we had crossed, and still our seccxtants were true. The cloud cleared later, years passed, months became sweet memories and weeks dissolved into pains that couldn’t be understand until one fine day the water brok and there it all was, exposed beautifully for what it had ad always would be generation after generation no matter the weetabix eaten would still miss this one. There was noise and bells and animals ad furs and furs as animals as oxygebnatag green grade three from Urubula came with extensive remodulation and remixed fibreopticoids as the galaxies said yessiree to the plan bob. A. Why Marlowe keeps going up the river and why them Indians passed on all that tobacco. Yep that was about it. And then , and there and thus it was said, “to look at a thing monstrous and free’ that’s the beauty of it. Uglified by the too tight fashions we were breaking out like amoeba, everywhere feeling, fueling opening our hearts to the enormity, breaking down every expectation and judgement until one fine happy day when we were all finished with that business… three dots as a heartbeat and then the chilling cold of the pure empty compassion and heart of it all rooting us like those oaks into soil through thousands of miles of e and f and G train tracks all over the world. I sang Fardo and changed the way I viewed the underwater world. It took 260 years all told. 20 x 13 and that was it, the home run number come in with boat seventy seven 441. The shouts from the pub across the road were heard by the neighbours, bearing up after three hours of Carnage at the Festival. The Carlisle root cellars rampaged by salt water were filling with fresh drum beats and the wine saved from christmas’ past was brought out in our silver cabinet trails of tears. Yarrow took readings from the MidAtlantic risge and depth charges were made into scane so that we could improve the quality of our genetics. And that’s how we were dug in with points doing pasa dobble and Mesoamericans doing tango on the high rafts of cruise ships down usa’s pants a really new set of genetics shop bought from money saved high up from the plains of Stonehenge there were several languages we were using. There were reasons we had left such gaps at Scarra Breay there in the plankton’s heart, beneath all that huppa hupela George and his vanquished knights came rolling back in from the West. Orkney roared and giggled, found it all very funny as time wasn’t exactly as pertinent to them as it was to us. I, the flexible thief on my own trail of the triple octopus. Oored at Ingerness, we had shales and hoodies with enough supplies to support the veritable and noble armies oft taught hought. Time had not weathered this lot flat, I thought I was a sheer drop! Co mary, lookat the size of it! Eels brought in were sold and hung in dry leathered satchels that the old tubman had wor and made before his lot came in at pier nineteen there were several hundred gold doubloons, and even the odd Roman coin din’t fetch more than a few hundred. Gentlemen of yore were not considered less they had an annuity of ten thousand pounds a year, making all us these days, Wells dug seep off Turbingen way were re routed via Kentickette bridge for the Loang Haul over the Yangtsee, three thousand guineaseans were born making that road fit for saddle lovers who legging their tired limbs up over their guitars drew pictures for us of a world we had seen time and time again change. In outer Mongolia the sheeps bollocks kept popping up in the pub’s stews, and across the Alaskan and Siberian railroutes, sleeping gals in Lumbermen’s Jackets searched for frilly knickers beneath old dressers hewn from ancient cedars. Still, dying for some and not for others seemed to be the proclivity of some and not others.
Did `up swell then to night sea and dreamfueled as there was in this fuel a consortiments of aperitifs and vestibules, prams and chasers, dof hated and goggereled racers west of ascot had come down for freebies in nighttime publican haunts. Stories wielded up several Mayors, a famous Grouse Hunter the ex-duke of the Queens House guard who had relocated to Ipswich after the way. From Wolverhampton came bandy legged bicycletteers who had swarmed around the Carlisle for pints yer gonna have for afters when the Roz arrived from Duneaton all eyes turned and the venom between the men wwas disregarded only by the idiotic and obscene. Shaven heads mulled with pint sized equlibriationists who had sworn allegiance ot to a creed that was bth sacrosanct and overly pedantic. From the A259 and the B roads came the sons and daughters ofgham Nightly Village and the Dorkshire Arms were born through the parades later that night, on hoofback came tranquility up the Vales, as she was putting on her fishnet best black for the Soot’s Sweep, income bread and buttery warm cream thighs wqere shown to round and full applause. It was tippin. Later when I had arrived I was told all this by the local Shag and Gossip Crowd who had promised me a full fortune of High Jinks if I just stayed around. Then came the Yellow Ribbons out on the floats and firworks thick with hops that launched dreams that I could see erupt from eyes shed of water. In the firsides, black iron and steel grates, caked with dirt and tar. On the walls and chandeliers, a thin smeer of love painted houses and rag dolls which had once kept someone company at night. Lasting a full six hours, the piss ups were all joined together in the Town Center, where later it would all kick off. There was knew watering arm wrestling, maidens who had failr undone their shirts without the asking and beer swilig was rife around the Conker tournament; then came the toe twisting and knew curdling crawl up the lanes to the summit where the lawns were wet with that summeer moistness of beer and rain, and our knees were soaked through with the strain of keeping ourselves vertical. In sang and song, in rhyme and poesy, in limerick form and ultimately colloquially the tribehands passed round the edges and the perimets notationing for the future. At the back of the old Magistrates Cottages where the bomb had fallen in ww2 the neighbours had rebuilt a conservatory and were proud to be First in and Last Night out at every Event. At the end of Trammel street, where old Treppinsky had his morning coffe and Dawlish waited at the corner by the Fried Dolphin who was usually there in the mornings anyway, sleeping under his duvet, twirling thick strands of smoke in his old coat, ever the eye sore tourists lept at the chance to leave litter; keep the home firses burning said one lady; and good to keep the lads inside, said another sour faced Classlezz Denizen who couldn’t stand the crowds and left anyway , rather earlier than she would have liked. Backstreet grabbers of Countrygirl asses were lined up with the billiard ball cues, tank tops and stockard channings, ready for the bus that brought the schoolgirls in from Forrester, East Pickering. Dressed up at fortnightly Festivals, they had the kit and nobody save lads would notice or dare tun dun a good pund for a piss up late in the Punt. We salvaged a few shelves from bins and roadsweepers for our apartment was emptiish, and brought them all back, over the months to salubrious nights, arty farty speak and the occasionally well versed and phrased sentence. Some business from the Council was done and then and there and before our very eyes the pier had reopened and we were forgiven our debaucheries and the cost in punt it had taken to repair it all. I paused, stood at the corner of the Dull Duke and Couthourse Armory when a bright younf caughed me ava and freteaned me wiv is alphabet and ard kunockers hands. Twat shit fucker cunt ptoceeds go to Charity in his case Bastard was still reeling from his own lonely diaspora. Still, it was difficult to forgive when I smarted over marmite sandwiches in the hospital houise later, stared at by a Vixen with Brew Cold Eyes and a harsh agenda. Toots Tweets and Tillyhouse Mulberry were her colours then, nd her aunt having been at Goldsmiths even back then had utilized in her the art of the beach scouring artists, and this long before the Jarman Days. Long before even that, her bruc harry had swopped beds with keith Moons missus in Windsor and crashed a limo into what would, years late become Marty Caine’s house; and back even before then she was the one in bed with the very much later Famous Freedy Flintstone off stump in bed with his dad was she when but a sweet Tot. that explained why, so she was telling me anyway, over tea this, and arm in arm over one of those art couches with the French sounding chaise name, as she too had been on the set during much of benny Hill’s better years. Later, having been re-invited back to Windsor at the Queen mother’s discretion had spent three days in the Great Park and two on the horses riding daily up the long walk with the later soon to be Princess of Denmark and Finand and Italy and Portugal, tho the secrets of those meetings have not and will never be divulged. She was way up to it. Her stature and demeanour and perhaps personality however predisposed her to secrecy until such time she felt the person not judging her, in that old class way the some above and below do. After she had left, it was paintings all round for us, gifts from the artists who just wanted us to be happy and perhaps continue the money we were sliding their way. We had then already concocted the plan for the ReBurtonized St Leonards, however only a handful knew that this was planned and would take the best part of forty years. Couldn’t see that when it was all kicking off, could we. Said Lady Margeret, recently renovated shopfront now housed several new illustrators and grave digger’s friends who were so fnd of the churches round here they barely left, even during the summer. Royalty was doing something sifferent then as it is now, that’s all she could say/. After that the noises from the streets as the Quad bikes erupted onto the sea left us dazed. The murals were undamaged, as was the sculpture which we lovingly restored and brough back from Safehouses in Fordingbridge, much to the dismay of the local residents of the New Forest who had been enjoying them so much. We weren’t quite sure what to do the next day; Brighton, a carnage was cleared up. The King’s sons had even come down to take photographs, and really, it was all quite quite unimaginable and extraordinary. But then things were weren’t they in those days, unimaginable I mean, when the sky seemed like it would always be there; even after the war we never doubted that the sky might actually cease one day. She had put me in contact with the New York theosophists at that Time frequenting the bars at regents Park, and between her and the crowd come up from pickering, with the portraits from Francis, they were all able to do wuite white well, and lend as much of a good hand as they could with Warhol, refining and designing that form of cultural dis-establishmentarianism that would, later in the Nineties be called Chic.
From Norway she’d come to hastings because it was easier for her to live and write. She chose a beautiful four foored house away up the tackleway that could only be reached by the steps. It didn’t matter to her; she had no interest in cars und anyway, she had a preference to stay slim; she was as she said already getting on, tho at the time we met a mere twenty eight did not seem so old as my fifty six years, but in the ned it was clear, marriage to an Englishman and English children were desired. In the meantime her work was easy enough and woud not sspoil her looks or desirability, journalism to her being no more than the simple reformulation of letters that her parents regularly wrote to her. In Copenhages they sent news of which Pope when at what time with what significance would be arriving in Windsor, or Bleniheim and so she needed to do very little analyzing and could therefore continue wuite freely getting to know everybody until the right one came along. It happened, eventually, tho she had to wait until her 35th year, at which point of course, she was very nearly broken, had sold the house and was one summer away from moving back to Denmark… a place her parents had a moved to after their business was sold to the Finnish. Now that she was broken, as in the end no born artists escapes the dark road through hell, she emerged as cheerfully as she ever was, although to those s us that knew her, we knew she had gone through quite enough, the marks wore off and the scares from all the drinking, as also it was a truism nobody in Britain ever escaped the drinking, as true in 1066 as AD 49 and AD2022 no doubt she had her fair share of affaires along the way with this new husband as it was net to impossible to tell some men that she was taken because she chose to be. The old adage, some men never understand is a pshychological truism and this she knew because of her relationship to the Austrians which had come directly through to her grandfather’s family, as he was a practicing psychologist long before most people had heard of the world. The world of medical journals were as tight then as they are now, she reminded me of a watered down version of Dante Alighieri’s wife, during her illness, a sicknee I presumed that suited her, and didn’t necessarily add to her years. She cried when she saw the northern lights on television. Lumley’s lips suffice to say doing it for the lads, but pictures of home are pictures of home no matter what. Tea? Coffee. Azur had opened. The limerick nights had been rough and ready. Outside the Wales, the Kings Horses, The Grendadier Guard who had saved a Queen’s life. Inside the velor jukebox joked with my mind. Lively up. Aint it Black. Street sound and hi hopes for yut through the lukin glass. Era mate. Have a swipe of this. Pint shots and glass breakers. Sea shore, verdant green and seaweed in lng ponds; broken wood; old ships even now washing up on the shore; an old broom, with barnacles muscles and feathers washed in like a new art piece the sea was intelligent after all it was possible wasn;t it? If heterodyne waves and love hearts embedding into wave pulse nests were the thing then surely, that demonstrated intelligence. The ether burned me through I taking of shirt her rolled up breasts beautiful and stared at. How many. A fully cooked breakfast. Some comments about Johnathan ross; what a shit summer. Forgetting all the good bits. Some had holidaysed in Rome, others in Crete, Shar El Sheik. I wandered across the road. Could see fights here and there waiting to happen I wondered do you love yourself, do I love him, is love the heart seat of all of it; what about intelligence? Where had the wisdom mind gone. Wasn’t intelligence a part of it. The information gathering set had launched there own agenda. Now Eco policy made our Charity shopping even more worthwhile; the rumours were flying; they had begun arriving in 2001 and now 2006 it was dead near the time when it would all kick off. Acid, anyone? Two E tripping tourists smiled and asked the way to new town. Is that Old Town after that? Neon green Queen’s guards perched on rooftops pretended to do shingling. It was a hot day. The pool had emptied, and the shirts had all come off on the beach. Dawn had seen a few still sleeping, just at the high tide mark, and student beers and shirts had been forgotten and discarded knickers (a rare treat) were seen outside the local promenade an old couple fished about and decided on a int each for breakfast. And I had the hunger n me that year, the Ur, crescent in my third eye and palpitating heart as it all soaked in, like the wet sand through the towel, irreversible as the salt on the skin made the sun stronger, so too had the engineered idea begun to filter into the hearts and minds of men/ Wormers with rolled up gumboots hummed Lucy in the Sky with dancers as frightened children dashed back from the huge waves a new sail down the west st leonards end appeared on the horizon and all stopped and stared as that huge ship passed. “Must be from Eastbourne” I heard someone say. “About that game last night” Someone was apologizing. “he was drunk” “Nah. He’s just like that.” Old people. Can’t… Voices drowned out by number twenty buses packed with destinations.
“Pluto, the transformer, symbolizes the seed-core of whatever is left over from previous cycles. It is concentrating, purifying, and like a seed, contains within itself the entire pattern of all that has gone before, stripped of obsolete forms. No seed ever exactly duplicates the plant from which is came, but it does encompass all the primary qualities of that generic plant species, plus the special qualities of the specific plant that produced it.”
Iv jist muved in. Fourteen flights of stairs and a tree opposite that’s sandwiched between flats and apartments I see Mercedes and BmW but old ones some new ones a mazda and more trees. I see Maple wood New Jersey, Canadian men from war in the annuals od East Suzex differentially made into leap frogs for new funds. I defer and You Tiube myself way up high.I have come up here; technically i’m not yet on the lease but he’s not un-nice and a flat stomach wouldn’t hurt him at all, and he gave me a key! Incredible! A Key! My first ever key (of course I had one at my parents place but that’s not the same is it?). Anyone know anyone with plants to give away? I’d love to have some plants; a whole room full would be nice, but I suppose they call that a garden don’t they. the view’s ever so lovely. john, that’s the landlord, has left a easy chair and a recliner in and I’m using his pot of coffee and his table to put my bag on. I like it here. I’m so excited! Still. Two more weeks! Two more weeks till I can move in properly! Ah. I am so excited.
I have a book to deal with, yellow cover from my south adtircankaaner dawere dented then repeatedly uousterd by hounds and red rum never came near us in those days in todays world wetotto was a irritating name humphrey couldnt yes it enough olly whit man and higang o tieves dealet rs and frount yelloed cups into the cnamber guards outside regina mundi years tears yes and houdlums numb from being hit and froumaged between high and jeulious caledndrics were then also in effect gregor and matthius and frederica and andrea and humbert legalizing the free tibetyurt in mexico beach florida a girl was shining with tears delight and equivocations between the right tRto Rem and never endggingland was so sore as then was It then I was under the venusian spell sputnik the first appolonian and the second late eighties incincerated cendrares pipe and molieres daschung before gror gor took he them sols from greenland? Inversely now and then that book repoppped into life as strikers do following head through goal in midlife as managerial assumptions make plain they know the beind of the human condition. I woking up hello eyes and wheres our girl oh shes over there with and I awake this up to a new. However having said all of that, shifts and now and this and now and then and then and now this six use of the vertyiable human benitude I awake to the fifth day and questzal i invoke. It took time. ten thousand pages and down loads from the andromedean ambassadores were female and the forms were clear, always commercial and always shopfront and always a yes in the no and the duality and why now and when they started talking and sssing hello I was shocked and that was real too. So i invoked and invoked and awoke, nout your choice at all they said buttering toast with a heavy hand they said is the realisation that the soul is real showing an enlightened thread through time anything less than a first noble truth? i wasn’t sure. however, saturdays rolled in and out and before i knew it there i was standing on the threshold of 1987. where had twenty years gone. it was a shocker now as then. arturo was hidden well and out of site on the back end of brookline i awaoke to a krishna glad to make my aquaintance on a street called Commonwealth. Inside forward motion at the time all those years percolating and a serious attempt to listen to an inner monolog. that was twenty years ago, and the universe kept evolving and i never imagined i would get to that front end of the chain reaction that was then the beatitude of strings and the boolean functions in the ultidimensional as sheer gloss. what the horned rimmed i then saw however was a brooklyn and a france merged into a cobled wateerstone house thatched and curvacious as the attitudes of new hampshire there were more curves than a game nine in the series more outs than an innings more runs than the season high for the babe and more leaves than the average wisconsin gardner knew what to do with. it was autumn and the new papalce in colorado the granite hulled boat and the lakes in the deep south were all behind the galactic veneer that refused to give way when i questioned it and there was a she to ask then i stammered, nly later discovering the all important variable pointed out by tarquin the otter and finnegan the humpty yawned, it is cold but sunny day and the hound in my heart searching for gregarious bones was on the move again. i racheted up and found beethoven, i dimensioned and found pulsars, i triangulated and found venus square Pirsig and then i quadrupled the strings and merged right yellow with black as soot and you know what happens when you do that? blackness as far as i could see all the way kansas all the way tennessee black as the i70 macadam black as the first original woman black as the dark star, glorious in all its colours, variegated “do i contradict myself? very well walt, yammering over the hudson behind us the castle and the long walk up gay pride before west eleventh and twelth gave way to avenus a and b resided on west seventh then and Yentil lived up on lexiton and i was taking a trains here b trains there red lines to copley and blue grey hounds to jersey where i did my first line of....
swell afternnon cursing the and the
the one who and the why of it
had an even sweller
a libran uprsiing of balance
some calm music
a woman’s sad lament
pasted onto i tube
for all ears to hear.
eleven hundred friends,
one million dollars
a wall to paint
a call to make
a house to defend
a kid to upgrpow
and a n unusual qwerty that u might say could include both simultaneously. onto the afternoon, cleaning windowstill passes the time and focusses mind meditation
part one, instruction, Lord Kuthumi presiding and Master Hiliariusamarathon epic onboard the steam train.
England. Now. Is Unitfied with prevalen t * d codes french grange mouth and fortune. weald from clay and oxford unity from south to northern plalace as grid shine inside delta variation converges again in cosmos way, uniqueness and awareness of is all that is “mighty”. windows conceal a newe truth. variations constant plus the Boolean transfer initiated.
the afternoon stalled in a pile of inkempt recepits scraps idle things from cash points dentralistical stuff notes to be somewhere then when two more diazepam kicked in i attuned my reiki wheel to the sky for the first time cleaning the malaysian wicker stand and then after the notebooks and one pristine condition Sunday Observer a new artist an old artist and a semi new gallery all seemed to need taking care of. My Qwewrtacious phase had deviled me to the third of my key boards, chess places had gone all over three times and nama shivaya had been announced. in the twilight of that day which became to be known as inspired Idea Foolproof living in guazlike transparency of wind Eddy passed by without notice pulling out of the garage with his new blue spray paint and squeaking voice; shrill, his wife, legged their kid up the toadstool Road one helluca frucas baby crying tightening the energy all crying self and child abuse to the ether. No one listening. Songs sung on the radio by lipsticked up totty bearing their emotional hearts I sat and watched the latest Pop quiz and idoled my cold can of maked Neans and Heizened. It was a Heizened and a highseized heinzend that did it in the end, a tightened velvet waistcoat and steven fry making me chatter above the shouts for drugs Acki more suck more suck and drugs than a yakee in the pitbull of Paterson; more suck and sucked drugs than a friday on San Luis Obspo Campus, more sucking and ducking than the high five board team in Ucal and San Barbara, sans her kettle barrel for haschich, sand India and her waveform under the tunnels of London, Sans even Dawn and her constabuliarification of Nought into throes of Argur was I buvvered. I was baggered up and boxed in two weeks, chromed out the cleaning aspects and with landord semi placated ready for the onset of actual movement itself. Draggered by form and forum into all space, i said my yes shalls and faced the book of life where newly wedded Reiscfergerhal had re-arrived back in my life. So too Nandy, she had returned from Hold in LakeShore Quechee as had Amytanned with a bra on mobilising herself beautifully in the mirror for the backenders of software, those like myself drilled on Emzy Beezee, Rob Perlman and the JAckass twins, were all actually laughing. We could see it come together and we knew what it was. Beneath aching lumber and footsore with walking amidst tensions and bonfires, it was that kind of seasaon. Two thou had come and gone in the Royal and rumours were circumnabulating that even Tara was gonna have a road built right thru her Next...”At present, Neptune is weaving and blending Aquarian energy into the holographic matrix of both collective consciousness as well as the collective unconscious. In decades to come, Pluto will activate the seeds of the coming era which will look completely different from anything we’ve seen in over 200 years, ultimately manifesting as a completely transformed humanity.
This is not idle cheerleading. The outer Triad, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, while subtle in the lives of individuals, symbolize the pulses of radical Transpersonal Transformative change in the collective life of humanity. As Uranus moves the fastest of these 3, taking only 84 years to make a complete cycle, it awakens patterns, and individuates all it touches through its revolutionary qualities.”
I wrote back to B Wilkinson and asked him for a perusal of My astrals, and he replied cordial lime enough with a ported for June of that upcoming year. I swayed and sacheted my coffee with milk as Serina took the liberty and downloaded all her entire best lingeriee onto myspace. I was Bebo and Bebaed by it all. Time and again. Soaked in the glory of the beauty of her.
“Neptune is the next fastest in speed, and through its dissolving while preserving quality spreads the energies throughout a larger field. Its association with the oceans is not inaccurate; it is the vastness, fluidity, and all-encompassing nature of Neptune to diffuse all it touches. Yet nothing at all is lost, as it is merely spread out throughout the entire field, whether of ocean, space, or consciousness itself.”its hard as nails to pull blu tac off the walls. iveor tried used and sealed in stone forever several techniques; none could vouchsafe true for all, however truth did exist in a spattered roller a blade a pair of scissors and a folder for it all (necessitats con virtuatis) Meg made sense in the past. Her ways of taking him round with only a pack, and her delight as the first tent pegs went into the soil, wherever that happened to be. Rock solid walls ungeometrically aligned caused tensions in the geothermals and towns were everywhere springing up in grids, so, she thought, that might mean something positive. These were trained times. I was introduced to a soothsayer in Portland, a bellicose and jocular ginger haired fellow who was right for any cameo hollrood could offer him. He sat in love and awe of an actress but she unrequited only saw a friend. The soothsayer in him could see the invisible soothsayer in myself who was unable at that time to place misreprentations of the cosmos inherited from just being an average human at an average point in time from an average home in a normal environment that was neither too displaced by plutonic or uranium forces but yet as with most places was no further from the average grid line than the next schmno. Fields from Wosconsin gave way to red brick in Ohio at Oxford University they were continuing the long protest that had begun in Newyark, and there was still a few broken windows and bombed out shatteres to prove hey ho that’s still a hey ho johnny bit of a race act. now that I had yelled at the front runner, and, as I had been told, the lid had come off the old occult negativity mongers who had been storing and controlling the negative permutations for centuries so it was cleaer, as I wiped the counter in the kitchen down and watched the green peyote chilli dry I wolfed down some haschisha brownies and went out into the cool yard of the Wilametter valley to thereby soothe by Indraenraged soul. The eddies portents and yes men were there clothes off goggling at Elen who had the mightiest fine pregnant belly set upon the green darn green they were but oh so lovely. It was night soon, birds twangling mysterious their philosophical echoes from Frerddy still drubbling through the golden ochre leafed world of the northern hemisphere were shoe shine boys in Grand Central and stillettoe maids still stepping their way onto men’s backs. Gurus abounded. I tried to keep the cleaning to a maximum and made my way back up the hill past the rear end of a Viewer flashing his noblets at my innuendo. There was a park there, so I realised should I need to get off I most certainly could, a mer sea beat to that thought taking me all the way upstairs to a moonlit sky and a skylight and patio where she lay in the foam filled world of just blowing bubbles as the hot tub bell swilled our troubles away, snow fell, and the alpine pastures gabvve way to Coloradianesque Rockies that made us swoon with the Crater Lakeside heat bubbling from the West Kentucky hot springs that were left on I fifty at Idaho Springs a rook crawled its way to the rooftop of an asphalt motel that was yes served by Mom and Pop who clearly loved dear Dawn Porter that day when I was working camera on the location with RR. Pirsigs genius at La Vista and the High Montana mind I had as I rode side saddle into Arizona on the backee of a lacklustre Ford Buick made the trail stronger, because west is a magnet at a certain point lying due East of Kansas and West of Des Moines. Once you went through those arsches or Saint the Louis and fought George Forman’s memory in your own television mind, there was Amber and the Cold stream Guard to welcome you at NApa is fou could get that far, said the soothsayer, laying his home brewed stout onto the wild wood made table from Billericky, you’d see why they set up shop in Montereey and asataked their calamity upon Etruria. I thought he meant to Attica, or at least Utica, or maybe even Athabasca or Arcata but no, Lord Hiliy was a clear about his footstpes through as was Tenzin when he mounted the steps to say Hi! to the Daly Lama. I bowed my head. Wind rustling the English town I had just moved into, and the old youre of my american life feeling strangely peculia.
Strange faces mock the week, and I get you tubed to the vibe of the dude they call fat Prescott. Him and Keri Kitowana seem to receive all the jop and Heather Millions Leg gotten as much face as Maccas Waxhead. “Di you know they call it Louis Tussaud’s these days”. Phex didn’t answer, he was busy creating the light path. A medieval man with his own Sitar and lute would serenade him in his dreams and give him guidance. On Special AveMaria Bureery Days out he would be found, baring chest, leather skin full beard aand ceilahing up with the rest of the hournalists on the program, face recognition of old identities. Forsythe had apparently been a hero in a generation game and tho it’s all been made their own, it’s all the showes we invented for sure. The jokes over my head, and I zapped a few paranobulas for my arching back had crumpled packed fled polished lifted carried and been sunk into piles of my ancient belongings. Is there anything better or worse than packing ina rush. I wan’t sure, but as I had been told by my Irish colleague at the Linguistics Laboratory of Sublin, the most important word in the English language is Hauac.