A deep principle is that 'all bonding is phase locking'. This means that waves coming from opposite directions must line up and get exactly into PHASE (like linking heart beats to make love, or linking clock pendulum in a room). This permission to share wave space - is called CRYSTALIZATION - and the experiment in successful sharing which results is the very essence of the principle named 'CHRISTOS'. (Hint: it means total sharing is possible in a completely safe space - eliminating the need or possibility of secrets ... for waves and people).
The neat thing about WATER is that the 2 basic kinds of bonds in chemistry are perfectly balanced. These are called IONIC versus CO-VALENT. And for our childs conversation here, consider water's perfect balance between these two types, as the perfect tightrope between short wave - local bonds - versus longer wave - more collective extended bonds. What this means in chemistry - can be expressed very socially: that because of this balance between ionic and co-valent bonds water molecules are exquisitely able to THINK GLOBALLY but ACT LOCALLY!
Another thing about water that is helpful to know - for our continuing kids st
REUTERS/Denis Balibouse
The US adventurer Steve Fossett (centre) with Switzerland's Betrand Piccard and Briton Brian Jones at a Swiss hot air balloon festival
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REUTERS/Denis Balibouse
The US adventurer Steve Fossett (centre) with Switzerland's Betrand Piccard and Briton Brian Jones at a Swiss hot air balloon festival
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Fossett's wrecked plane found in mountain area
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Personal effects apparently belonging to Steve Fossett, the millionaire adventurer who vanished over a year ago, have been found in a mountainous area of eastern California. Police in Mammoth Lakes, a holiday resort 60 miles from the Nevada airfield where Fossett was last seen alive, confirmed that a ski-shop worker had found two identity cards bearing the aviator's name on Monday.
Further searches revealed 10 crumpled $100 bills and a black Nautica fleece covered in animal hair. The hiker, Preston Morrow, called police on Tuesday after taking a GPS reading of the site. "Fossett's name didn't pop in my head immediately," Mr Morrow said. "But I did wonder, 'Gee why are there some ID cards and money here when there is nothing else?' There was no wallet, no bag... nothing." Accident investigators are combing the area, reported to be near the top of a ridge in the eastern foothills of the Sierra Nevada. The area has steep, tree-lined hillsides and remote gullies.
Although no wreckage or remains have been found, police investigator Crystal Schafer said the ID cards were genuine. "We have some ID that has the name Steve Fossett," she said.
The location of Mr Morrow's discovery fits with the theory that Fossett, who was declared legally dead in February, crashed after getting into difficulty during a routine pleasure flight. The aviator, who set more than 100 records in five adventure sports and was best known for his collaborations with Sir Richard Branson, went missing on the morning of 3 September 2007 after setting off alone in a light aircraft from an exclusive private club.
Despite one of the biggest peace-time search operations in US history lasting several weeks, covering 20,000 square miles, no trace of Fossett has been found. The absence of a body led to speculation that he could have faked his death to avoid debt or the prospect of a messy divorce from his wife of 38 years, Peggy. He was believed to have lost large sums on the stock market, and investigators discovered he had two mistresses and hidden accounts.
Conspiracy theorists asked how one of the most experienced aviators in history could have hit trouble on a clear day. His aircraft, a Citabria Super Decathlon, was made from wood and fabric, making it easy to hide and undetectable to radar. They are unlikely to be completely silenced until Fossett's body or his aircraft turn up. Locals say that is unlikely. "He has probably been eaten," said Mr Morrow's lawyer David Baumwohl. "Bears and mountain lions will eat the body."
Experts who dispute the theory that Mr Fossett faked his death say the topography of Mammoth Lakes makes it possible for even an experienced pilot to fly into a narrow gully without time to reach the altitude to get out of it. Michael LoVallo, Mrs Fossett's lawyer, said: "We are aware of the reports and are trying to verify the information."
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Personal effects apparently belonging to Steve Fossett, the millionaire adventurer who vanished over a year ago, have been found in a mountainous area of eastern California. Police in Mammoth Lakesory .. is the ASTROLOGY of CHARGE in water. This means that when waves a charge are gathered in perfect compression into water - the memory of exactly where that charge came from is kept in perfect context. Moving electrically charge (stored in the form scientists call CAPACITANCE) - is the physics of astrology - and does go lots faster than light. So if you grow a water (or quartz) bond nest very slowly - each time a new bond is formed - it makes a harmonic sample stored of the shape of all charge waves coming from every star at the moment of the birth of the bond. (This shows up if you do a musical analysis of each bond like a spark gap nested - 'infinite series').
Take the example - of a quartz crystal grown too quickly in a cooking pot in an electronics lab. That crystal when held in your hand feels like a pate foie goose liver which has been too quickly stuffed. Now you take a similar sized crytal that took many thousand years to grow, and holding it you get pictures inside your head of the shape of all the land around where it grew.
This is because the capacitive 'charge' spinning out from each bond - has more harmonic inclusiveness and more memory in bonds that were formed slowly and in context.
This explains in part why certain waters that come from very ancient ices are so healing. They are charge dense, information dense, and spin dense - electrically.
Now- back to our little molecule (Mr. H 2 You - Owe to Me).
(-5 points on Social scale) No white flag of surrender on Iraq: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Retreat is defeat in Iraq: Strongly Opposes topic 17
McCain: She has right judgment on Iran and the surge: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Visited Alaska National Guard troops in Kuwait: Opposes topic 17
Generally supportive of America's presence in Iraq: Opposes topic 17
We don't know what the plan is to ever end the war: Favors topic 17In summary - while Dr. Popp correctly surmised that the ability to store and emit a photon measures life - (biophoton) - the PROCESS which allows biology to store a photon IS the ability to (fractally) ATTRACT and SELF-ORGANIZE electrical charge. This is why D.Winter extended the Celestine Prophecy definition of LIFE ( All Human Interaction is About CHARGE) - to read more completely - LIFE FORCE EQUALS THE ABILITY TO ATTRACT (Implosive Compression) and Self-Organize Electrical Charge.
It is simple to understand that the weak capacitive charge field is what makes the critical orienting decision at the instant the liquid decides in what angle to join the crystal. (for example the physics of rainmaking - goldenmean.info/rain , or of restoring life to cities - goldenmean.info/lightcity ). Biology happens when liquid approaches the tight rope of becoming liquid crystal due to the COHEREing of CHARGE. The physics of sensitive crystallization is therefore totally dependant on the ORDER implicate in the ambient electrical field of charge. Thus LIFE FORCE is determined solely by the ability to compress, store and radiate this capacitive field. ( your Glow is your Charge radiance).
Further- that life happens - when charge compression at center becomes implosive ( evidenced in the pent 5 sided PHI based - self similarity which symmetry identifies everything living). - more at goldenmean.info/biophoton
Armed forces, including my son, give us security and freedom: Opposes topic 17
Wants exit plan; also assurances to keep our troops safe: Favors topic 17
We have not been attacked since 2001; so support our troops: Opposes topic 17
I support the mission of our troops in Iraq: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Our troops in Iraq keep us safe at home: Strongly Opposes topic 17
I support President Bush's efforts to stop terrorism: Strongly Opposes topic 17
Order 2005 granting export authorization was issued June 3, 2008, and Order 2005-A Denying Request for Rehearing was issued July 30, 2008.
whihc of course can;t be true! its not inside, and nor outside. the spatialization of perception was, now, I saw, the key to the lock.
From Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 46 (March 1993): 8-16.solution to this question either.
2. Can it be proven that the axioms of logic are consistent? Gödel's incompleteness theorem indicated that the answer is "no," in the sense that any formal system interesting enough to formulate its own consistency can prove its own consistency iff it is inconsistent.
3. Give two tetrahedra that cannot be decomposed into congruent tetrahedra directly or by adjoining congruent tetrahedra. Dehn (1900, 1902) showed this could not be done by inventing the theory of Dehn invariants, and Kagan (1903) obtained the same result independently.
4. Find geometries whose axioms are closest to those of Euclidean geometry if the ordering and incidence axioms are retained, the congruence axioms weakened, and the equivalent of the parallel postulate omitted. This problem was solved by G. Hamel.
5. Can the assumption of differentiability for functions defining a continuous transformation group be avoided? (This is a generalization of the Cauchy functional equation.) Solved by John von Neumann in 1930 for bicompact groups. Also solved for the Abelian case, and for the solvable case in 1952 with complementary results by Montgomery and Zipin (subsequently combined by Yamabe in 1953). Andrew Gleason showed in 1952 that the answer is also "yes" for all locally bicompact groups.
6. Can physics be axiomatized?
The Enlil Enki Benjamin Line/ And the meeting Today of the other half in Albion passing down through the last two weeks is changing everything. THAT is the why of the GB “success” or I should say at least “influence” in this matter, as it is....”grid orchestrated”. We did that. It’s important tho and shouldn’t be dismissed! Camelot’s a Real Grail Castle Too as well as phase conjugability in the blood! AND also! ah... you get it now I can see you do.... NO matter hat whay you look at it NAEPTUNE’s RIGHT NOW at its “Ju67.” 0 point.
and as you just saw, when Merc passes Jupiter and Sun conjunction it ALSO then restarts its “your” next phase. Ironic isn’t it if this process of finding a place to live took until January! However, that’s MOST UNLIKELY and you’ll see why soon enough. (Don’t worry. A place has been sorted) {{this is M ref to fact i’ve been given,,, etc they know that d! you dont need to tell then,,,).
So As Neptune (Ah opera ding ding at ten pm) Hastings Time// com. Plus the when Jupiter meets the Merc AGAIn in quick succession by which time moon will have been round twiece!!
yes. Y Cap = NASHIRAThe Constructive Aspect of Visual Perception
“bearer of good news”
The experience of Gestalt illusions often appears as volumetric spatial structures bounded by continuous colored surfaces embedded in a volumetric space. These, and many other phenomena, suggest a field theory principle of visual representation and computation in the brain.