3. Stimulates the aspiration to better the human condition. The awareness of the relationship of the Higher and the lower selves having been established through Libra’s influence, Uranus works to blend more completely the energies of humanity’s essential duality. This process of synthesised fusion has as its purpose the creation of improved social systems for humanity’s physical well-being, as well as the stimulation of the spiritual climate for inner growth and development. These two facets of human life work out through networking, an especially Uranian and Aquarian activity.
4. Fosters individual activity within the group context. When intuition, Soul-focused social aspiration (that is, a true perception of collective need) group consciousness and direct contact with Spiritual Will are fused and blended through Seventh Ray activity, one steps forward to do one’s individual part in the One Work. In effect, Uranus leaves the individual to the Occult Way and is known by the name of the ~Hierophant of the Mysteries of Initiation~. The Occult Way can be characterised as the Path of Divine Knowledge, of Ordered Magic, and is the practical application of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings to the daily life. It is thus the Way of the Mind (as opposed to the Path of the Mystic, which is the Way of Union through the feelings), and utilises knowledge as the vehicle which reveals Wisdom and Light.Uranus in Esoteric Astrology
The Magic and Power of Speech
Synchronicity and Non-Linear Connectedness
The Hyper-dimensional ambassador
Water Bearer... TRANSIENT MOBILITY OF nanotwopersons outside the Ben and Barrow off Netherfield, that’s where I saw the qwails last year. And thats where we are going to buy those 12 acres? I asked because I just knew, it wouldn’t be enough acerage for what He had in mind. But I couldn’t say that. I couldnt let him see that I knew that he another arrangement. Woman’s intuition call it, or my microbed dna, that was just as likely to be the cause of intelligence as anything else. I perused the Woman’s Observer in Forts Teahouse, and noted the publication date of the Bubbles Last hurrah before the antennae was corrupted by our signal, and kept the page for the photograph. Nice to have a bot of evidence. He was outside talking to her for an hour, about the lay of the land. ha hee hahw bloody hee haw. Dear Diary, remind me to find someone I can shag regularly, that way it wont bother me if he’s shagging someone else. I know its not pro quo or very much to dowith Love, and I should approach it differently, but I just feel so annoyed I may as well. But who could that be? But just before my final agenda kicks i had just better be sure, because I know, I could have him all wrong. It’s a devil learning about people in this day and age; one really ought not to bother; one ought to probably simply live and make up one’s mind to not say a word to anyone. What good does it lead to? Bickering? Pride? A final insult. I’d better be darn sure I’m not just bored and off my trolley with the mundane life of being the home maker. Guweadha. How else am I to put it?
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Mercury occupies a most important position in our lives and in esoteric astrology. It is Mercury, representing the Mind which acts as the ~illuminating principle~ of human life. Mercury is a planet emanating the energies of the Fourth Ray and as such, it is intimately connected with that function of human intelligence which separates mankind from the animal kingdom. It is Mind which allows humanity to be a conscious conduit for the down pouring of energies from higher realms (notably from the source of intuition). This faculty of awareness is not available to the animal kingdom.
In this sense, Mercury is truly the ~messenger of the Gods~. Its association with the fourth level of manifestation - the Buddhic plane - brings it into contact with the intuitive nature, and thus with the birthing of new archetypes into the consciousness of humanity {Uranus}. This connection is expressed through esoteric astrology by Mercury’s rulership of Aries on the Soul level and Uranus’s rulership of Aries on the Hierarchical, or most collective originating level.
On the personality level, Mercury is associated with duality, as well as with all facets of communication between people. On the Soul level it is exclusively a planet of relatedness and a harbinger of harmony. As we see in the function of mercury through the individual signs this relatedness expresses itself in Aries as the bringing together of Spirit and matter; in Gemini as theinter-relatedness of Soul and body; in Virgo connecting Mother and Child; and in Scorpio, as the ~Word made flesh~.
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