It was amazement. Amazement that Uranus had predicted and proved the quickening is health and must happen. QUIXOTIC as Aquarius was in Neptune, the memories of sea swathing our hips as we dove like dolphins into. She and I made sound yawp together off balconies. Lord of All glammed it up into the couch for his missus brought tea round for the Big Screen. Plebs shed beds and tv’s were all thrown out. The carcasses of technology everywhere laden by the bins. Orange neon happenstance and yellow juiced wine gums made us lick our lips for all that eclipsing, something did shut down, perhaps a Virgoan tendency for perfection is a good thing, wondered Ben Elfin out olud from the balcony. As he watched the sun setting on that hot summer day his mind returned to the bluebell field in which he’d first lay down with her; her dark skin so close to him now, seemed oddly distant in his memory; All he could really remember was the sound of the grass. Windsweeping in from the West took them inside, and drinks were poured before the taberbnacle was again given to the collective. All hail jupe the tone free of All remonstrance, simply shining.; Beulah, Ulvelah and Xerxes all presiding in fornicating madness of Dsionysian cleansing under ritualistic holly the sun shone down. Further back from the green fields, patterns on lawns emerging, circular, tetractys, ovoid, oblongate quadicosidodecahedrons and the Ceres side of Astro jumping became clear, even on that hot night the shields went up against the solar ingress, star studded from 2 million years ago Green said that was what Stevens meant to say with his concupiscidiant guitar. I myself drove a yellow wheelbarrow down to the Old Ladies pram race and bedeviled by tankards pissed in by barkeeps too bored to think much of it. Ah swoon. The street swayed with the speed the notes came out the banks. The corners were eroded, but the cornices were perfect. Church of sandstone turned inward and became domicile, and the glittering vectors were making it all come right. I went with Don down to the Leon Castle, and there, high abover Borders and trans beyond concept and experiences there bathed in that florid light. Buddhas drove their wars down to the Laundromat and it all became clean, and well ordered. Saturn, pushing through at 11 degree of the Virgtin cloud made us look toward the 2010 conjunctions but at the back of the top of the flagpole there was the when it all was over, and here we were referrirng to 2020 or thereabout. Eight long forks were placed side by side at the dinner table that night as the Edinburgh festivellers broke rank and played Dixie Down on trombone for the Candian Marionettes who had always been Scottish brought back tap shoes and tradition to the islea. Cameras and actions, makeshift watches and new night panties disregarded for the imaginal. Cleveland broke though into the Royal enclosure, winning its race in Valencia two fathoms before the next, as Neptune again sailed us to the gold. We couldn’t stand it, but we couldn’t hate it either. We couldn’t analyse it but nor could we ignore it. A dog running through the park leaping into the arms of a puppy; and the dandelion tea served upon angelic conches that were laced with Hemming and Vitamin pills. Our hearts, enriched by this spectacle, stood there on the balcony, only feet from the Queen.
She was great, the great western blue electric steam fulled locamotiveationed us through tallow and fallow yes until we were there high as robbins dusting themselves off with laquer, smarting through Xiix
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