Growth of crystalline rubrene films with enhanced stability
D. Käfer and G. Witte, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2005, 7, 2850
DOI: 10.1039/b507620j
as you see sagitarius GC’s “other half” It’s interesting to notice that at the winter solstice of 2012 when the Sun resides in 5 degrees Sagittarius (tropical zodiac) at the crossing of the ecliptic and Milky Way, the sun rises at azimuth 115 degrees. To the south-east Scorpio is already visible while Sagittarius is still below the horizon. At winter solstice sunrise the star Sabik of Ophiuchus stands straight above the Sun at the same azimuth. The constellation Ophiuchus therefore is appearing just above the Sun at the winter solstice of 2012 which makes it an important constellation that the ancients understood is important with respect to the Galactic Alignment of 2012. In the Maya artefacts we see many deities holding the double headed serpent cross bar such as in Stela C at Quirigua. The double headed serpent bar has been identified representing the ecliptic by Linda Schele, but it’s interesting to notice the similarities between the constellation of the serpent holder (man with the serpent in his hands) and the Maya artefacts portraying exactly this posture of figure with a serpent in his hands. Given the fact that these Maya artefacts can be related to the Galactic Alignment makes the connection all the more interesting!
With respect to William Henry’s conclusions derived from the Sumerian artefacts that a stargate will be opened around 2012, I do not share his conclusions.
I’ve studied the same artefacts that William Henry has and have come to a completely different conclusion that I have already shared here on this forum.
In era 2012, the zodiac cross aligns after 6480 years (4 times during a precession cycle) again with a fixated cross in the sky, the Galactic Cross. The zodiac cross rotates during precession against the backdrop of the Galactic Cross and normally the two form an 8 pointed cross. Only during Great Celestial Conjunctions (coinciding with Jenkins his Galactic Alignments) do both crosses merge and become a singe four pointed cross.
If you look at what William Henry has identified as the Babylonian symbol of the Sun (Shamash) and Niburu, you will notice that this symbol of the Sun is comprised of two four pointed crosses that are superimposed. This 8 pointed cross represents exactly the precession of the equinoxes and shows how the zodiac cross rotates against the backdrop of the fixed Galactic Cross.
http://www.hiddenmysteries.org/author/henry/stargateswormholes.shtml [moderator fixed link]
We find the same 8 pointed cross symbols in the Meso-American artefacts over and over again in relation to Galactic Alignment.
To summarize, what William Henry has identified as the 2012 wormhole from the studying the Sumerian and Babylonian as well as the Maya artefacts; I have studied exactly the SAME artefacts but have come to a completely different interpretation; Both in the Old and in the New World the concepts of the Great Celestial Conjunction were encoded in the artefacts by means of four and eight pointed crosses! In other words in both worlds the current Galactic Alignment of 2012 was deemed very important for humanity.
# rises out of the ashes of old world thinking.
# Jewel at forehead over "mystical third eye" to represent the opening into full insight into the
You can read my articles on this subject here:
(They are already posted on this forum)
its odd. priopgogine enetered into my consciousness in1999 and then really seriously in 2002. ooo my brain ached! i was compelled to read everything about complexity institute and in the end all roads seem to lead to new mexico and i just cannot believe i waas able to live there and then came all the way back here?! Since then and now this, one I me as Mercurius wondering communicating how to With the sun and the NEw Moon now in full swing and the night in on me again
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