Thursday, 4 November 2010

A Fiction. A Faction. A Fiction. A Faction

Ripening bananas exhibit intense blue luminescence under UV light. Their luminescence arises from fluorescent chlorophyll catabolites which accumulate in the banana peels during ripening; their natural further conversion to nonfluorescent catabolites is specifically inhibited by a previously unrecognized chemical modification. Credit: (C) Wiley-VCH 2008
The Scorpio New Moon basically has no aspects except for a wide sextile to Pluto on the Galactic Center, which underscores the great influence of this New Moon. (I do not use semi-squares and sesquiquadrates unless they are less than one degree because they just aren't strong enough.) The Sabian Symbol for 6 Scorpio is the image of men being torn away from home by a gold rush so that they can improve their economic status as well as to gamble; this lunation encourages us to dig for new paths and seek new forms of wealth. This lunation is the perfect setup for finding personal ways to navigate the coming new world, since the material world is a gold mine in which everybody has an equal share-and the candidates bravely carry the archetypes for us. Regarding Saturn opposite Uranus, McCain, because of his physical rigidity from war injuries, cancer, and age, reflects Saturn playing out his desperate search for order in a chaotic world. Obama would be one of the youngest presidents, and he is incredibly healthy and yogic. His main slogan-"Change"-embodies the quest of Uranus, which courses through him as he moves like a wand through a rapidly moving world. Biden, who represents biding time, grounds his extraordinary partner. Adding signs to the mix, Saturn in Virgo desires order at all costs, while Uranus in Pisces desires the total transformation of spiritual values in culture. George W. Bush seized the accelerated energy of the Galactic Underworld in 2000; Obama could release the Fourth World peace-potential; and McCain could try to slow down the Galactic Underworld but not stop it.

Now, as Alaska’s governor, Palin is under investigation for allegedly ousting Alaska public safety commissioner Walt Monegan because he refused to fire

WOO WOO! NOW, FINDING OUT FROM THE GIRLS THAT IT IS NECESSARY TO KEEP TADS ON DEESE MEN. They tell me they all had hired one, so after that it sort of kind of made sense. I didn’t resent myself anymore. People hire detectives all the time, and family is family, and life is life. Something was definitely going on! My sister, well, she just would never have stayed with him if she’d known. But now, knowing what we do, people are even less liekly to believe the stroy. It is that absurd; if it wern’t so obscene! Right here, in our very state! In our own backyard. The truth had me trembling for days and Macky had to come over three times a week to osteopathisixe me. I didn’t tell anyone, of course. Not even Tom. And how could I? The truth had been revealed, but the level of sinister involvment that had seen recruitment by so many Anchorites, i was flabbergasted. Satanism had never enetered my mind as a real concept. Of course, i like so mnay others had of course seen devil films, and of course had had contact with angels; was there anyone who hadn’t prayed to an angel? I was reminded of this because of a young republican who had been intriduced to me over dinner at a State fair banquet by the Duke Signor Alpheonse de Riguella. The young american had been based in Sintra for a pharmaceutical company had returned to Alaska and was now spearheading a campaign for an alliance between NASA and the Portugese over sharing satellite information and particularly at what cost and wat what quality. Indeed, he said, he maintained in his interests certain rights to continue to market and biomanage the products but due to the ramifications of the work theoretical that was behind the project, he had introduced himself to Comte S-adeuil for rights to develop a software program that would resonate at 39 million pixels; already the state of the art spectrometer had showed surprising results and the yello curtain was so hot on the tail that would he forgive me if he asked so presumptuously for an enfdrosement if not a fixed share in his company. Actually, as the dinner wasn’t that pleasant, I welcomed the conversation though I would not normally as I do so love food, and drink. burp ha ha. So, later, he returned with my husband and I and we did actually drink quite a lot. tran said we were playing music so lloud, and all that ancient Eighties stuff. And Neil Young? That was just so depressing. We told her that she would understand; changes were coming, and the angelic messages that we had received were all so very clear. This was why I was surprised to uncover the level odd tho it was as I had been led to the detective and in some way I have found it in my duty and responsiblilty to put a stop to their practices. Not even a Crowleyite or a Yeatsian would condone these practices. The detective, however, had demanded more money to maintain his silence, like so many people, sas we rose in profile he lowered himself to a possible blackmail angle. And with our Beth pregnat as well, and the election race just starting, I had allowed myself some secret diazepam, blaming the hard worlk for my drowsiness. As despicable as the acts were that had been uncovered I had to force myself to refrain from taking any further action until after the election. Nobody would, ifelt quite sure, understand my new zeal. But there it was. I supposed some former Presidents had perhaps been motivated as young men to attain a position of high office in order to seek a revenge. It was not out of the question. As a motivator, revenge has driven many of us. And why should I be different/ Seeing that the only way that I could undo the work of these satanists was to run for the highest office i believed that i could hold. It would be the only way. If I told you in ddetail how many girls, and how many men and how despicable the acts were and how violent and deranged, i guess you still wouldn’t have believed. You would have always thoght it was because i was an “evangelical” Christian, and who would believe that actually a stop had to be put to it. It was no different to slavery, feminism, or any campaign for human rights. the onoy difference was that i had come to know that it was so deeply entrenched as a practice it would in fact take me months to recover my compsure. But one thing I know. One thing I knew in my heart more than anything else, was that in the clear cold of that morning when I first perceived the extent of the ring, I knew there would be only one place that i could have any influence of ever hoping of ever ending it. Because, of course, and you may not find this palateable, but child abusers are heavily armed, militarily prepared and sanctioned organisers of rings of people who do not know what it is they are protecting. Military force would be required. The CIA would have to be involved. There would have to be assasinations and extensive, secretive operations every bit as clearly worlked through as any military campaign. The funds were the difficulty. The other wars had us strapped. We had to defend ourselves; but inside our own country we had something so deep to route out that nearly all resources would be required to do it. And so this is why after this became clear to me I was forced to counsel my sister to back down, and forced to begin the long and complex process of covering up my real intentions, meanwhile gaining the thing, the position in office. And that, obviiusly to anyone who has ever thought to aspire to the next rung up, takes some focus I can telly ou. But in through all this, turning my git and spurning on was the knowledge that I could, if I became close enough, could change the policy and end the abuse. Whether “it” “they” wuld resurface after we had them routed, in some other country I had to leave that thought for after November 08. Back in 94 this was just an idea. BUt if we had enough of the organisations to coordinate the blitz, they could all be removed and killed, and the institution wrecked. We were, after all, now talking about millions of girls. Nearer a billion than one million. Not a thousand. Not ten thousand worldwide. But nearer a billion girls.

I would like you to think about that and now review possible other reasons I am persuing the policies I am persuing.

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