To forecast what could be learned during the upcoming Saturn/Uranus oppositions 2008-10, we need to look back to the previous conjunctions of Saturn and Uranus in 1988, which occurred right on the Galactic Center. Back in 1988, the Soviet Union gave up its war in Afghanistan, which created a new scramble to control the oil and drugs in the region. The Iran-Iraq war was ending, and then in 2003 the US invaded Iraq and has constantly threatened Iran. The 2008-10 Saturn/Uranus oppositions will probably pressure the US to almost eliminate military campaigns in the Middle East, which would necessitate diplomatic relations with Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Regarding America's unresolved racism, it is fascinating to remember that Jesse Jackson attempted to capture the Democratic presidential nomination in 1988, and now we have Barack Obama in the run, and he probably will win. The great conflicts playing out during 1988-89 in the US will be back in force during 2008-10. Growth must occur, or the US is going to be totally marginalized in the world. I do not think this will happen, since the Mayan Calendar is a gift from the Western hemisphere.
The “lower octave” what we are calling MARS IS (that original “chalk planet” that DW spoke of. AND as an aside that constant trip down that valley to Crestone WAS enrisching BECAUSE! Bleuhmehler knew! AND the highest ration fo FRACTAl capacitors in the UNITED states ((see below) was there. Now, NY and surprisingly OHIo too (hence why you’ll learn (by hearing) more than by “seeing” at the “election” game stage now as Gordon Brown is able to comment like he did this morning on Ross and Jimbo Black because he knows (you’ll see timing of his Queen’s Meeting” And other stuff will reflect this. Meanwhile in our system NOW MArs individuating LIBRA was Ep BEFORE this MOON transfer NOW. See? Merc./ Rx (!) forward info like NEptunes “Forward” Info up to NOW also.... yr birth chart NATAl UR was FORWARD.... not Rx.! That MErc “frx) transferredd yes to Moon t to Sun then to M, happening NOW. and working as your balacnce “acrt” here SUN IS NOW going INTO this and M (M) obviously YOU! Ur . post doc. ! the real issue. (done) plus THE NEW ISSUES from the NEw two week “old” news. PLUS all that Soul info to (bit I digressed on...)
england. chald aqquifers Downs and this tricky old Wealden Clay ++ Hastings Beds, all H2 related )yes) but also ++ V related from 2007! ONLY ONE YEAR INTO THIS!!
Yr “Validate Neptunian Process” (MARS. See that? How Mars carried Egypot INDochine TibetMongolian info “free of charge” ok too! “you dont have to become a charge capacitor!” HOWEVER WHAT IS IS. And now H2 is ++ one.
Looking at other configurations in the New Moon chart, Venus in freedom-loving and reckless Sagittarius is quickly moving into a T-square to the Saturn/Uranus opposition, which will be exact on November 3, right before the election.
Of coursem, wrmaids in VIRGO since SUN IS STILL THERE ANd the all imp. 12 0 Merc. Carrying Hermes Birth NIDOBA as archtype so BHC wrong here only making too much out of a simple archytype. WHEN REALITY ALSO IS ORPHICHUS. This is the real subject. SO dont worry MOON MARS met and did all that last night! Yes. (Here this is a reference to the final painting of the loo and the inner hall where the blue reiki symbol had been placed facing skyward... “now gets to be face down!). SO DO THAT.
So......Since Ms. Palin is the resident beauty queen selected by the fatherly warrior McCain, she embodies Venus in the T-Square, the great lipstick distraction of the 2008 election. She is a wild card to be drawn for supreme stupidity or stultifying magic, McCain's biggest gamble yet. For example, during the T-square on November 3, THIS NOV 3 REF. IS POPPY. KIN 260. OK D. KIN @^) last four days are REPAIRING MATRIX...
election day is MATRIX repair then I IMIX Dragon Queen reigns .... tho she dont know why she is there...LOOK AT HER kids! I already perused the kids pictures. LOOK again....
(Well that’s 2 jobs this morning I gotta do. Was the third...? continual clearing?... LOOK AHEAD google SKY!Venus sextiles Chiron/Neptune in Aquarius, which suggests her role may actually be healing and spiritual. Maybe this energy will be just for McCain personally and/or a healing force for old warriors. Maybe she will feel real concern for her own son in Iraq? Palin definitely reflects that it is hard for many men to rise for peace on Earth.
So, NOV 2nd Moon is transferring (and Receiving) second wave of the microlensing Event begun well, you know when and thats what matters). That plus the first “complete cycle” because I know you can’t remember both happened simultaneously and the third Event was being incorporated Geexe! you HAVE come through and looking arounbd now what you seeis also NEW. It could go well could it? Could it go “stay here?” I mean “could it?” how likely is that?
Surely that depends on the “bird is flown” from the H2 effect?
Why yes it does (did?) did. Now, things opening up. And will continue to OPEN UP! compressions “completed” Mars has the info. Yr now in FORWARD motion (Neprtune).. completing and Merc. as it is until next Jan 20! so this gets “easier”. No. It just gets diffferent!
Neptunes. also now!
so what’s left.
exactly. “back to where Uranus is at” NOW!
Mercury in 19 Libra is exactly quincunx Uranus (Obama) in Pisces, and Mercury in Libra is Venusian, the silvery vibration that Palin has been carrying throughout the Mercury retrograde in Libra. Palin appeared on the scene (6 weeks after the Grace Light was given by Datta) August 28 just as Mercury was poised move into Libra,(VIRGO) think about her daughters, and what they are carrying and you’ll get closer to the truth of why what happens next happens...... so she could deliver a truly weird and destabilizing blow to Obama the day before the election. Also, Mercury goes into Scorpio right after the Saturn/Uranus opposition just before sunrise November 4! What could this mean? It may be a bad omen for Obama, because while in the secrecy of the voting booth, it could encourage Rubrene is among the most studied organic electronic materials because it is found in all of the most imThe changing face of rubrene - nanotechweb.orgportant classes of devices: light emitting diodes, solar cells and field effect transistors (FETs). In particular it is considered a benchmark material for single-crystal organic FETs, because its hole field-effect mobility is among the highest observed for organic semiconductors (OSCs). In photovoltaic cells, rubrene acts as a dopant and as a light-absorbing antenna material. Its unique electronic properties have recently motivated several fundamental studies of rubrene self-assembled structures. In this context high-resolution STM revealed that the way that rubrene self assembles is strongly influenced by the substrate symmetry.
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