SATurday on the couch difuckingesting the abomination of Bushwacjer’s Legacy. Now, Tuesds. slumped grump ref 6th day but 69 and counting. 34 minutes. Left side half packed. Upside. Cash in wallet. Fighting mind. And tension high. Question to race and find. Grin. Cheer. And beever Canyon calling. Hodge Posdge And Smiley George crapping on a day that is otherwhordly sand sensible. Crap Podge gained a leg hold on my ass crapping and crunching ridiculously. The Scene. Ten thousandth of an inch thick. Graphene. And greedy rocked. A Pink guitar and a subteranean A. Deluge from Waqles. < Desire from Yes Finally to Arie, They dont leave much time to Celebrate. Cruck of Clunk ing morhpogenetic mind. Novembre Decembre. Lilou made me Sit. Meditate and visualize. Mike’s in high Spirits. Problems met with Npoise and Musack. Tin shoed gals wreck the peace. I need a place or a Ne Mind. Aie. A NEw Mind. Needed. Now. They say, this one is Time. A whole lot has waited in the background tho my mind is shadowy with tiredness. I’m lucky to have this roof. I hate feeling the stuffed shirt of the Land lord breathing down my neck. Another mistake. Another shift. Another pressure I cannot take. Today’s onloy saving grace. Lovejoy has departed and he’s left me with ten hundred videos burned discs and sheets drenched in my black mascara and his residue. There\’s a moon up there somewhere. Nearly full too. Jennifer has called in from Venice. Jim rolled me out of bed on six hours sleep and made me deal with it: more bad news. Now I owe Shit Cunt a month’s rent. And shit cunt is crud in mind? I try to speak nice. Soften the edge. “They” are making me swear. And so I swore. Omghofuckn Ch. Wta Fck, Palava. Speaking of India. On my mind new mantra from Dattatreys, very complex and i dont know how to say it. And then Id di some visulaising. Tried to visulise a place. Somewhere I can overlook the sea, after all, that is why I am here. Ah. I tried. As Dwight instructed. However, Jim and Funky Dunk’s meta Morose Vibe hit me swell hard. And found me reeling into an apathetic “oh well, at least I got a l...” in. There seems to be a point beyond which I can’t think. And I seem to be a frustrted bunny, who probably should get some sleep. I have tried. Now it’s the sixth day and somehow by some strange Confluence I’m looking at four years here. Hard to not conclude in the negative. My mood swung today. Rollicked out of bed. Punched, literally, by the shock of its behaviour. Stunned that even He could be too bright. I feel chrd. The thin edge of a sharp tongued Censor nudgin me clonker. Parasooth. Veratrythe Me? I do seMatchcematica hermetica. Todeder off tae swinbarn and rack up thirteen. Fcj, Ick. And she smiles. I’ve had to pek up me large dah. Can yae swivel? Check da Mune! Fuel and swipe sweat reaperters on my todd forgetting Casdh to drink and rest. Krack. Schrack. Dems ferwerks ave been goin off all day. Wherdya? k Lm. m Later . Now 6pm. Music synthesis and that’s better than it all. She “ i pod? Drat. State lines and state funding. 14 billion on OUR living situation. Hellish as it can be. If it custs us forteen villion... Hav ye Nae bin to India Laddie. Them trap Conservatives should shut it, or gp will reduce thar liffey. Nae. Kan ya see Caemerathorn inDelhi fer five minutes on his todd? Or MArdarme Laardy? Twof and skip. Nuisance guineas and gold. All passing throught the sixth Day lens Now. For this...in twenner minutos alesandro Bajelo Georgeous Georgey, Archduke and Prince has 68 to go through. Pres R Elect makes nonstop new adjustments to flight plan buy the hour HUT the Hour! Time’s Affordable these days and the beer flows freely from the Royal hhouses to the makeshift lamp and the boxey shorts Princess Wore Nightly. Outside storm clouds at a NOvember fulol moon. Beauty. Crashed through a case came in waking up the spanglers and Ministerised to Her fans from the kitchen, plodding round barefoot at my beqwest.
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