We find the same 8 pointed cross symbols in the Meso-American artefacts over and over again in relation to Galactic Alignment. Hex Vex. tetra symmetry and the White Swan. Plods are on the street. garbage from Landlords in England who fail to see the significance of the Election Result. Stand Up for your rights!
To summarize, what William Henry has identified as the 2012 wormhole from the studying the Sumerian and Babylonian as well as the Maya artefacts; I have studied exactly the SAME artefacts but have come to a completely different interpretation; Both in the Old and in the New World the concepts of the Great Celestial Conjunction were encoded in the artefacts by means of four and eight pointed crosses! In other words in both worlds the current Galactic Alignment of 2012 was deemed very important for humanity.
# rises out of the ashes of old world thinking.
# Jewel at forehead over "mystical third eye" to represent the opening into full insight into the
You can read my articles on this subject here:
(They are already posted on this forum)
its odd. priopgogine enetered into my consciousness in1999 and then really seriously in 2002. ooo my brain ached! i was compelled to read everything about complexity institute and in the end all roads seem to lead to new mexico and i just cannot believe i waas able to live there and then came all the way back here?! Since then and now this, one I me as Mercurius wondering communicating how to With the sun and the NEw MoMasaMeson now in full swing and the night in on me again. When it happenened. And how to watch the firls doing what they do, so happily. I almost gfelt like I shouldve gone and seen high sch musical three with the girls but the info i received was so clear to me. and the nergy of the parasites on them was as well. its been a long time since i felt that energy. Jany's iced parksloope’s energy is so specific and Grant Park and ny’s is entirely different. I talked about that one. Moor bath. Walking on the hills we talked all day up to Snop Daddy highland Park. Thats the tought one. She said, the path is three thousand years old, and changing. And then the info and now “Day two” and Welcome to the SIXTH DAY/ after the lucid sleep of Tex and Taz and the wild and woofy Headiness of Intellect in the Post Corneell West came over and invited me to Princeton. bell wasn't going to be there but Angelina was on the phone at the same time and the flights were cooked goo and houses seemed to be swaying with the quake's reverberation. ore and more I looked out to Malaysia and the Tsuminami Dialect Variables. F2 x functions as the Boolean Transfer took place, I found the mannin Westlake amenabl to a dialog over these 29 million mega Pixels. And before Now I am realising I knew exactly why that film of Sixth Day and reterritorialised fourth dimensional archytypes were also food of a kind; I wernt feeling no good last night I was off the trolley and down into Lakeside Avenue for a pint with Angelina. I have to to go to... , even she has to pee. And, as if that wern't enough, as if the idol had been Pirsig's Lila and I had swum with you down that Great Manhatten gorging on Ben. Jericho. The hole in Jerusalem's Wall. Read the Economic American again. Edited. two pints of coffee and went back to Lakeside to interview Great Neice of Carl Jung. princess Alesandro was wating on the E Train for P:eo Polding her tights through the ice of New York, staring at the new worls underground, so far from the rigeurs and fineries of Alsace and Swiss Alps. She hemmed her own trousers, finding super pearls rounding the corning her to a halt to look into his eyes and always accept their desirte; if it was to help another have a good time (are those days over? she wondered... is there anymore Doing stuff to help others have a good time when I have to have my own path to.. ) I wonder, a I have come “so far” (and in paradoxical way, gone nowhere). Biut its still not worked out, Every day, it hints cajoles and nears me to a finality, and then as finality arrives actually i realise there is no finality and then that dissoves and so things happen, daily. This new vie coming in right on the back of Orphicius. Urgh. Now that I know what the TV networdks and theater people have been done to them (yes, done to them, it is something the theater people and the art people and the networkl people all have to wake up to. this is why there is no “content” that REALLY reflects the truth ... now that the eggs have flown out of the top hat whoch has been lifted off HERE in the England. Yous ee. It , this, hapening in ALBION, Let matter reign. Matter is form and comes from the Latin word mater, which means "mother". On the ordinary wheel, Virgo is so intimately connected with the form life that the consciousness has not, as yet, developed the necessary objectification for its release as Light. Yet it is through the lessons of matter that Virgo, at a later stage, comes to regard that precious inner purity which, at an earlier stage, was regarded with dread and fear, as the embryo of the Soul's presence.
I am the Mother and the Child. I, God I Matter am. These are the words of the Soul, recognising its function as a vehicle for the Father's Light. this is also a statement of perfected, blended unity in which /Spirit (God), Soul (Christ) and Body (Matter/Mother) are all unified. In effect, this lesson of Virgo reveals to use that Matter and its Creator are but one continuous line of cosmic expression. It is through consciousness (that quality of the Soul) that humanity comes to this realisation. It is through service to humanity that such an awareness of the Eternal Life and all of Its Forms is quickened into physical reality.
WHY for travel was serving a purpose. This is known to you. THAT has been seen through thoroughly, clearly in complete Virgoan transformation of consciousness you divined the path of the soul that the soul has to take between its two choices. done long time ago now here Tho this and other birth mothers to call Ella and Adi and also to learn to live with the sending of grace light wherever you f**** even to a tennis player.... certainly wont not help! However, backto Priogine after yesterday in terms of irreversibility, and this the “seeming” evetn of the event just descrubed. A finitude is implied, and the implied then re-implies a dissolving. More like creathing, but really it is just pov aspects of the living thing, that is seen frame by frame in DW videos etc. ALSO ALL clearly seen. NOW ref to Nth gate actviations continuing here clearley are being marked in time also ands tthis gors along youll refind the maria and the lady lake as well. this is now again. true it is taking e to clear, tho the clearing is v good for environment and you too. patience here just as water Neptune nest embedding at its “X” degree. Èn Orphichius new vitamins and pills have arrived. jus ttake those. pass on the doc pills FOR NOW and accept the realisations that are happening so fast you used to nearly dismiss them are the thing. Doc Medical certificates. This is Aescelpius. This is the Orphichius aspect of the Mercurial Line that comes in as Hermes. Dear God D! today (is) te living embodiment of the relisations of two weeks ago and that can be said to be two weeks ago. (See time as phi ) 
Prigogine was particularly interested in interdisciplinary implications of
his scientific work [62, 63] and encouraged research extending beyond the limits of es-
tablished knowledge. When Ioannis Antoniou, deputy director of the Solvay Institutes in
Brussels, asked him for the future challenges of science some time ago, he answered [30]:
“if I was a young researcher now, I would study the mind-body problem. This is the great
challenge of the 21st century.”
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