Porn is Everywhere! As much Porn as Dark Energy. As much porn as dust in an average suburban Subaru. A smut of Gloth. AA smegma of Variation. A Apolinairian Epilepsus of Galxactic Hard Core samples taken from the Ice Sheet of Melting Putrid Puritania. Nowhere and Everywhere, Porn in the Myspace land of Everything, galactic. A Red Dwarf fucks a Galactic Giant. Two Sister moons Pump action with a nearby SuperNanny. Anyone and everyone can agree on the ubiquity, and everyone who has now Had a Good Look will find plenty of funny, as well as Sexy. Erotic and grotesque. Some with SDound Round tracking on a Hobby Horse. Everywhere, developing, expanding. It is this “dark energy” so it was once envisioned that has lept and emerged. It is what we do, it is what we are. And it is as Normal and as fascinating as Hubble’s Images, also now becoming Normal now to Have NASA TV on at home 24-7. Event Now is the Live action from the Shuttle. Amidst debris and violence, from the grim decade of Somalian ex-Presidents funding Concentration Camps in the Academy, we finally emerge victoriuos in our thinking all this through. And there are many to thank; as many thanks to anyone who ever laid bare their bones and their eros onto the fimscreen. As many thanks as smiles to the girls, and the men who small large medium and quiggly, fannies, pink protuberances, ice cream parking lots where it was all made. To thank everybody in the whole world between these two poles, the Artic of Pornography and the Antartic of Hubble.Nasa. Both utilising technologies (For ayone who doubts or needs a academic brush up on this subject go get Paul Virilio now and read anything he has wriittenmade public or broadcast). That ubiquitousness science has now brought people have brought analysts all we have made Qworks out of Qwarks and the Quantum LEap and the computers with us are trucking along nicely. So, thanks to those who had fun making all their porn. Thanks also to all those who had fun making and sending their rockets and data points back from the Jules Verne Docking Module Station. And thanks too to the family of the little boy born last year to Sandra McGuiness, in space, the fourth of the six quads now incubated in space capsule I who allowed me to interview them about their experience. It has been a long journey from 2009 when it was all completed. And although all the clues were there (NASA was breaking us in gently after all), nevertheless it no doubt came as a shock to some that the plan always was to birth a babe in the air. It is a good year. We have done much. And yu may be wndering why start with the difficult? Why start with the pagan, the grotesque (would I if she were not so beautiful?). Adverts have calmed Down the Obama hye and hope, however as he draws us in now on the talk show circuit, we can look back on his eight years in office and, aside from the all but nearly completed Lunar Mission (scheduled for lift off later this year), the shining new wave he introduced through the United Stes was the official decriminalisation of the porn inducstry (de-legalised in much the same way as it was in Europe) and so, we here in the US can say we are looking forward to our first decade ahead in a non criminalised state of sexuality. that can onyl bode well for the future and if this were not the only advance we would be happy. However, as the New NAtive People’s ASsembly of the SOuth West and the Recognition of the Quito treaty, as well as the resounding success of Chicago’s Olympics (yes that was a great day in Green PArk) we would surely, if anyone were to ask us what were we doing when we landed on the moon a asecond time, be forgiven if we said, We are sitting with our feet up enjoying a well earned reset. And indeed we are. It has been a truly awaesome nine years. So what went wrong? How did we manage, in the space of one year, and within site of the Moon again and within galactic inch of landing on Jupiter manage to regress all the way back to the Palin’s? How on earth did that happen (far be it from me here to comment on politics, however...). Even that, “however”, has its place in History as the PAlin’s will reveal in due Course. IN the meantime we can begin, renewed. As the Universities again open their doors to thinkers, as once again the Renaissance can occur (now that we know what it is we in the humanities are doing, one could say is there anything left . Happily to report almmost everybody I have asked has had something to say but thankfullly there is veruy little of the old attitude (perhaps that’s why we have voted for the Palin Clan? Perhaps we can see that we can help them to see; as we now understand the project is that we are each of arriving now at the future, responsiblity and matters such as that all fall away. We become self aware. and in self awareness are all the Qualities required for decent living, as we now embark on a snew adventure with our Newly accepted Galactic cousins Ic an say that we are sure to be abe to work out further some of the reactions and confluences that hvae been with hus these past few years we are now leaping and we are also speaking tonight on the subject of the legalisation of marijuana again and we are also saying goodbye to one of our much and best loved entertainers, the great letterman has been a cosy companion with al of us now night after night and that his fitting and final show should be the interview he gave with President then Barack asked him that now infamous question, about which we have learned so much.
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