Ran a bath we say run a bath Hello to fractal emotion of Running Water my Cherokee Grandfather, Captain John Spears used to say that Running Water was a good Woman, noun not an adjective. Pirsig: "That's A Good Dog". WAshed and swashed like a miss Dorrit. Hungered for Hal and California. Made an account of my Henry. two shillings and twenty three ha'penny there or mas ou minos. Washed, soap last hurrah before contemplating morbidity and honour. Eulogies. Time. Family. Home truths. Better to stay in Space. Virgin galactic called me as I was just dryping off my fanny the letter from the Grabs Me Box and HRM's me to the INTEl core. Now power cuo duo Imix and Redhaut. com have usheered in Isherwood for a Crab Apple. Meet me in Somerset! Code Alpha Renegade two seven And the truth Day One 2000 26 found Hello? Yes this is NASA Yes Hello Can i...? Phone drip wet and nearing me Him with table tennis paddle and scarf. Oh Oh. Just call me Dawn, I'll experiment. On a more serious note. Ha HA. Found findings now as sun raises Head in new year due to Earths WIBddle the New Solar Solstice December 8th now. Ah Did you miss CHICAGO? I missed Chicago, the burning fevour of two Olympics and a successfull of Presidential Status. the unknown Tigewrs take the Superbowl and the first Fifteen Residents pay two hundred thousand Euro's tos tay a weekend at the ISS 290. Great Days to BE ALive.Ginsberg said: "Live your Life and Go About your celbration' Father Death/ Don't Cry Anymore...." YEsterday, instant coffe and vodka, the last loaf of bread. No toothpaste. How the ambiguity of time and the act of Karma plus the real truths of E-Soul Evolution come to fix finances. What's interesting is not just the Qwork, but the sentience in the system now is a pPArallel Equivalence. Another way of saying it, we have met the Creator. Signing off now until NExt week. Yrs. Truly. Daz LB LIght YEar. 2026.17.
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