I was on the verge of thinking something when he said, “You should write that down” and so should you and so Windsor west upon staines massive ground the earth shaking and heaving with the new codes, planetarised consciousness and the laughter both making waves up the chasm of dreams, and so it came to pass that we was we that were there eh. Mate. Looking across the barroom I could see Simone was anchoring her back bra strap for better supportage and visual we were enjoyment itself then and coming up better than not on any more of that mate? Two packs came through with the merchc. And we sailed round Thameswater for the broomcupboard was full that day roaring nebulous, intrinsic, furthering the yor and the vortex was sweeping us upon it now inside As the hurricane hit, we swelled, picture the desert with sea washing over and he said, Did You Know, Ants never sleep? It was an odd one that was, and As I was still so very busy… words dawned, drowned by the music in her things…”Getting the big man into the bath,” she said. “that’s what my game is.” Done trussing her, I heard she’s a lier and a thief. Dualism creaking out of the new woodwork; couldn’t very well cover up the sore past with a lick of new paint. Did you see the cobwebs. Arnold was talking. This time, having painted the football posts white, they had him do the shed. Just paint over em mate. Win’t do any harm. Youn and youthful she was then, a very tribe of earthly delights in her own being. A joy to visit her sometimes on the train she would sprawl and cavort, stretching herself into the new clothes. Gap. Denim. Yankees snapped heads as we, underground and well, uncovered with Hazed Hued Vodka, exploring the relationship between military inner and out space. The Ok roared inside me, yelling at me, this was the way to gold. But she didn’t listen, or if she did she hisd with it behind the chest, with all the rest of her secrets. It was wonderfull really. Shelly made his move, exciting the girls. Princess B, from school, lingering softly at the camera as she learned its new technology, and old Customs and Excise Man came in to spy on the properness of the ultilities. The laughed at him, as theyh always did. Horses for courses and all of that. Simplified lines drew us to the Great Park, even if the Queen was awry, she could be brought round to the idea that it was aworth the meeting of the minds. The Old Tree vectoirs that had been replaced from the great flood and the rainfueled extravaganza that was the green fields held the parties attention for four hours, Ernest laying in the grass, soothing his exploding parameters. Melchtis lab the fox hound Grover rounding up his tails, Prince Mikael s youngest coming in from school without his shirt and a ripped blazer, good deya at the offarce dear? Rancid memories left beside the tree side. 10, 00 oaks and an unopened letter still to be faced wirth, myrth and welcome mats later on Mid Town near Top Shop on the hill raising the flag for all to see. Godlove and QEC directifying the earth fragments. Deer Park Varnasi, and the old Buddha swayed as they chased themselves into laughter. A phot tn the eye then arriving, for her smile we asked and consented. Ismerorican, ladies in svelt hats masqueraded as future pies and preece of this? Ah. Pass the butter. Let the mountain explode itself and be what it is inside itself. Letting the copper oars running.
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