Sagittarius New Moon: November 27, 2008 View Chart
The New Moon in Sagittarius encourages each one of us to present our truths on the world's stage. What is integrity? We've confronted some aspects of our inner darkness, we've observed issues that have been coming to the surface within the collective shadow during the Scorpio lunation cycle, and now it's time to create new realities. This year's Sagittarian emergence is especially exciting for Americans as well as the whole world because the 2008 presidential election was a strong and clear vote for change. After living with eight years of ambiguity caused by the fact that George W. Bush was never clearly elected, Americans hope to have a sense of direction again. Bush's attempt to make America the world empire is finished, and now we can address the imminent great changes that are indicated by the Mayan Calendar. Such great change requires the participation of all the people, and the new leadership coming in understands that. We can and will recover from the stultifying combination of the gross materialism during the Planetary Underworld (AD 1755-2011) and the elite control patterns that emerged during the National Underworld (3115 BC-AD 2011). [See The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind by Clow.] We are spiritual beings, not consumer robots.
We've entered Day Six of the Galactic Underworld (Nov. 12, 2008-Nov. 7, 2009). What a glorious entry it was as it rolled right in with the wild Taurus Full Moon of November 12-13! Partly because of the Full Moon, a great wind of change blew open closed doors, and the world responded enthusiastically to the American elections. Stunned by the building global financial collapse, Americans responded by bravely voting for change instead of retrenching in fear. Right after this Full Moon, the election, and our entry into Day Six, Gerry and I taught an intensive workshop that really integrated the new wave, and we had a wonderful time with everybody. We focused on our Neanderthal ancestors because I could see we all needed a clearing of painful shadows we were still carrying coming from the Neanderthal extinction 25,000 years ago. We also considered the current dominance and competence that Cro-Magnon man has brought to our species. I felt guided to plumb the depths of the Regional Underworld (102,000 years ago to AD 2011) as well as all the Day Sixes during previous Underworlds. This profound clearance enabled our group to find a new vision. What are we really capable of as a species? What is the vision we need for the great times that have just begun? I think, since Barack Obama is being handed a bankrupt nation, we can surmise that the next stage of evolution is to be our movement beyond consumerism to become co-creative with divine forces and nature . The end of consumerism will surely be the end of war, greed, separation, and limitation. So, of course the vortex of the problem-the USA-is bankrupt! How perfect!
During the Full Moon, carried away by the cleansing high tides and emotional intensity, many people just accepted the painful truth-the time has arrived for each one of us to craft our personal stance in the midst of the stunning collapse. Because the time and the new leadership feel right, things we can't imagine still seem possible. The potential since mid-summer-with the opening of the Fourth World of the Galactic-is grandiose, and the first step is going to be your giveaway. Many of us have too much, while many others do not have enough. Have you noticed that you feel like you have too much stuff or too much to do? This is because the realities that need to emerge during Day Six are still encrusted with old patterns; we still are thinking in the ways of the past. Sometimes you may feel like a sprouting onion attempting to break through the soil to the surface underneath a rock, even under a building. When you feel trapped by old patterns, you may be finding that you are not able to resist just letting go, giving away, and surrendering to the new wave. Yet, you may feel like superman and superwoman during the fiery Sagittarian force this month, which could be risky. I will investigate this New Moon seeking ways that could help you be really effective within this confusing creative field. The planets and aspects during this New Moon offer us the guidance we all need until the coming Winter Solstice-because this subtle chart clearly reflects the nature of the energies that will inspire us to become the greatest we've even been.
Mars and Mercury, the two planets that show us how to get things done, closely conjunct the New Moon in Sagittarius, and this demanding group has no aspects to direct it. So, our minds (Mercury) are clicking quickly along while we integrate our feelings (Moon) about our new identity (Sun), and this process is aggressive and fiery (Mars). Overall, the stellium is like a royal flush in poker, a hand of cards that will be played out in ways we can't yet imagine. For example, this Sagittarian lunation could be the ideal astrological energy field for altering the antiquated interregnum process, the lame-duck time between presidents in the US. The last time we had a situation like this year's election was when Herbert Hoover was the Lame Duck and Franklin Roosevelt waited anxiously to straighten things out. Obama has been reading about that period when the financial structures of the US collapsed; this lunation could make it possible for the participants to take a higher road. In some form, overt or covert, this is probably what will happen, so watch for the signs that slip through the media.
One thing is certain about this New Moon: It will be possible for millions of people to intuit or actually discover evolutionary time acceleration; we can manifest new possibilities with strong group intentions. As some of you may know, Obama is using the Internet very effectively, so perhaps that is how such change could happen? Well, those of you who have been reading this site already know how much easier it is to handle current reality when you understand which issues from the past are being processed by time acceleration. It is time for you to spread this good news as far as possible. This New Moon perfectly describes our newly discovered hope, giddiness, vision, strength, and knowledge. It shouts out to us that we will be fiery, mentally brilliant, and inspired by some very high frequencies that will greatly influence the whole winter. Also, being in the know can protect your finances. For example, auto manufacturing developed during the second half of the Planetary Underworld, and so a new form of it will emerge this year during Day Six; it will not be possible for GM, Ford, and Chrysler to go on as they always have.
Of course, if you are not careful, you could become ungrounded, get the flu, or just spin your wheels while the world whizzes by. For example, notice that there are no retrograde planets during the New Moon, and all the planets in the sky will be direct until Saturn retrogrades December 31, 2008. This has occurred because Uranus, the ruler of transformation and change, went direct a few hours before this New Moon. Uranus opens the Sagittarian floodgates and then runs away before he gets inundated, and we all face the wall of water! Be prepared for a wild and crazy ride under Sagittarius this year as Uranus lights the fire. Then, regarding the Winter Solstice that arrives toward the end of this lunation on December 21, 2008, there still are no retrograde planets. "Moving fast forward" will characterize the whole winter season, while the restriction on consumerism during Christmas 2008 will enhance the chaos and freedom. Normally, you get conned into shopping and acting nuts this time of year, but the money spigot is drying up. Many people will simplify and quiet down to take stock of the meaning of their lives during the holidays; those who do will feel how fortunate they really are.
While the Sagittarian fires rage to inspire the world, Pluto moves into Capricorn on the day before the New Moon-where he will reside until 2024. The patterns in the skies are showing us what we must do as a species. Pluto is the planet that drives us to be honest and take responsibility for the survival of our species, and Saturn-ruled Pluto changes the way systems are organized. A quick look at Pluto's transit through Capricorn in the past-before it had even been sighted in 1930 when it became an archetype that we can work with consciously-is helpful. Pluto was in Capricorn from 1515 thought 1532 when the Protestant Reformation occurred, which was the first big shift in Christianity since around AD 300. Pluto was in Capricorn 1762 through 1777 during Day One (1755-1775) of the Planetary Underworld acceleration, when industry developed and modern democracy appeared. The current ingress of Pluto into Capricorn coincides with Day Six of the Galactic Underworld, and Pluto's brief dip into Capricorn in early 2008 during Galactic Night Five has already helped crash a lot of outmoded financial systems. In light of this startling synchronicity, consider the incredible information in the following paragraph.
Day Six During the Nine Underworlds
During Day Six of any one of the Nine Underworlds, the creation of that Underworld flowers or blossoms; meaning, the whole purpose of that Underworld is revealed. During Day Six of the Cellular Underworld (2.5 to 3.8 billion years ago), the first unicellular life (Prokaryotes) emerged; during the Mammalian (126 to 190 million years ago), Pangea began to break apart and continents began to form while brain lateralization (left and right) formulated in mammals; during the Familial (6.3 to 9.5 million years ago), the earliest human lineages split from apes and chimpanzees and we stood up on two feet, freeing up our hands; during the Tribal (216,000 to 474,000 years ago), Neanderthal appeared as a species that was close to our current form; during the Regional (15,800 to 23,700 years ago), the Global Maritime civilization (Atlantis) sailed the seas and colonized the shores; during the National (AD 829-1223), the European and Islamic medieval awakening brought Europe out of the Dark Ages; and during the Planetary (AD 1952-72), America as potential consumerist global empire arose during the Cold War. I believe that during this current Day Six, we will move beyond consumerism and global warfare to manifest our creative potential. We will do this by discovering how to create without taking anything from anyone or anything else. The point is: the evolutionary force of Day Six aided by the cleanout of dysfunctional systems by Pluto in Capricorn will inspire us to end poverty and war by discovering new ways to co-create with nature. Stunningly, like a creature emerging from a cave ready to hover over the world, Pluto newly arrived in Capricorn has no aspects. Since we will see the power of Pluto revealed during this lunation, perhaps astronomers should reconsider the way they tinker with the archetypes that the ancients knew are shaping our minds?
The stellium in Sagittarius and Pluto moving into Capricorn are very strong forces that will go solo this month ignited by Uranus direct; basically they are like levers that will shift whole realities. To see how we might get along personally in this field, let's look to the other planets. Venus and Jupiter are conjunct in Capricorn and trining Saturn in Virgo. The fifth and final Jupiter/Saturn trine occurred November 21, so the extremely supportive and balancing energy of this earthy trine will still be with us in December. Probably the main reason the financial collapse has not yet caused riots and civil chaos has been because Jupiter has been in trine to Saturn since March 2007-that is, during Day and Night Five of the Galactic. The Jupiter/Saturn trine in earthy Capricorn and Virgo is still so close, perhaps the patience of the people with incompetents like Paulson and Bernanke will hold out until Obama takes over. Venus joins Jupiter in this favored trine, so feminine intuition and wisdom will be strong this month; we're going to need it!
Also, Venus/Jupiter in Capricorn closely sextiles newly direct Uranus in Pisces, which suggests spiritual forces in other dimensions are really helping us now. This favorable sextile implores us to remember that we are living in a guided universe on a feminine planet that is ruled by the goddess-whether the men remember it or not. This sextile may cause many people to really understand that Obama has become who he is now because of his partner, Michelle-a lesson that Bill Clinton could not attain. The aspects between Venus/Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are exceedingly favorable for something that all of us must do now. We must recognize that a great drama is being played out now on the stage of life, while we are totally supported and secure. These planets exhibit the perfect geometrical configuration to support the radical intensity of Uranus direct and Pluto's entry into Capricorn just before the New Moon, and Mars/Mercury/Sun/Moon with no aspects. The weeks before the Winter Solstice are going to be truly memorable. Many people are awakening to deep compassion amidst the deepening troubles in the world, and with compassion, our heart dominates. We will need strong hearts to handle the tensions of Saturn opposite Uranus through 2010.
The first of five oppositions between Saturn and Uranus was November 4, right during the American election, which explains the global focus on the American election. Uranus in Pisces (2003-2011) is inspiring the great spiritual awakening of the world, while Saturn opposing down-to-earth Virgo is doing a great job of crafting and directing the great awakening. This is why the majority of the people feel that this election is so important and inspiring, and this global connection will be strong throughout the Saturn/Uranus oppositions. The influence is indelible right now because Neptune in Aquarius (1998-2012)-which is also inspiring the great spiritual awakening-closely quincunxes commanding Saturn in Virgo. Neptune has an alchemical influence on the grounded and practical aspects of Saturn in Virgo. This configuration makes people feel like they must support change now, even if they don't like the idea, and it causes people to feel that Obama is a great spiritual leader as well as a very fine person, whether they agree with him or not. This configuration is so strong that it is going to be fun to watch the media try to tear Obama down in order to dishearten the people. This won't work now, but the media will probably play a nasty role in the world when Pluto and Jupiter form cardinal squares to Saturn opposite Uranus during 2010. Let's enjoy the good vibrations while we've got them, especially since the good feelings from Neptune and Chiron traveling on the lunar North Node during most of 2008 are beginning to separate. [Regarding house positions for Washington, DC, Chiron and Neptune are hovering right on the rising, and the Sagittarius stellium is on the 10th house. Like many other aspects of this lunation, this indicates a healing will come from a shift in power.]
My last comment about this New Moon is that possibly no major aspects to Pluto and the Sagittarius stellium may cause them to function like dancing puppets in the sky representing "Lame Duck Bush" and all his quacking lackeys. We may see a weird show of little boys acting like big men who don't know what to do while the world finally sees that they never did in the first place. In light of this, this lunation may feel peculiar and suspended in time, especially since the 2008 election was a quantum leap in intelligence. If the Lame Ducks are spinning out of control, the inept posturing will probably come to an abrupt and uncomfortable halt during the Gemini Full Moon of December 12. There will be a potent mutable grand cross with Saturn in Virgo opposite Uranus in Pisces squaring Sun/Mars in Sagittarius opposite the Full Moon in Gemini; this grand square is the annealing furnace of the Saturn/Uranus oppositions, the great force for change. Saturn in Virgo commands us to stop doing what doesn't work, while Uranus in Pisces inspires us to take the critical leap; Sun/Mars in Sagittarius encourages us to go for freedom and change everything, while the Moon in Gemini forges the new path by verbalizing the new paradigm. Since this grand square could represent the people and leaders being overtaken by stultifying inertia, I will take a chance and comment that if that happens, you may see Obama just take over-either overtly or covertly. According to the Mayan Calendar, the time has come to forge the new alchemy. This grant cross is so energized and quixotic that I think it could trigger a cascading series of events that would lead to the end of war on the planet. Of course, as always on Earth, this grand square could manifest a violent series of actions that could create some events that would later be recognized as the events that ended war.
We have so much to hope for now because the money spigot is temporarily dry, enabling humanity to demand peace and end the waste of the precious resources we need to support life. Have a great New Moon, and be sure to check out the analysis of the Winter Solstice before the holidays!
Humans and societies function within cycles that are mirrored in the sky by the locations of the planets and the Moon going around the Sun. Just as it is possible to consider the basic personalities of the people invited to a party and predict what kind of party might result, it is possible to use planetary analysis to anticipate the qualities of the human social field on Earth during a given period of time. Astrology can predict how individuals might be feeling, just by knowing the archetypal influence of each planet plus the Moon. Just like a wild rock-n-roll dance party is very different from a black-tie dinner party, life on Earth is very different during wartime than it is during peacetime. Astrology also states clearly when an influence begins and is finished; this makes it possible to look back or go forward in time to identify patterns.
Meanwhile, the Elite (powers-that-be that control the world) debunk astrology while using it as a tool to predict human behavior to perpetrate their power games. This site observes how some global political powers use astrology to stay one step ahead of the people.
Astrology is the highest art for analyzing human behavior, and smart people use it. AstroFlash! looks at how the Elite might be planning events for us during the end of the Mayan Calendar, and it offers tips on how to live better amidst such transformative times. Also, this astrological analysis includes the influences of the Days and Nights of the Galactic Underworld-1999-2011, based on Carl Johan Calleman's time acceleration hypothesis, which explores Nine Underworlds of evolution in the universe over 16.4 billion years. AstroFlash! explores how individuals can succeed and be free and happy during the remainder of the Mayan Calendar.
How have we gotten to this critical juncture? Why are 1999 through 2011 so critical for the survival of our species? My recent book Catastrophobia (2001) theorizes that we are afflicted with a crippling, species-level, post-traumatic stress syndrome that I call "catastrophobia". This trauma complex developed 11,500 years ago as the result of a great cosmic catastrophe in our solar system. This malaise in the collective psyche of our species deepened during thousands of years after the 9500 BC cataclysm, when our ancestors endured starvation and horrific environmental stress. Before this time during the Regional Underworld-100,000 BC through AD 2011--Earth was the Garden of Eden; we experienced oneness with our planet. These events that separated us from nature are deeply buried in our minds. Just like adults who once endured early-childhood abuse that they've largely forgotten, we must heal ourselves by recovering these memories and understanding how they have changed us.
Catastrophobia presents evidence that Earth's axis did not tilt very much before 9500 BC, when the cosmic disaster disarranged the whole solar system. Therefore, AstroFlash! is structured by seasonality--equinoxes and solstices-because once the axis tilted, early humans quickly learned how to maximize their potential by arranging their lives by the seasons. Seasonality is not taken into account much in modern times, but it actually has a huge influence on human consciousness. George W. Bush invaded Iraq exactly during the Spring Equinox of 2003 because the Elite knew this moment had formative potential. This was also Day Tree of the Galactic, so this invasion caused events that will influence the rest of the Galactic Underworld.
Once Earth's axis tilted 11,500 years ago, the new seasons necessitated agriculture for human survival, and gradually hunter-gatherer cultures gave up their ways of life that were in harmony with nature. Focus on the seasons and lunar cyles goes way back to more than 10,000 years ago, which is why AstroFlash! examines them in detail. I've discovered ancient ways to balance our consciousness by showing how to use the potentiality of each season with intention. I believe that we must utilize the potential of this quarterly pattern to slowly integrate our neurological systems with the changes caused by the recently tilting axis. Like Humpty Dumpty falling off his wall, we can't put ourselves back together again. We can use the cycles of the Moon to master our emotions very effectively when the lunar analysis is understood in light of the four seasons. This technique really helps us handle time acceleration.
The great cataclysm disarranged the solar system and greatly disturbed many planetary patterns. For example, Uranus tilts 90 degrees on its axis. Uranus rules cultural transformations, and by its foundation chart, the United States is very influenced by Uranus. Now that we are moving into the Age of Aquarius, which Uranus rules, the USA is poised to become the global empire. AstroFlash! incorporates the birth chart of the USA in 1776, which is in the Methodology which follows. The ancients discovered they could assess politics realm by examining the conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn every twenty years-the Trigons. The current Elite, the "Bushites", seized the agenda of the recent May 2000 Trigon. This has enabled them to run the show during the Galactic Underworld, so this site examines their obvious use of astrology. It offers advice on how individuals can get out of the way, as the so-called "leaders" create mass-trauma events, such a 9/11. These things are done because they stimulate catastrophobia and fear.
AstroFlash! breaks the four seasons down into three lunar cycles within the context of major planetary transits. I offer some lunar and seasonal chart comparison with background charts (see Methodology) by means of combust (less than 1 degree by conjunction) aspects. We begin with how you can master seasonality. This is written for people north of the equator, yet if you live south of the equator, just reverse summer and winter.
The New Year is not January 1st! The new year-the Spring Equinox-occurs around March 21, when the Sun enters 0 degrees Aries by geocentric astrology. For Earth, this is when the Sun is directly over the equator. Then it tracks north until it reaches the Tropic of Cancer at 0 degrees Cancer during the Summer Solstice around June 21. Then it turns back and crosses over the equator at 0 degrees Libra during to the Fall Equinox around September 23. It moves south of the equator until it reaches the Tropic of Capricorn at 0 degrees Capricorn on the Winter Solstice around December 21. Then the Sun seems to move north again for its return to the equator for the next Spring Equinox. Of course, the Sun only seems to move in this pattern from Earth's view, since the phenomena is caused by the tilt of Earth's axis as it orbits the Sun during a solar year.
The modern calendar abuses our conciousness! The time to make plans for each year is during the Spring Equinox, not during the so-called "New Year". The most philosophical and spiritual time of the year is the Winter Solstice, which is reduced to addictions and consumerism by Christmas shopping, eating, and drinking. In fact, December 21st to March 21st, the last quarter of the year, is our yearly completion time. The special days and nights right before the Winter Solstice are the most mystical time of the year, and we should meditate for hours during this time. Then when the Sun is in Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces before the Spring Equinox, we should be deepening our understandings of all the things we have learned during the last nine months-the previous Spring Equinox to the Winter Solstice.
The Spring Equinox is the time to identify the intentions we wish to fulfill during the four seasons. Ideas correctly seeded at the Spring Equinox manifest for a year, and I will offer instructions for correctly seeding ideas and manifesting them through the rest of the seasons. During the Summer Solstice, the time has arrived to birth these ideas into recognizable form, like a forming fetus. The Fall Equinox is the time to flesh out, balance, and assess these creations and to weed things out that just are not working. Then the Winter Solstice is the time to enter into deep contemplation to imagine how our personal creations assist others and the planet.
The Winter Solstice is the time to be brutally honest and evaluate whether our ideas enhance others or whether they may actually be detrimental for evolution. A sweet elixir of knowing comes the day of the Winter Solstice when the light begins to return, and each one of us can put greater realities above our personal desires. It is no accident that in Western cultures commercial Christmas is inserted just when people are amazingly psychic and attuned! I suggest you cancel Santa Claus during the Winter Solstice and spend three months reflecting on what you've created during the year.
2008 Fall Equinox: September 22, 2008 / View Chart
The Fall Equinox has arrived, the time to balance and harvest your Spring Equinox intentions, which have been maturing throughout the summer. If you have been carefully nurturing these new creations for the last six months, you can easily balance them now, which will unleash their potency.
Each one of us has come to Earth to create something special, and the most effective way to manifest our gifts is to synchronize them with the seasons; I call this process Goddess Alchemy, and it is based on ancient knowledge. New facets of your personal life's work emerge naturally in the spring; they become full and whole in the summer; and then you can harmonize these new potentialities with the flow of creation in the collective field during fall. So, take a moment to reflect on your spring 2008 intentions. Review them to assess how they've been working out this summer. Consider dropping something or affirming something more strongly, since this fall period is very promising for the creativity of each person on the planet. The collective field is going to be very chaotic, thus working out a personal harmony within it will be quite challenging.
If you recall, the theme of the New Moon in Virgo on August 30 was to balance your self. During the Fall Equinox, the theme is to ascertain the true nature of your own personal balancing process, which has already been progressing for two to three weeks. Then, you may want to imagine how your process might contribute to the collective field, which is incredibly chaotic. It is going to intensify even more, and your personal creation is what may keep you afloat in the rising waters. It is not an exaggeration to say that during this past summer, the US lost the possibility of becoming the global empire, even though many people still believe that the US must lead the "free" world. However, now even the financial markets are reflecting the great loss of American power. How does this power shift affect your world, especially since many of you are Americans? The US presidential election is going to be filled with lies and distortions, because it is unspeakable to discuss the fall of "America as Empire." Meanwhile there will be little attention to the country's significant problems; this election will not be educational. So, like being a child in a house where the parents have gone crazy, you have to wake up and figure out how to play your chosen role.
Actually this is the ideal scenario for real growth by means of intentional integrity as we all prepare to enter the Sixth Day of the Galactic Underworld (1999-2011) on November 12. [See The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind by Clow and The Mayan Calendar: Transformation of Consciousness by Calleman.] Day Six of the Galactic is when we are slated to flower-which in this case means blossoming into a new spirituality and world peace, while the old ways of the Planetary and National Underworlds finally pass away. As many readers know, we began the Fourth World of the Galactic Underworld on August 15. Within my analysis of the summer New Moons, I offered a deep tracking of the movements toward peace. The latest news on this front is that it looks like peace is blossoming right in Jenin, Israel's West Bank. As I said in The Mayan Code and in my column all summer, if there is any hope for peace, it must come from Israel/Palestine, the vortex region of the National Underworld religions.
Tucked away from the eyes of the West, a quiet revolution has been stirring in Jenin: Israelis and Palestinians have been working to create a new kind of security model that will be used all over the Palestinian lands. Participants comment that there are two kinds of peace-one from 'the top down' that is a piece of paper that doesn't hold up, and the other from 'the bottom up' to be created by the people who know that Israelis and Arabs have a choice of living forever in bunkers or finally making peace. According to a September 12 article in the New York Times, this process seems to be successfully moving toward the creation of a Palestinian state to function along with the Israeli state. My personal Mayan Calendar hypothesis, based on Calleman's dissection of the Fourth World of the Galactic, seems to be fundamentally correct; I believe the Jenin model will bear fruit during Day Six when we will see East/West tensions finally begin to abate.
So, how are you coming along with peace and harmony? What kind of progress did you make from August 30 up to the first quarter Moon around September 7 when Jupiter and Pluto went direct? If you felt intensely agitated from September 7 to 11, don't fault yourself, since the simultaneous forward directions of Jupiter and Pluto were about as strong as I've ever seen. And, Mars squared Jupiter while it was turning direct, so even tiny little steps forward that you made are going to mean a lot. Meanwhile, behind the scenes, the financial markets were unraveling because the severe lack of integrity in the market systems is being exposed and cleaned up. Uranus has turned out to be the key to the financial markets, and I am not happy with my interpretation of Uranus in the last New Moon report. So, before we get into the Fall Equinox, I'd like to have a closer look at Uranus during this time. This is especially needed because now we are going into the orb of the Saturn/Uranus oppositions. Remember, the first one is November 4, 2008, the day of the US election!
During the August 30 New Moon, Uranus was unaspected (I do not use asteroids and minor aspects). The New Moon occurred right in the middle of the Republican Convention and Hurricane Gustav, so when I posted the analysis, I didn't know what was going to happen regarding such influential events. Also, there is not much astrological literature on unaspected planets during new moons, and so I didn't know what to think. Now I see that a new moon with an unaspected planet, such as Uranus in Pisces, can function like a jester in a crowd who confuses everything that is going on in the general scene. From the New Moon through the Full Moon on September 15, it seemed like somebody grabbed all the marbles, cards, and poker chips-and just threw them in the air.
Suddenly people were confronted with a very odd, irresponsible, hypnotic, and dizzying choice for vice president-Sarah Palin-while Gustav mowed into southern Louisiana and beyond like a plodding lawn mower. Then, two days after Hurricane Ike plowed into Galveston and Houston, the Full Moon conjuncted Uranus on September 15-and Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, Bank of America bought Merrill Lynch, and the stock market fell more than 500 points. THAT is what happens when an unaspected Uranus at the New Moon builds up to a conjunction to the Full Moon! And, THAT is a clear forecast for the qualities of the collective field during the whole fall. In the midst of all this, if you are open to a specific suggestion, one way to feel harmonious about the American election would be to support the candidates who favor your view of what to create now, while you assiduously avoid supporting somebody just because you identify with their lifestyle.
Now, turn your attention to the chart for the Fall Equinox 2008. As the Sun moves into Libra, it is closely squared by Pluto on the Galactic Center in late Sagittarius. The Moon in 6 Cancer is in a wide opposition to Pluto that is pulled by the Sun into a significant T-Square-Pluto opposite the Moon squared by the equinox Sun. This means that during the fall the public will be agitated about their security and homes (Moon in Cancer square the equinox Sun), and these deep needs will feel like a quest, a desire for a better life (Pluto in Sagittarius). Because this is the last pass of Pluto over the Galactic Center, the security desires and personal needs of the people are great, yet many will feel inspired by a much larger reality. We may witness a building revolution this fall composed of people fighting homelessness in a world in which the rich are building their assets aided by generous government support. Luckily, with earthy Saturn in Virgo trining Jupiter in Capricorn, balance can be found in the middle of the building wave of anger and frustration.
With Mars/Mercury/Venus in Libra trining Neptune in Aquarius, each person's contribution is so important at this time. This musical trine of three planets in Air is idealistic, spiritual, and transformative; you will feel new possibilities as the National and Planetary Underworld structures crumble. A public wave of disgust will build and build when the globally-watched elections in the US avoid the issues and obsess on trivialities. The formative Saturn trine Jupiter in Earth will cause many to see through this media circus. Even Carl Rove said the politicking is going too far!
Uranus is a player in this smooth trine because Uranus quincunxes Mars/Mercury/Venus in Libra, meaning there will be many surprises during the fall. Saturn in Virgo is now in orb to its 2008-2010 oppositions to Uranus in Pisces, and increasingly this tension will dominate the collective field. During the previous Saturn/Uranus oppositions in 1965-66, the planets were in reverse signs (Saturn in Pisces/Uranus in Virgo), and Pluto was in Virgo close to Uranus. That is, Saturn opposed Uranus-conjunct-Pluto during the wild and crazy sixties, and now Pluto has made it all the way to the Galactic Center. Back then the struggle was to break down the establishment, and this time the struggle will be to transform structures by infusing them with higher ideals.
The key to the nature of the upcoming Saturn/Uranus oppositions is to be found in their previous conjunctions in 1988. Saturn and Uranus were in orb during 1987, the year of the fabled Harmonic Convergence, and then they conjuncted three times in 1988 right on the Galactic Center. The Saturn/Uranus oppositions of 2008-10 just after Pluto's transit of the Galactic Center will be the full-blown expression of the 1988 conjunctions. The late 1960s was a very idealistic and spiritual time, and that vibration will return like a tsunami during the upcoming Saturn/Uranus oppositions. The first public interest in the Mayan calendar came forth during the 1988 Saturn/Uranus conjunctions on the Galactic Center amidst the global Harmonic Convergence celebrations inspired by Jose Arguelles and The Mayan Factor, and now we have the correct hypothesis of the meaning of this Calendar. Hand Clow 2012: AstroFlash!
The Saturn/Uranus conjunctions in 1987-88 awakened the Galactic mind of the Maya, and now the upcoming oppositions during the end of the Calendar will cause the public to wake up. How? The public will realize that the Maya understood the evolutionary factor itself, which they tracked by time acceleration in the Calendar; we are transiting from the Mayan "factor" to the Mayan "code." Transits to the Galactic Center are the master key into the evolutionary code. Thus, Uranus in Pisces is inspiring the full spiritual transformation of humanity, and now Saturn's opposition in Virgo will implant this transformation into the structures of Earth. The earth element is going to bring down galactic consciousness into humanity as this epic unfolds in the sky.
Returning to the chart, newly direct Jupiter in Capricorn trines Saturn in Virgo, so the new awakening of humanity is practical and grounded. This awakening can be counted on no matter how shrill is the noise in the collective field, which is filled up with screaming people who don't have the program yet! Chiron in Aquarius continues to travel on the lunar North Node with Neptune close by, and so this great evolutionary shift is very healing. Chiron on the North Node is needed because we experience great shifts in brain lateralization (right and left brain) during evolutionary critical leaps, such as from now through 2011. Chiron is the root word of "chirality", which is the left/right balance in our bodies at the cellular level, which makes it possible to evolve. Actually, Chiron is the jester, not Uranus, but the collective field is so crazy that it feels like Uranus is in control.
Lastly, we have to question whether the US will be so dominant in the global collective mind this fall while the American elections proceed. Alas, the craziness in the US will still be over-influencing the global mind because the Moon in Cancer in the Fall Equinox chart is right on the 1776 USA Jupiter/Venus in Cancer. So, the emotions in the US will sway the planetary field whether anybody likes it or not. Meanwhile, the changes we are experiencing are so much greater than politics, so seek a higher and more meaningful balance this fall. The divine plan is unfolding and we are evolving to the next level-homo pacem (peaceful human)-regardless of politics. We are evolving into the great spiritual beings that the Maya knew would arrive now during the ninth stage of evolution, the Universal Underworld during 2011.