the girl and the child, the bamboo shoot and the acacia, for the lemon yellow Donovan toting bag wearing hipster who had defied his own goodness in order to fit the cogs in the wheel had decided that the way up was Hadron and the collider was our hearts and the nest embed had to be perfect and fractal. Gis a hug to an old Cabber would ya. The cab ride was short, up round Regent’s Park over York bridge and mercifully quiet for a taxi man. Saw we as two on our way to a meeting and well I might have enjoyed saying it was for a publisher. The Arturo in me was ignited, however. The great Maharashishi and his band were in town had invited us to a séance with a lovely Caligornian from glamorgian who had the nipples of a yum yum and the dress sense of Gouche. The true yellow sun parting through panes of glass high up in the lecture halls were dismissed by Elfrog Lumbert as mere derivatives of a salient moment when spent thrusting through thought about cultural diversity had finally bored into him he moved onward genetically down the laurbanock Halls of Poer and socialized himself into the political a dn technical aspects of fractal Harmonic Villages in Kitwe. The bartender was not amused; crowded lunchtime Saturday, the games on and the geezer wantsa chat about fractals. Tosser. Where does he git his Carsh from anyway. Elder statesemen of the Constabulary were perplexed when blushing bride had pulled out a pork pie hat, and how they found that all so amusing. As Tristram Shandy once wrote in his less than worthy dictionary addition to the speech of Pepys, the drowning man is not troubled by rain. El Rhudhar waxed. Three degrees lyric in Virgo had the swan digested the pound and was the race won at Ascot as they said it would be. Downstairs on the stairs Chloe was holding her head up high even tho she was now Ex. And Liinds was doing level best to not sway and sound interested, touting as she was fair hair and a lumpen proletariat kind of attitude on her very own twenty fourth birthday brought with funds made from nude modeling. Over in Dovver house, the yarn was spun about the seaweed spewing whale that had washed up from Donegal, and the two of them nattered on aimlessly, thinking that the two of us were some sort of intellectuals, just because we wore glasses, they damn near said. At the bar, the old Duke of Wellington who had lately taken to reading all of the collected works of William Shakespeare and Asmov looked bermused as Bermondsey when Patrick Wallace came on Five touting new views of the universe which was making it all sound very query. Later on that day Philip would Spare a fe bab fer Ricky because an E or two was absolutely necessary to keep him from losing his kahunas, and anyway, he had to face Entropy in the morning because he’d gone awf wiv Chloe that night after her birthday when she was in that red skirt. Adrian wasn’t either amused or sober enough to fake looking interested and just stared at her tits before asking if he coud write her a poem.. After the tagliatelle and the rovers and the barfield simpson epithet had passed down the lambshanks of druidism the fai toothed and stalwart pigeon englisher gave way to a night of kracked out karaoke and a joke box filled with Wallace Stevens and Rory Inderwood made a visit running in his half try in the London Marathon even after his Ricky came in third they said it wasn’t fai r that he was in the squad. Then came the night, deep night and the fawns around the embers after the evening of day erecting tent inn rain. I stood with Wallace at the corner of Fordingbridge and Somerset, downtown New York for several minutes on the corner before we ordered sandwiches, him having pickle extra hot made my mint sauce look right dany. We both lit green fuses and pottered over to Henry’s for a pint of miller and Anais absinthe, the lady who had done so well in her art world, was there propping up a number before buying us all another off the cuff round of drinks.. It was suberp as Britain is in its grrovvy outdated and quirkily irrelevant fashion; as now we’ve seen that there is in fact no chaos and the entrop isn’t and the plughole can be let out of any situation sanely, letting love rule was the order of the day. Quickly moving on between oceans and flights we scamped and drove west as far as we could arriving Redondo Mexicali for a two bit Cerveza to lop our motor engine in wo while we stood by looking at it in a pit. Laughter on the pacific highways. They were saying it was closing time and there we were at the bar and this was this and that was that. Camberwell, after the Five Nations became Seven,a dn then off to twickenham while you were in Cloakwell new Jersey for a guy who had begged you to come to Madras as a tourist. Love swelted at Jones beach and the high tide marks were wavering in everybody’s nostrils thick cubes of ice core samples, brevity quotations and ideas were hurtling at each other; not that we need a Hadron collidor exactly, but the shape is neat. Longtemps later, in the logyrythmic chamber we disidentified our natures and took new oaths. These were offline for a time and brief tho the 1994 hiatus was, Sirain objectives had become adjectives and there was no point denying the grace light could be opened up to. Guru Datta on hs high chair speaking some other worldy language of just plain truth sat beside the flowring Aquarian. At seat Pisces Scripture Dead sea scroll stood a hound dog of a man while in Capricorn there was a flurry of Asiatic about the western girl’s hair tied back like that. Two pin tie types came through looking at the smoking sections, fawnees for the old alphabet of law were still being pushed off railings. As we stood at Marlybone and york bridge was beneath our feet, we were reminded of days we had slept rough in Cornwall and in New Mexico and that was the extent of the literature in us, for what we had discovered under those starry nights and lonely roads was that stillness. And it could still be done. Quarter to four? I’m off Brompton road falling into the velvet chairs of L’Equipes. Sanchex reminding me I can’t afford to not stay, and well done bra girls with boots up to their astral later came through to the Olde grande tourist and made it clear, friends for life, eh? Said one from Peru. Pouring espresso at Lolitas request bundling up business cards and roses laid back nonchalant in the Clarence for tea after with Johnty. There was a red Merc in the winda, a flower girl in the fulest stride you ever did see and skirts everywhere flying like flags to poor dandy’s who always felt outnumbered. Alienation had come and gone and returned with a brevity that was less flash in pan and more Hey ho Watson. Namby pamby came and went as did Hows yer fther and that biscuit had moved from sweetness of digestive custard and cram to new name for Punani or bread. Bagels were rock solid the morning after even if brought in Brooklyn and the thought of flying again acroos el Atlantico made the gut swirl with the lack of enthusios for the jet lag. On Hotel we came to plum our round and cute added to asses with lardyness and non carus mundo for where we went we always had beer. Down and outs in Mexico who had relocated to new Mexico in order to be nearer the canyon were making new business contacts for their photocopy sellers, and the plot was thickened by Chernobyll later that year as I was there sunning on a beach when the rain came down so I said, well, given that you can’t blame me can you? Somewhere in this the new laws arose up spewing into frothy cups of lava truths that we could feel but not see. Yeah yeah. I sat down with Emerald Eyes reddenerd by Chloe’s indifference to Pete, and the painter mde headway with explanations about Egypt, as if I didn’t know. Now there came a swoosh. Olympids made headlines, so did numerous odd and off the f wall characters called by themselves celebs, and I didn’t see a cook in sight in London not anywhere. Then in Cnneticutt with the lama dn the high kala we undressed mauve clad nuns because they delighted in the tantra of it. Ah you must be a beatnik. Ah you must be an artist. Ah. Sayeth another, how’da get al that money. Time tells and tells all in the end a nd Shelley said it right ways up if only two hundred years later was in advance of time he’d have had sald for breakfast in Salamanders if he was alive now I’d say. The taxi shook and grunted hauling us out into the green and roick of the York bridge, as Merlot and Wells and Bennet passed by fluttering above our necks their old tirades. Secen twons for seven sisters. The headliners were Indecent Frntage and the Price of Haven when Cathy entered all heads turned and I was enlightened instantly. Kids fought and played wearing lime green, and bumped each other off skooters costing mints to some. Ladies plied handkerchiefs rarely, in fact, and in perpetuity, coughing and excusing excusing themselves wherever they went.
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