Monday 27 December 2027

Wednesday 4 August 2027

I Sensed It Would Happen

At some point the truth had to come out, show itself reveal itself. this could be the Poet Unmasking Himself to Himself in a Trans Non Gendered Way. it could be Passage of Time. It may even be Personal. however, notwithstanding the happenstance of the psychoanalytics that could be applied, I was teed off by the coverage in BritLand (c) Daz Hastings of the train ride from Philly. It made me border for a while in a Baurdrillardianesque sense of Did that Happen? i necked a few beers down the Local to withstand cold outside Philly station, coldly and brusquely admonished for my lack of sympathy with Other's Personal Dramas. Amercan Girl tells me Her mOther's Woes. She's on the Booze. missing Her partner of 20 years, and this lady is the only Child. they have to seel up the house in Spain and get to know each other again. Is that bad? All I could think of was whether Chelsea had beaten Stoke, so cold it was I missed the train passing, but had Obama on my mobile so no problem there. Had a woird with bruce S. He was ready and already in love with one of the oher performers. Washington is heaving with Comlixiuty. And London and Albion no less so now that the money's sorted The fruor tho! The audacit and umbrage that they have that they are to lose some of their billions. And there's only a handfull! But what a fuss they are making of it. Still, m assured me, they have the situation in hand in Britain and that the gold is secured. I doubted it but m assured me again. The Job's done. m invited me to Stonehenge on the 26th. I'll be flying back in from Philly tomorrow and they want me up in Scotland, so it'll be a tight shedule. barely had time to call MM today. Meghan says she's still swimming in the sea of memories of her two years on the road with John. It's good that she likes her father. Always a good sign. I saw Sarah at the meeting. Just a quick one, waved hello. Bristol and Willow were excited and that was nice. I gave them a couple of cakes. No harm in being kind. I was traumatised from M's reports about the TV coverage. Th I understand her reasons, I found it difficult to comprehend. At the bar that night Holly was sparkling and that helped me forget. M said I would be all the btter rewarded this year fopr efforts done. God knows, I do need a holiday. but OB is keeping me so busy and the whole thing is bursting at the seams. I'm so excited. I got drunk with a team of rugby Palyers down in Poughkeepsie and Playground for a tour. that sealed a few nuthsells into the hatch! Anyway, OB is calling and the Prem Oz wants me to AMP him today. How are we going to keep this standing wave going? They've got me lined up for a meeting with The Physcists next month and then a trip to india, via Boston again. When will they let me set foot back in Iceland? It's so important that we conect there now. I can't see any harm in it, whatever the cost, but M keeps telling me, the work has to be done at Home now. I find this disagreeable. in my own time I long for those Riviera Days when I was the ond that glued the whole ship together. i suppose they are getting ready to put me out to pasture. S'es gone soft they keep saying, as if I don't hear. but word on the muscovite Streets is that the Pyramids are holding, so I can only say that that has to be the next signing in is likely to be from there. H2 said it near enough, he'd make me welcoe. Meanwhile Prague keeps bashing into the phone lines. What are they so paranoid about? It's about time M sent me there to suss that out. Oh well. In the mood she's in it's not likely to be in 2009. However. All the info isn't in yet. Darn. Why they slow up the connection speed is beyond me. Havn' tthey even looked at Henry Miller?

Thursday 31 December 2026


2009 is supposed to be (according to Our Mr Wilkinson) a bit like this........Aries - A year of building friendships and group work. Take care of your health, open to more efficient ways to work, and see the bigger picture of what your skills can contribute to a greater form of service to your world. Adjust to a bigger picture.

Taurus - A year of professional recognition, high visibility, and/or advancement. Take care of your children or creative disciplines, and see the bigger picture of how to implement the specifics of your truth to bring your future into greater clarity.

Gemini - A year of travel, education, and opening to alternative futures. Get an integrated vision of what's possible, be willing to create new foundations by eliminating old negative memories, and stop worrying about the details. Get organized.

Cancer - A year of getting rid of the old while opening to a larger vision of truth and work. You could get very lucky in the area of shared or collective values if you train your mind and speech and value those close to you. Bring things to completion.

Leo - Major new opportunities are coming to the fore, as well as more adventurous relationships. Manage your money, be discriminating about what you value, why you value it, and how you use what you have. Expect major partnership renewals.

Virgo - You're in a long term rigor that will yield new forms of self expression. Take responsibility, open to new forms of being trained to actualize a larger ideal, and your relationships could become more ideal than you've thought.

Libra - Play, create, see a bigger picture, and do whatever closures you need to in order to embrace a larger life. Clean out old karmas by showing discrimination about what's lesser and greater, past and future. Your children begin a grand adventure.

Scorpio - You should experience more freedom in your home and family while getting clear about who your friends really are. Reconsider your goals and ambitions while seeing a bigger picture of your family and possible futures already opening.

Sagittarius - A very high profile year, be willing to take responsibility and do whatever you must to consolidate your authority. Use your experience to teach others while offering a larger integrated view of what's possible.

Capricorn - Work, see the bigger picture of how you can expand your influence using what you have, and eliminate what is outmoded while persistently pulling in what you need to fulfill a promise. A whole new cycle begins in January, so get it in gear!

Aquarius - It's an expanding universe the entire year, but you must open the door and greet the guest. Be responsible regarding details and obligations in relationships, and focus on how free you are to pursue your dreams and visions. Opportunities are endless.

Pisces - As usual, you're caught between what's ending and what's appearing. Close out old ambitions, do not seek to control or allow yourself to be controlled by circumstances, and reap the rewards of long term efforts toward larger goals.

Through it all 2008 was a spiritual year as we advance into the question of soul poverty and dimensional cure all's for disease the new millenium was ushered in by Space Station completion and the affixation of Truss 6 and the reviewal f the Hubble. When bandwidth opens up and Graphene makes its mark, all swells through the system for full completion of awareness structures by 2023.

Friday 25 December 2026

Just Came IN From a Spacewalk

found myself longing for those JEM windows; no matter what way you look at it, we like are and we are human. Was reminded of my old Professor at the National Space and Science Museum telling me that the universe is us and we are it; there is no other periodic table. Since 2009 NASA derived technologies have soared. Then it was 1,600 products "from PIN cards to Breast images" now its 3,600 Nasa Derived Technolgies from "Zoot suits to Plane Jet Jumpers"... and so mnuch more... the live telecasts now watched by over half the world's population, and the resoundng success of our own Cultural Studies program were on my mind as well as the last success with the docking of the Jupiter Module with Stryos ^. I'm tired now, and glad to be back inside. Dandy, you could say I am feeling Dandy. 

Monday 21 December 2026

WQWorked Up This Morning/Blues/Sun and English Emotions

Felt rough. Rough for a Decmeber good but rough. Fun in the air had left as a funeral made me quiet and over reflective. Spent last night outside in Cold Air. Knackered this morning and frustrated too. All the whirls of the stage going through its Poughkeepsie Motions. I had some halo yesterday, and throughout 08 previews of what was to come. With )( now here thinking taking a new turn as Soul's dominance emergges as the truth. Once accepted, analysis of life activities looks different. Vectors open up. As usual for a poet I feel heavy and somnolent. Despite weathering several tornadoes this week, a hurricance, a wave didtortion field and a black hole that lives upstairs in the next flat Elmore Drudgeon decided that fucking the Help;s Wife's Neighbour out on the street is always a good idea. Wednesday came and Wishing She had more to say than Just How Are Yu, flipped a coin and made him come. There was a Galactic Avenue. A Pulsar Close. There was a new building in Easthampton. A smile. More funerals. Tripped off to the pub feeling bluesy and insecure. Made bread of the bakery. Survived ten years on cold fish soup and a lozenge every now and then a pick me up vitamin and a cappuchino. English sandwiches overpriced are sent to Space Station for Gravity Review. Ancient tongues. Mill stones and Carnac and NOW borderlining across the teleportation space, second Wife and Huge Costs Rising. Ached to wake up. Funeral tomorrow. A grave. A song A Charole. The making of life. I tried yesterday to tell him about the New Gravitational Propulsion Theory but because... Why? not listeing. People Buzz busy? I am finding unusual Helpers and new friends. One time only blog like this. Rest of the Blog is different, more guarded, but astill it has truth. Ruth. Ah. BAbe Ruth. Miss Molly. I shall miss her and even when I am gone she shall. And so to dream. It's a fine English winter morning in the seasotted sunshine of the Neo equilibriationist South Downs. LIfe goes ON. I am pushing bones to make it through. Voacl cords to streth again . Living silently inside a bubble that is England. I am pulling in. Coming back down to Eart. It is not easy typing in Space. Not easy thinking in Zero plus gravity. Did you like the shorts I sent you hunny? ANd what of those Brits? Financials and but. HUmanities. When when when will they twig. Never. Sad to keep it all inside knowing that it can't be understood what's been conveyed. J DOnne's troughtthought.

Saturday 28 November 2026

Ran a bath we say run a bath Hello to fractal emotion of Running Water my Cherokee Grandfather, Captain John Spears used to say that Running Water was a good Woman, noun not an adjective. Pirsig: "That's A Good Dog". WAshed and swashed like a miss Dorrit. Hungered for Hal and California. Made an account of my Henry. two shillings and twenty three ha'penny there or mas ou minos. Washed, soap last hurrah before contemplating morbidity and honour. Eulogies. Time. Family. Home truths. Better to stay in Space. Virgin galactic called me as I was just dryping off my fanny the letter from the Grabs Me Box and HRM's me to the INTEl core. Now power cuo duo Imix and Redhaut. com have usheered in Isherwood for a Crab Apple. Meet me in Somerset! Code Alpha Renegade two seven And the truth Day One 2000 26 found Hello? Yes this is NASA Yes Hello Can i...? Phone drip wet and nearing me Him with table tennis paddle and scarf. Oh Oh. Just call me Dawn, I'll experiment. On a more serious note. Ha HA. Found findings now as sun raises Head in new year due to Earths WIBddle the New Solar Solstice December 8th now. Ah Did you miss CHICAGO? I missed Chicago, the burning fevour of two Olympics and a successfull of Presidential Status. the unknown Tigewrs take the Superbowl and the first Fifteen Residents pay two hundred thousand Euro's tos tay a weekend at the ISS 290. Great Days to BE ALive.Ginsberg said: "Live your Life and Go About your celbration' Father Death/ Don't Cry Anymore...." YEsterday, instant coffe and vodka, the last loaf of bread. No toothpaste. How the ambiguity of time and the act of Karma plus the real truths of E-Soul Evolution come to fix finances. What's interesting is not just the Qwork, but the sentience in the system now is a pPArallel Equivalence. Another way of saying it, we have met the Creator. Signing off now until NExt week. Yrs. Truly. Daz LB LIght YEar. 2026.17.

Thursday 16 January 2025


This is very different from the more conventional kind of quantum computing where qubits in a register of some kind are acted upon by various logic operations to dynamically evolve the system in time toward a result

Just as in the differential geometric case, a quantum state vector can be transported without locally rotating it around a loop in some quantum parameter space, and the resulting transformation has the same effect on the state vector as applying a unitary matrix [7] or phase factor [8, 9] that depends only on the global geometric properties of the loop.

is independent of the energy of the state and the time it takes to traverse the loop