Rhiannon appears in two Branches of the Mabinogion, Pwyll, Prince of Dyfed and Manawyddan, Son of Llyr. As told in these stories, She understands hardship and pain, separation and loss. But always, although She had been wronged, Her love was unfaltering, and Her honor unwavering. Known also as Epona to the Gauls, and Macha to the Irish, this much beloved Goddess is the Great Queen Mother of the Celts. Math and Gwydion as a a wife for Lleu. She was changed into an owl for plotting Lleu's death and for her adultery. She is the Maiden form of the Triple Goddess; her symbol is the owl. Flowers, lunar mysteries, initiations.
Branwen (bran-oo-en): Sister of Bran the Blessed and wife of the Irish king Matholwych. Daughter of Llyr; one of the three matriarchs of Britain; Lady of the Lake (cauldron). Goddess of love and beauty.
Brid (breed): "Power"; "Renown"; "Fiery Arrow or Power" (Breo-saighead); called the poetess. Often called the Triple Brigids, the Three Mothers; associated with Imbolc. She had an exclusive female priesthood and an ever-burning sacred fire. The number of her priestesses was nineteen, representing the nineteen-year cycle of the Celtic Great Year. Goddess of fire, fertility, and the hearth. Healing, inspiration, learning, divination, love, witchcraft.
Cerridwen: Moon Goddess; Great Mother; grain goddess; goddess of Nature. Wife of the giant Tegid and mother of a Great Branwen, the Embodiment of Sovereignty, is the Chief Goddess of Avalon.beautiful girl Creirwy and an ugly boy Avagdu. Welsh Bards called themselves Cerddorion (sons of Cerridwen). The Bard Taliesin, their founder, was said to be born of Cerridwen and to have tasted a potent brew from her magic cauldron of inspiration. This potion, known as 'greal,' was made from six plants for inspiration and knowledge. Taliesin accidentally drank the remaining three drops of the liquid. Her symbol was a white sow. Death, fertility, regeneration, inspiration, magic, astrology, herbs.
Creiddylad/Cordelia : Daughter of the sea god Llyr. Associated with Beltane and often called the May Queen. Goddess of summer flowers. Love, flowers.
The Crone: One aspect of the Triple Goddess. She represents old age, death, Winter, the waning Moon, all destruction that comes before regeneration through her cauldron of rebirth. Crows are sacred to her. Dogs would accompany her and guard the gates of her after-world, helping her receive the dead.
Don/Donn: "Deep Sea"; "Abyss;" goddess of sea and air. Sometimes referred to as a goddess, sometimes a god. Control of the elements, eloquence.
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