Great Father: The Horned God. Lord of the Winter, harvest, land of the dead, animals, mountains, powers of destruction and regeneration; the male principle of creation.
The Green Man: See Cernunnos. A horned deity of the woodlands. In Old Welsh his name is Arddhu (The Dark One).
Gwydion (Gwi-dee-on): Druid of the mainland gods; son of Don; brother of Govannon, Arianrhod and Amaethon. Wizard and Bard of North Wales. A many-skilled deity (like Lugh); a shape-shifter. His symbol was a white horse. Greatest of the warrior-magicians. Illusion, magic, healing.
Gwynn ap Nudd (gwin ap neethe): King of the Fairies and the underworld. Later he became king of the Plant Annwn, the subterranean fairies.
Gwythyr (gwee-theer): Opposite of Gwynn ap Nudd. King of the Upper World.
Llud (hlood) of the Silver Hand: "He who bestows wealth"; "the Cloud- Maker." Similar to Neptune. He had an invincible sword. God of healing, water, the Sun, youth, carpenters, historians, writing, warfare, incantations.
Llyr (thleer): God of the sea, and possibly of the underworld. The father of Manawyddan, Bran the Blessed, and Branwen.
Lugh (loo or loog): The Shining One; Sun god; god of war; "many- skilled"; "fair-haired one"; a hero god. His feast is Lughnassadh, a harvest festival. Associated with ravens. His symbol was a white stag. Son of Cian and Ethniu. Lugh had a magic spear and rod-sling. He was a carpenter, mason, smith, harper, poet, Druid, and physician. War, magic, reincarnation, lightning, water, journeys, poets, musicians, sorcerers, healing, initiation.
Manawydan ap Llyr (man-au-yth-an ap thleer): dressed in a green cloak and a gold headband; a shape-shifter. Son of the sea god Lir. He had a palace called Emhain of the Apple Trees. His swine constantly renewed themselves and were a chief source of food that would keep people from aging. He had famous weapons: two spears called Yellow Shaft and Red Javelin; swords named The Retaliator, Great Fury and Little Fury. His boat was called Wave Sweeper, and his horse Splendid Mane. He had magic armor that prevented wounds and could make warriors invisible at will. God of the sea, storms, weather-forecasting, arts, commerce, rebirt h.
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