Thursday, 28 February 2008
The Fractal Equivalence of Time (mentioned)
The energising of space, and times fractality. numbering thousand s the troops come down from Heaven and assemble in the Grden. Outside Genius awaiting the trumpet calls. Harold Edrada. Esthmus Bhagade. Scot clan 19. Several hundred future toilers, warping thier way to the center. Parts of life. Aspects of atoms. Futures of nuclei and bromide brompton bagula perhelion and space. These new Clans gather forwarding directives. Elgin Fenway Masachsettes. Cherokee. Grand Central Bethlehem. Arguda. Shanda. Asangula. Bromula Swiselu. Kanada. Eriginea. Kyoto. Palquela and Andromedala Oblongate. Huna. Hurrrying through the gates won't help!! Patience in courtyard Seventee, Essembling data packs and light shears through which time's glass portal adumbrates matter. Enock. hevera. liniltha yeloowsprings. melting into ne universe, opening leaf petal. metalic turquise gates of time in waters shinig with entropy open. Mandusa. mendec. hieronymous. Egelbert Alfred and Swane terata. Spider lake. Acrturus Seminole ohio. Vagine, Merkabah. Holon merkaba. spacious equitey within and spendiferous equity within and solemnity before the gates as playful trojans run about taverns turning toadstools and oak trees into havens for gods. the laughter in this and the future in that. Blax flags. Deependents. relations. horrors. Triumphs melting away bringing timespace to a Joyous Notshell but openess. Rays bring joy to light the havens. But deep dark fancies about regret melt away also painful thought that is so painful to behold witnessed on the fields of Amorra no more the sun and light as diamond becomes focus as earth not bits of one linked to another, not a central this nor an omnipotent that. mass diffusion. Dispersal. Seeding the printemps and the elephantine trunks roads of A21 A 34 A 54 A 67 and magnificent B roads of B456 and B345 and B897 and the special B16 and the magnificent future of the gateways M7 M8 And M19. Spread the word of one child and breathe into the heart of a new life. the spirit and fancy. the A strems to the center where the stones bring the hats off and the heat and froth melt away all resistance as we come to this place. Oh hail Mana equivalent of Hawaii. Oh hail way people make selves useful and lighten others burdens oh hail this rain and this green this emerals and this news that the mighty and the mountains the lowly and the happy sprigs and fauns jaunting. Froth. Froth. Froth and matter. time and density and gravity and truth. The generals gather on their wallpaper images of sweet violets and chasms of angels breathe light into life. All hail the monitors! All halil Kepher and Aegyptuean wanfereers, the slaying is over. the fields regrown. That was said and this is new again. Throne. Haven. Belt. Sea. Sky. Angel and Haven. Dreams.
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
came through the solar eclipse alright; was lucky . had some "help" from the super cosmo consciousness "released" during the September period. I have been chanelling for five years, and never a day goes by when I do not marvel. I have ranted at it/ been En- raged about some of it. Dying into the ego. the struggle to accept in a logical way th -e.Higher emergence of a higher self. it all appeared, disappeared, and reappeared, and never went away. seems odd to write personally. doesn't eem necessary. not likely to help anyone this way! Am in britain-mind. tonight it's the talking-higher lvel commication of a seal on telly; something to do with Castro stepping down and mr crawl around the floor galoway on telly again, ranting. One rant here. One rant there. Hey rant never pant give yerself a pat on the back as now it's the LUNAR Eclipse. Merc's come out of Retro and Venus has shifted. Colour's erupted from my printer; and 6D form on the selves is clear. Agitation in me is known and clear. Knowing what I gotta do and then doing it is taking on an eer ton w as i supoe Springmeltthws som of ruty bits. Livpool/Inter Milan. Cold snaps. Lara Lewington. The Bill. Mock the Week. jonathan Dimblby. natasha Kapilinsky. "open up to a new lifestyle." Shagged out. Popping Gingko. Sex and sex and more sex. then love so bright it knocks yer socks off. Contemplating new handle: horny_trousers. Get em talking. lah d dah. What a snowmelt. Quelle Dawn. Up all night. Rhtyhms and tones. The higher fifth. Dont wanna piss all the Energy away and yet, can't have it bite me in the arse either. Must see the kids. Dieet of chips, bread. apple peel. gingko gingko and more gingko. April 24 hr Meditation . heather 1 and 2 and now Mushrrom restaurant to visit; broadstairs to visit; Crop Circles to see; Jobs to find; reg to talk to; Dan to catch up with;; where is hn H? Jupter and Saurn a Uraus proving mgty. 1,200. mg of intravenous Royal Jelly camethwarping its way out of my Pineal today. Dark rom. nwtems. pe sasn i th oue ad optimsm.
Friday, 15 February 2008
The PA LOOP. Fractal Index/Novelty. QH. 119
i sit down and swivel on my quill. Just come in from the Cold Yoga retreat with Swami Vushti and the Brotherhood. The alchemy between the group was highly charged. We had survived the bank and the forclosures, and the land grant had gone through. Outside Crownpoint we stopped to nest in a Kiva and gave thanks.. hopi smoked marijuana, still insisting that we were Indian Westerners Now. An old Cowboy loaded up his horse and deer into the trailer outside Durango and the planes for our next retreat were made, in full desert swing, toward the African Ranch. There, the great elephant Ritual codes would be passed onto us and the Swizili language hyoerdimensional codes from Lobengula also would be opened. The fractal pentagram over Africa, its seat outside Kruger, would be the renaissance factory, where the rejuvenation programme would go into full swing. Jean thought Hopi very attractive. She had her own codes hidden away and was awaiting instructions from Gia how wel an hre to elash. Much had pieced together for us as agrup.
The poet, William, whose VW we were driin, shook his head, Out blasted sandrm hsravylocks. "Ah," he said. He stood aside from the van and seemed to intake a breath. Over in the dic Fakita Butte. "Look at that for the missing cause of Gravity," he said. More t himself, I supposed, than to us. "It's a charge fractal. It's the only way to efficiently nourish and support DNA." i supposed he was right. We ate poppy seeds and thought about this for a long time.
picture courtesy of
picture courtesy of
AD 1620 Something Happens in Europe
sonic synthesis, Phemix rising up, blending Dove falling down. AH. The sound of 44. This is language. Do I do with it? Is it? Fractality through time in 2016 dedication of a birthday for the globe; a shift then that's seen preempted seeing after the horizon of our present knowledge, of what Gadamer says we can see I can see and others can see through the eyes of the Groups of the Individuals.
Thanks for the images> C@ org. Net 56.72.135. 18
TIME travel is a Matter of Consciousness
As I reparly through the day, found myself reformulating and rethinking, not because I dont know what to think but because the language is lacking. I have to learn and input the new language and use it! how else are all the objective details of modern physics going to sink in? I have crainial brainial cell microtubules that demonstrate that consciousness is non local. "Available everywhere in time and space," says Pen Rose .
I dedicate this to the Unity Self, the One body of Christ, the Buddha and the Dharmakays, the time space Now and the inner collective and the future collective. i dedicate this to myself, lying on a beach in Puerta Cogitanta and with my DHNA beside me, rubbing her toes as he would say, in a post quantum physics way.
And then there's these pesky nodal points! Bless them. And the Dna "core Kor Cor!" gateways of pure consciousness. Demonstrated today via Sheffield university and Max Planck. I rededicate the ineffable Self molecule and the atom of sea that I am to the collective of Dec 21 1998. I dedicate the results, the aformentioned hyper nodes and conjunctions of infinite infinite wavelengths to that purpose seen above.
I dedicate this to the Unity Self, the One body of Christ, the Buddha and the Dharmakays, the time space Now and the inner collective and the future collective. i dedicate this to myself, lying on a beach in Puerta Cogitanta and with my DHNA beside me, rubbing her toes as he would say, in a post quantum physics way.
And then there's these pesky nodal points! Bless them. And the Dna "core Kor Cor!" gateways of pure consciousness. Demonstrated today via Sheffield university and Max Planck. I rededicate the ineffable Self molecule and the atom of sea that I am to the collective of Dec 21 1998. I dedicate the results, the aformentioned hyper nodes and conjunctions of infinite infinite wavelengths to that purpose seen above.
the calorific overtures of railways ways and departments
eludiated the efferfreshness in the gills i brought shining
lamplight to a mars bar and awumarth feeling as I gravitated
to the hypercube, fifth floor white goddess kwan yin brought
smile fondness as sea swept waverivulets bottomed out on the earth floor of fondness screming diamongers and futuristicimozo gambulatariarias for drawstrings that once pulled tighter imploded out into love fractals ah jenniferr ah jemima ah ariel ah scottish lassie in red kilt on high chair once said and smiling returned from the office shit scared and brow beaten by her opporessors, dilinguisticated I was then homeward feet to sea again as shopping trolleys were filled with christian lights.
eludiated the efferfreshness in the gills i brought shining
lamplight to a mars bar and awumarth feeling as I gravitated
to the hypercube, fifth floor white goddess kwan yin brought
smile fondness as sea swept waverivulets bottomed out on the earth floor of fondness screming diamongers and futuristicimozo gambulatariarias for drawstrings that once pulled tighter imploded out into love fractals ah jenniferr ah jemima ah ariel ah scottish lassie in red kilt on high chair once said and smiling returned from the office shit scared and brow beaten by her opporessors, dilinguisticated I was then homeward feet to sea again as shopping trolleys were filled with christian lights.
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