Thursday, 28 February 2008

The Fractal Equivalence of Time (mentioned)

The energising of space, and times fractality. numbering thousand s the troops come down from Heaven and assemble in the Grden. Outside Genius awaiting the trumpet calls. Harold Edrada. Esthmus Bhagade. Scot clan 19. Several hundred future toilers, warping thier way to the center. Parts of life. Aspects of atoms. Futures of nuclei and bromide brompton bagula perhelion and space. These new Clans gather forwarding directives. Elgin Fenway Masachsettes. Cherokee. Grand Central Bethlehem. Arguda. Shanda. Asangula. Bromula Swiselu. Kanada. Eriginea. Kyoto. Palquela and Andromedala Oblongate. Huna. Hurrrying through the gates won't help!! Patience in courtyard Seventee, Essembling data packs and light shears through which time's glass portal adumbrates matter. Enock. hevera. liniltha yeloowsprings. melting into ne universe, opening leaf petal. metalic turquise gates of time in waters shinig with entropy open. Mandusa. mendec. hieronymous. Egelbert Alfred and Swane terata. Spider lake. Acrturus Seminole ohio. Vagine, Merkabah. Holon merkaba. spacious equitey within and spendiferous equity within and solemnity before the gates as playful trojans run about taverns turning toadstools and oak trees into havens for gods. the laughter in this and the future in that. Blax flags. Deependents. relations. horrors. Triumphs melting away bringing timespace to a Joyous Notshell but openess. Rays bring joy to light the havens. But deep dark fancies about regret melt away also painful thought that is so painful to behold witnessed on the fields of Amorra no more the sun and light as diamond becomes focus as earth not bits of one linked to another, not a central this nor an omnipotent that. mass diffusion. Dispersal. Seeding the printemps and the elephantine trunks roads of A21 A 34 A 54 A 67 and magnificent B roads of B456 and B345 and B897 and the special B16 and the magnificent future of the gateways M7 M8 And M19. Spread the word of one child and breathe into the heart of a new life. the spirit and fancy. the A strems to the center where the stones bring the hats off and the heat and froth melt away all resistance as we come to this place. Oh hail Mana equivalent of Hawaii. Oh hail way people make selves useful and lighten others burdens oh hail this rain and this green this emerals and this news that the mighty and the mountains the lowly and the happy sprigs and fauns jaunting. Froth. Froth. Froth and matter. time and density and gravity and truth. The generals gather on their wallpaper images of sweet violets and chasms of angels breathe light into life. All hail the monitors! All halil Kepher and Aegyptuean wanfereers, the slaying is over. the fields regrown. That was said and this is new again. Throne. Haven. Belt. Sea. Sky. Angel and Haven. Dreams.

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