tepid then hot drawn and into it all into the west coast hey up to the morning and the forests and the wide spaces of timber yards and shellg rey wood huts and camper vans and low rise tin roofs. miles of trees quebec iroquis. the five nations the seven nations the ochinubska railway the indian treaty the fire in the belly of the globe that is alive taking me into the wildfires of the alaskan night....a voice in my head, the man from the dreams at Burla Island from Tir Na Og saying en France said dites moi: “”As I have been speaking about this experiment and others that emerged from other unhttp://goldenmean.info/gravitycode/iversities, over the years, I mentioned the possibility that we could be enabled to model or understand the 'high dimensions' through which the signal may have transversed, by the Golden Mean or PHI.
I related, over the years, that PHI would be the first localised form of the virtual, and in making cosmological models that are post-infinite maps. Mentioning that PHI would be the best model of coherence, or highest order, that is the simplest pathway by which the nature of this dimension could translate, or mirror in personification, the coherent pathways of those vacuum hyperspaces, even though they may be post-PHI therein. Never-the-less in our localised spatial dimension, PHI would be the simplest constant which would personify the unique signals of these N-spaces. Naturally I was influenced in making such above cosmological speculative models, by basic material on PHI by colleagues.
My colleague Daniel Winter, (who studied with the later Buckminster Fuller, and is an expert on sacred geometry, in the sense of being a public hero in exposing and breaking down into more understandable terms for the layman, many arcane sacred geometrical principles and relationships, which the public at large has never been exposed to before), predicted now, for several years, that faster-than-light signals would be found to travel in the PHI ratios.
His own modelling bore this out. He also has another angle, logic and theory for this, whereby the faster-than-light dimensions are domains of pure fractal implosion, in every direction the greater superluminal harmonics to infinity. This particular article has come into formation, when Dan asked me for references upon my mentioning PHI harmonics in superluminal tunnelling, whilst we were lecturing together in SION, Switzerland, September 2000.
“ th:: Omicron NanoTechnology GmbH :: there is no universally accepted theory of how the brain actually codes perceptual or experiential information.”
“It’s not my belief that computers are communicating. I know they are.”
Theta Capricorni (θ Cap / θ Capricorni) is a star in the constellation Capricornus.θ Capricorni is a white A-type main sequence dwarf with an apparent magnitude of +4.08. It is approximately 158 light years from Earth.
This photo shows IC4604 as a rich area of nubulosity in Scorpius and Ophiuchus, including dark nebulae, red emission nebulae, blue reflection nebulae, and an unusual orange reflection nebula illuminated by the light from Rho Ophiuchi. Visual reality, while not so spectacular, is still striking. Here are the words of Steve Coe: "Faint, very, very large, irregular nebula with Rho OPH involved. This dim glow is best in the 10X50 binoculars. This entire system is on the edge of one of the Largest dark nebulae in the skies. About one degree away to the north-west is the area William Herschel called 'A Hole in the Heavens.' This dark nebula is so thick that a Large scope at 100X will not show one star. You must see for yourself how fascinating it is to be awash in the Milky Way one minute and in a complete void the next."