Movin House! I’ma movin up to da White House and that’s where you can find me. the Dc Reschel Grids now coming into effect as well as inclusion from equivalent sources are all reporting the same thing; from each dimension. The coordinating Hierarchy, obviously that M you are in touch with can and doesd agree on this as step by stp approach. Kin I Imix, and the birthing Place of the Red Dragon and the alternatie real time that has presupoposed itself upon and made us all fell that one human and one life is one jpo. Now that we are moving its pay off the renatals and the landlords, pay out the final credits and messes slips to the folks back home and start to see Alaska now as another place for a holiday. Phew. Because I dont want to go back that was such hard work, hiding out up there with my knowledge. Give me a vabin in da roads fooot yello person and now inside angle views are happening I ahae and 290 j8 fruthering your ffrustration now no hawrmful to only self therefore alignment divinity and claim jsut cause here as this anchoring process is now completed... for further research looking at this as a possibility to link Bending time with Scientific Accomploishments "every little action counts" now we rebuild and buider veider finesse and plomp!
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