DREAM. Inside the alletys, offices, ups tairs Cosmoplitan delights hide the sophistication of the sub dynamic enterpise. The infinite subtlty and display of forms breaking round the corner the hungaryyan Magyr makes full strides twice nightly up to Town. Perk nipples rouged for him. Her arms. Their kinky endeavours. Truht is in the conceptual dynamics of the Ninth Dimension, and all wil be revealed. She whispers to me, later that night, in the yellow haze of the candles we have lit to receive him that I am further on now and that the awareness and the Soul choices also come clearer. Stacking shelves, at home, Stace makes her legs taut on the counter so he can take her quickly. Theres not much time between toilet breaks and lunch, she says to him. But you can find me waiting behind the pellets. A New Yorker has made his himome routwe to Yo nkers for just just such a sweet seweeting Englsih rose without prickles. Ancient forces occupy center stage. &^% BC is processed. The Diamonf LD > flying Garuda, prophecy trelelfton *9 made it through, I , hunfer. Make it so.
It’s the 20th. Phew and blammoed by the rejection at the Royal Lees hut his head the bands playing vertiggio on the doormat, several edges conundrum builders heads with vertex swartes made by Heaven. Nightly queen bess at the bar on Saturday. The white shirt pulled up round her heavy midriff. Love they tell me doesn’t observe; or is afraid of accepting what it observes.
Phones ringing off the hool, these rapa and their friggin girlfriends opinions poluutating the environments. Outside we strum our guitars, happily oblivious. Down at the Oak, theres new buds ready for autumn, and Missy’s nearly pregnant and Her Friend is too. When the old man showed her how to out it out the only thought in her mind was that she had finally figured out how someone became pregnant. Cor blimey. So that’s how it happens. After that she systematically pretended, I don’t know. And hoped she was never asked. Of course and now that’s over, the springs hope and the buildup latent shrubs in Kensington, now flowers and concerts have passed. An eternity rose up from Jupiter. A cloud of clrty smacker, made the Elspeth min me qwak, Lemmings rubbed noses with forthright ganymedes cruised the Nile, everyone was a subjective conjunct and the labella made noise when she ripened. Onward entelechy, romanced Keats. Onward enantiamorphia. Musaaes revered in Maya quoted vertiginous verse from the high altiude of working class life. In whent Y’isis. Out came Circe. In went Minerva. Out whalloped and outclapped by Eurydice, the churchbells slayed. I am a tourist, he shouted. Quizzicked by meandering watchers, smokey joe nobbleiffers and butters in the plenitude, last year made by Silence, wished they hadn’t seen the eloquence. Strut wenched and ambivalent engineers hoped they would have it in them to barf. Long time phone callers, switchcard operators and Mendacious Stamp Collectors were all bedeviled when it came to buying the bacon, swotting flies off the crackhole with the Daniel chapter from the frech national bibliotecha. Worlwind. Vortex. Tornado. Pomegranat, the sincerity was remarkable. Humbled by the sheer exactitude and explanatory potentioal of the aforesaid Immobilius Mundi, I wrote a scrapheap into magenta on the Fosters Bar cap. Tense moments ensues as Deaf by lightening ordered his vesitgular and round bottomed Annexe from Poloratugatoral in West pughkeepsie Buzzed the door for the late night lock in. Vanquished by the bill paying extrav, invertebrate dollars, fortnightly winter suits and endless sallied forth couches unizsed and sexed by Couch, ran the headline later that day to
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