So you see “a state trooper entangled in a divorce and custody battle with my sister” went quite a bit deeper than that. A billion girls, but only a thousand men. Think about that for a minute. Meditate on that. We had to take the abortion issue off the charts to the right because we had to find out who and where these core thousand were. There were perhaps ten thousand others down the food chain involved, men and women, and in more than one country (although it had becme clear that our country had become the secret epicenter) I’m being honest here, as philosophically honest as i can because it was morality; and a line had been crossed. And it was real. There was hardly a fmily on earth into which they didn’t have their foot in the door. That was why the only office I could think of powerful enough with more than enough abilty to keepo a secret owoul

That probe also is examining whether Palin’s extended family, including her husband, and members of her staff tried to pressure Monegan
to fire state trooper Mike Wooten because of the divorce.
Monegan told the Anchorage Daily News that the governor’s husband, Todd Palin, showed him the work of a private investigator, who had been hired by the family to dig into Wooten’s life and who was accusing the trooper of various misdeeds, such as drunk driving and child abuse.
In early August 2008, the state legislature agreed to investigate the circumstances surrounding Gov. Palin’s firing of Monegan. She initially welcomed the probe and denied that she had put pressure on Monegan.
Subconsciously, many people resist these banner archetypes because the approaching Saturn/Uranus opposition has been dredging up the unresolved conflicts of the late 1960s. During 1965-67 in the US there were historic civil rights and anti-war demonstrations. Now many people in the world can't figure out why the same problems just keep going on and on. Can't the Americans resolve something instead of just repeat? Yes they can, and they will, because now the US is running out of money and armaments. If the US could be more critical of its own actions, things could change more easily. But, because Mars squares Neptune in the 1776 chart, the US is prone to blinding fantasies about its grandeur.
The banana's blue glow was discovered by scientists at the University of Innsbruck in Austria and Columbia University in New York, the first team to look for this phenomenon in bananas. The researchers think the coloring is related to the degradation of chlorophyll that occurs as the banana ripens and could aid animals who eat bananas and can see in the ultraviolet range of the spectrum
Chlorophyll is the green pigment present in plants that allows them to obtain energy from light during photosynthesis.
As the banana ripens, the chlorophyll begins to break down — a process called catabolism — and the resulting products are concentrated in the banana peel. Under ultraviolet light, more commonly known as black light, these breakdown products fluoresce, or glow, blue.
"Surprisingly, this blue luminescence has been entirely overlooked," said study team leader Bernhard Kräutler of the University of Innsbruck.
Before the team's discovery, detailed in the Oct. 10 early online edition of the journal Angewandte Chemie, fluorescing chlorophyll catabolytes, or products of breakdown, had only been found in higher plants and were short-lived. While the banana's blue glow does diminish as it ripens, its catabolytes are unusually long-lived.
in a girl."
Palin and her father had been fishing on Bristol Bay.
As Hans Asperger was part of this coverup, even today, now, for instance in the uk there is a girl called Stewart who says, her situation was complicated by the invisibility of girls on the autistic spectrum. I’ll bet it was. http://www.mindhacks.com/blog/2007/08/girls_with_autism.htmlAnd you can see where I am going there is now a massive campaign to advance the increase of infection of girls because they have so many other girls who are ready. Thaey have in aeffect, A Girl Mountain, and so, reluctant as they once were to use girls that way (in the old days the giving of this to a boy was enough to cause problems) but they had their way girls were kept largely for other purposes and a small elite were bred with autism to cover the facts and another small percentage were to predelicate for the palattes of some very disturbed individuals. Yes, we knew what we were dealing with. But the fact that it was conceived in Germany bore no relationship at all now to the facts. thye could, and we knew they could, get to anybody this way, and by the association of autistic traits - social awkwardness, for instance - with masculinity. The majority of autistic people are men, with four times as many males as females being affected, and the medical world is awash with theories about how the syndrome is connected to the wiring of the "male" brain.
In fact, when Hans Asperger first described autism in11 a.m. well, sunday again. a new set up. a different vibe. an unusual configuration that I believe requires one more shift......changing the keyboard .and tho this has been a whey hey up a daisy looking bu t feeling
this truth arrangement and ah that's better. I did it
didnt I?
and now its changed again and the blue blue movie and the colour of Rome bounce on the bed of western civilization election fever
okay nice switch but does that mean I am back on the driving seat again? does it mean healing??? the FACT of two years? Envelope Penelope wasn't sure when her luck came in so good; she'd barely had the makeover and was already attracting some surprisingly direct stares from men, and boys! That's what had shocked her, the lechery of it! no wonder there were girls on the look out for their lives!
could it be that this keyboard and this arrangement also needs changing? is that enough what I am doing? and has this thesis that much of a chance to survive?how has his battery effected me? How much shock did I go into? And how much comes through now In the wind, howling since about six oclock last night. A constancy in this, and movement as well. I am recalling the latest session with the Tibetan Book of Living and Dyng because...? How has that "shock" of the loss effected me? Am I in society as much of What is this a fucntion of? as the rest of this weekend is marked by the arrival at a THIRTEEN DAY.
certainly feels like it.
I wish.....
well. Popped in DVD because of the concentration action. It's a good one. Randy. And hard. Sultry. Weird as a word. This fucntion of poetry. Thinking for the next coffee. Reticent to stop am enjoying it so much. Really do love the way that this has eveolved
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