this period of October-November 2008 is significant since we've begun to slide into the long term tension of the Saturn opposition Uranus. This symbolizes the vast polarization upon our world on every conceivable level, and is why recent developments indicate massive fraud, deception, and deflections from the true issues and solutions for today's global problems.
In its negative manifestation, it's retrograde myopic forces of doubt, duplicity, and willfulness polarizing against the forces of the positive manifestation. The positive expression of the opposition is demonstrated by practical responsible structural forms of progressive compassion that will carry us through the end of the long 84 year cycle and launch us into the new Uranus in Aries era beginning 2010.
The opposition will last the entire time, so this is the front end of an energy that will split the old from the new, the regressives from the progressives, the hard and critical from the individualized forces of practical compassion. The coming squares and oppositions will certainly change our world forever and turn many previous assumptions about what is "real" upside down.
The opposition forms over the next few weeks, and is within a three degree (very powerful!) orb between October 11 and early March 2009. It's within an even more extremely volatile two degree orb from late October through late November and early January through late February 2009. These are points of maximum tension, where "...There's battle lines being drawn..." that will put people into positions that will yield results for years to come.
Throughout this period, we'll have The Grand Irrationality triggered at key points, leading to major irrational occurrences that throw us individually and collectively down the road of a greater destiny. The choices we're making during these periods are keys to how our future will manifest on whatever level they occur. During the period of October 5-14, we'll have either 4, 5, or even 6 points triggered every day depending on where the Moon is if we factor in the influence of the Ascendant crossing through the zones.
Whenever any of the zones are triggered, we go through periods when radical things happen. And of course, with Saturn camped out in the Virgo zone, every time it is stimulated it will release through the opposite sign, which just happens to be occupied by Uranus the Revolutionizer. Things could take radical turns and get fairly unstable at key points over the next few months which set the stage for the even larger changes that will be set into motion as Jupiter moves into its conjunction with Neptune and septile to Pluto in early 2009.
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