Thursday, 26 November 2009

reviewing aquarius

During this period, Neptune is diffusing the Aquarian energy into the collective unconscious, as dream-forms and subtle patterns of that energy.

Neptune is establishing the various textures of the Aquarian Age to come, which will show as the qualities of collective Contribution and Management within a larger sphere of synthesized, synergistic cooperation and impersonal Love (R. Wilkinson. Aquarius Papers. 2008)

Thursday, 12 November 2009

An Alaskan Dialog. Box Set Available for Freedom 2008

So you see “a state trooper entangled in a divorce and custody battle with my sister” went quite a bit deeper than that. A billion girls, but only a thousand men. Think about that for a minute. Meditate on that. We had to take the abortion issue off the charts to the right because we had to find out who and where these core thousand were. There were perhaps ten thousand others down the food chain involved, men and women, and in more than one country (although it had becme clear that our country had become the secret epicenter) I’m being honest here, as philosophically honest as i can because it was morality; and a line had been crossed. And it was real. There was hardly a fmily on earth into which they didn’t have their foot in the door. That was why the only office I could think of powerful enough with more than enough abilty to keepo a secret owould have to be tried for. And so, 1994 1997 and 2004 were years spent studying Shinzu’s ar tof War and Machiavellis notes on the Italian Medici.How else do you think Kill Bill was funded? and why!

That probe also is examining whether Palin’s extended family, including her husband, and members of her staff tried to pressure Monegan

to fire state trooper Mike Wooten because of the divorce.

Monegan told the Anchorage Daily News that the governor’s husband, Todd Palin, showed him the work of a private investigator, who had been hired by the family to dig into Wooten’s life and who was accusing the trooper of various misdeeds, such as drunk driving and child abuse.

In early August 2008, the state legislature agreed to investigate the circumstances surrounding Gov. Palin’s firing of Monegan. She initially welcomed the probe and denied that she had put pressure on Monegan.
Subconsciously, many people resist these banner archetypes because the approaching Saturn/Uranus opposition has been dredging up the unresolved conflicts of the late 1960s. During 1965-67 in the US there were historic civil rights and anti-war demonstrations. Now many people in the world can't figure out why the same problems just keep going on and on. Can't the Americans resolve something instead of just repeat? Yes they can, and they will, because now the US is running out of money and armaments. If the US could be more critical of its own actions, things could change more easily. But, because Mars squares Neptune in the 1776 chart, the US is prone to blinding fantasies about its grandeur.
The banana's blue glow was discovered by scientists at the University of Innsbruck in Austria and Columbia University in New York, the first team to look for this phenomenon in bananas. The researchers think the coloring is related to the degradation of chlorophyll that occurs as the banana ripens and could aid animals who eat bananas and can see in the ultraviolet range of the spectrum

Chlorophyll is the green pigment present in plants that allows them to obtain energy from light during photosynthesis.

As the banana ripens, the chlorophyll begins to break down — a process called catabolism — and the resulting products are concentrated in the banana peel. Under ultraviolet light, more commonly known as black light, these breakdown products fluoresce, or glow, blue.

"Surprisingly, this blue luminescence has been entirely overlooked," said study team leader Bernhard Kräutler of the University of Innsbruck.

Before the team's discovery, detailed in the Oct. 10 early online edition of the journal Angewandte Chemie, fluorescing chlorophyll catabolytes, or products of breakdown, had only been found in higher plants and were short-lived. While the banana's blue glow does diminish as it ripens, its catabolytes are unusually long-lived.

in a girl."
Palin and her father had been fishing on Bristol Bay.
As Hans Asperger was part of this coverup, even today, now, for instance in the uk there is a girl called Stewart who says, her situation was complicated by the invisibility of girls on the autistic spectrum. I’ll bet it was. you can see where I am going there is now a massive campaign to advance the increase of infection of girls because they have so many other girls who are ready. Thaey have in aeffect, A Girl Mountain, and so, reluctant as they once were to use girls that way (in the old days the giving of this to a boy was enough to cause problems) but they had their way girls were kept largely for other purposes and a small elite were bred with autism to cover the facts and another small percentage were to predelicate for the palattes of some very disturbed individuals. Yes, we knew what we were dealing with. But the fact that it was conceived in Germany bore no relationship at all now to the facts. thye could, and we knew they could, get to anybody this way, and by the association of autistic traits - social awkwardness, for instance - with masculinity. The majority of autistic people are men, with four times as many males as females being affected, and the medical world is awash with theories about how the syndrome is connected to the wiring of the "male" brain.
In fact, when Hans Asperger first described autism in11 a.m. well, sunday again. a new set up. a different vibe. an unusual configuration that I believe requires one more shift......changing the keyboard .and tho this has been a whey hey up a daisy looking bu t feeling
this truth arrangement and ah that's better. I did it

didnt I?
and now its changed again and the blue blue movie and the colour of Rome bounce on the bed of western civilization election fever

okay nice switch but does that mean I am back on the driving seat again? does it mean healing??? the FACT of two years? Envelope Penelope wasn't sure when her luck came in so good; she'd barely had the makeover and was already attracting some surprisingly direct stares from men, and boys! That's what had shocked her, the lechery of it! no wonder there were girls on the look out for their lives!

could it be that this keyboard and this arrangement also needs changing? is that enough what I am doing? and has this thesis that much of a chance to survive?how has his battery effected me? How much shock did I go into? And how much comes through now In the wind, howling since about six oclock last night. A constancy in this, and movement as well. I am recalling the latest session with the Tibetan Book of Living and Dyng because...? How has that "shock" of the loss effected me? Am I in society as much of What is this a fucntion of? as the rest of this weekend is marked by the arrival at a THIRTEEN DAY.
certainly feels like it.

I wish.....

well. Popped in DVD because of the concentration action. It's a good one. Randy. And hard. Sultry. Weird as a word. This fucntion of poetry. Thinking for the next coffee. Reticent to stop am enjoying it so much. Really do love the way that this has eveolved


Sunday, 8 November 2009

calleman on the sixth night

note: i believe the sixth Night came in a "hidden way'' in May 2009. The intensity of this November marks really the overt eruption and view of what has already been happening this year in a secret or hidden way. Surprisingly Calleman actually sugests this in his books, but I cannot claim to understand why he doesnt make more of that fact. SOme quotes from his paper follow....

What is about to transpire now is in other words not something that has ever happened before in the history of the universe. Maybe this impending change, partially unknown, causes the widespread denial that I feel dominate many people at the current moment. Rather than facing a great change in our socioeconomic relationships (since any change in human consciousness also implies a change in our relationships) many prefer to fantasize about some physical or astronomical event, that purportedly is going to happen on December 21, 2012. In reality the Mayan calendar is however not about something that will happen on a singular date, but a description of a divine plan for the evolution of humankind where quantum shifts between calendrical energies bring about shifts in consciousness. Thus, human consciousness will continue to be transformed step by step in accordance with this plan until we come to the real end date of the process of creation, October 28, 2011. At this date the highest quantum state of the universe will be attained ( 13 Ahau) when the shifts disrupting the harmony will come to an end. Obviously, we are not there yet.

In this plan for the evolution of consciousness we are now approaching the sixth night of the Galactic Wave Movement, the eighth of the nine levels, which will begin on November 8, 2009. If my understanding of the Mayan calendar is correct we will in this coming night be witnessing the most significant transformation of consciousness ever in the history of mankind. What is exciting about this is that I feel that a relatively clear picture of how a new world is going to be born is now finally becoming evident. On the other hand, what is also becoming increasingly clear is that this birth is likely to become very demanding. For this reason it becomes all the more important to understand how some of the difficulties ahead actually serve the delivery of this new world even though it may not always seem that they do so in the moment. If people can gain a realistic understanding of how this new world will be born they may be able to keep a hope for the future, which is based on something more than mere wishful thinking. Unfortunately, much confusion reigns about the Mayan calendar and many that present themselves as experts on this deny the ancient Mayan knowledge that there are nine cosmic forces that are about to manifest, and that it is these, and nothing else, that explains why a new world will be born.

Thus, what will happen in the time ahead cannot be understood from the sixth night of the Galactic Underworld alone. The overlapping of the cycles preparing for the ninth, and highest, level in the cosmic evolution scheme; the Universal Wave Movement (see Figure) with the energy of this sixth night will then also need to be taken into consideration. Because of this overlapping, and the speed-up of time associated especially with the latter Wave Movement, not only do I think that the upcoming period will be unusually intense, but also energetically quite complex.

At the time of this writing (October 31, 2009, 1 Ben) we are towards the end of the sixth day, the period of flowering in the process from seed to mature fruit in the Galactic Wave Movement, which precedes the sixth night. As I predicted in an earlier article it would now to some economists seem that the “global economic recession” (or the worst of it) is already over. There are however certain things currently going on in the world that belies this and are more in line with the prediction I made in an article in May ( of a further economic downturn, especially expressed in a fall in the value of the US dollar, to take place around the time that the sixth night begins (see also: While several sources now predict a dollar fall it is important to note that mine was made a relatively long time ago and if it proves to be correct shows that what is happening in the economy is part of a divine plan charted by the Mayan calendar.

My prediction of a further economic downturn was based on the observation that nights, at least in the second part of an evolutionary Wave Movement, usually mean at the very least a slowdown of economic growth. An indication of such an impending downturn at this upcoming night is for instance that there has been a rush for gold, which for the first time passed the magical limit of USD 1000/troy ounce. Moreover, an index of insider trading shows that people knowledgeable about the actual basis for valuing US stock tend to think of this as highly overvalued. Most importantly, increasingly higher voices are now raised in almost all corners of the world for the replacement of the petrodollar system and thus also of the use of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. These various indices thus do not indicate that the “recession” is over, but if anything that an intensification of the economic decline, especially in the indebted West, is imminent. It seems that investors are escaping assets in the form of paper or digit values, which is exactly what we would expect from this late phase of the Galactic Wave Movement, when a shift in consciousness amounting to a shift from abstract to concrete economic values is taking place. Thus, while many will say that the changes are a result of a conspiracy, for instance against the US, the point to realize is that if that were the case they would not have been predictable from the Mayan calendar.

I believe that what is happening in the world’s economy is something much more profound and fundamental than a temporary recession and is a direct consequence of the particular transformation of consciousness that the Galactic Wave Movement is bringing. As I explain in my new book The Purposeful Universe ( consciousness is primarily a relationship to the Tree of Life, which exists on many different levels of the cosmos and causes synchronized shifts on these different levels. What this means is that the shifts in consciousness that give new directions to our lives will also directly affect the world and society at large and how we relate to this. A shift in consciousness is hence not something that only happens in our heads, but is simultaneously also expressed in changes in our relationships. Our economic relationships are thus also subject to shifts in consciousness and the evolution of this. We should then expect an even further escape from abstract values as the sixth night begins, a shift that may be expected to especially severely hit the western economies of the United States and the United Kingdom, which remain the financial centers of the world and control much of its banking activities. At the present time these nations, and especially the United States, are so indebted that there really is no need to present an explanation as to why there would be another downturn in its economy. All that is needed for this is something to trigger what is going to happen anyway one way or another. While many things may trigger such a downturn, and the media will place all the emphasis on this trigger, the deeper reasons for a downturn is best understood from the Mayan calendar. From a Mayan calendar perspective the ongoing decline in economic growth reflects a stepwise adaptation to the end of the economic cycles that will be associated with the Mayan end date (or beginning date of a new world if you like).

If the downturn of the economy is part of a process creating the conditions for the birth of a new world a relevant question to ask is how deep it is going to be. Even if it seems clear that the value of paper money, and especially the US dollar, will be hit, it is still somewhat of an open question how far-reaching the consequences of this will be. I think this can only be understood from a study of what might be the nature of the new world to be born. When it comes to understanding this it seems however that there are actually no ancient Mayan sources to consult. The Mayan sources only say that Nine cosmic forces are going to manifest as the calendar comes to an end, but there is no ancient inscription, which talks about what will follow upon this. Because of this dearth of material I suggest that we turn to sources from the large Abrahamic religions such as the Bible or the Quran, which do say something on the matter. If we combine these with our understanding from the Mayan calendar I feel we may gain some idea of what is to come. I believe everything that has been happening in this time plan has been subordinated to the delivery of this new world.

Hence, the Quran says this in Surah 82:17-19: “And what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgment is? Again, what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgment is? (It will be) the Day when no soul shall have power (to do) aught for another: For the command, that Day, will be (wholly) with Allah.” I believe this disappearance of dominance may refer to the Universal Underworld, which brings a consciousness of oneness and transparency to our whole beings and all of our past actions. If we take this seriously it would imply that all chains to people dominating others would need to be broken. The last book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation 21:4-5 also describes a new world to be born: “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.” This would seem to imply that all chains to the past would need to be broken for the new world to be born. Taken together it would seem that as pre-requisites for the birth of a new earth we would need to free ourselves from the chains to the past as well as from chains to other people.

To some these changes may look so great that it might even be more comfortable to fantasize that the world would come to an end than to go through all of the necessary changes that would more or less turn our world upside down. Certainly, there is also a tremendous amount of people in power, who do not want to see such a transformation towards equality and harmony coming about. These quotes may however give us a hint about where the economic downturn may be leading us and how deep it will be. Will money for instance completely disappear? I think the answer to this is that money will disappear to the extent that it no longer chains the world to the past. In practice, this probably means that all thinking about profitable investing etc is somewhat beside the point, since the emerging new world is not likely to be a growth economy based on the drive for accumulation of abstract values. More likely, the new world is going to be one based on sharing and care-taking of all members of society as the unity consciousness of the Universal Wav Movement, presumably after much turmoil, eventually is established. The more immediate time period in the sixth night will then be when the practical expressions of this transformation will need to be tested out and implemented. This may from the perspective of the current world seem unthinkable. Yet, there is no such thing as an eternal human nature and our perception of reality, and what we are propelled to create, always varies between the different Wave Movements. The human beings of the Regional, National, Planetary and Galactic Wave Movements are completely different in their approach to life and the universal human being that will be created by the Ninth and Universal Wave Movement will represent the crowning step of the evolution of consciousness. Thus, she is then likely to embody a different perception of the world and different qualities compared to previously. An economy based on sharing is of course fully possible if the unity consciousness carried by the Universal Wave Movement is successfully established. Even if the energy changes will now be happening quickly I should add that it may take some time (in the range of a few years after 2011) until this economy takes its final form.

So how in practice could such a transition come about from a human being, who essentially looks after herself to one that sees the unity of all and shares the fruits of creation? Such a transformation of our experience of life may now seem as impossible as the fall of the Berlin Wall once seemed. But similarly to how the fall of the Berlin Wall ultimately was a reflection of a transcendence of an east-west polarity in human consciousness the new world to be born is designed to result from a transcendence of the inner and outer walls maintained especially by the western mind. Thus, my suspicion is that during the first half of the sixth night the world’s economy will increasingly slow down as the consumption of the US population will no longer be able to keep the industrial engines of the world going. The power of the US in the world would decrease as a result of a dollar fall.* Yet, because of the indirect effects of this downturn, no part of the world can expect to be untouched. In this downturn it will then come a point when it will start to dawn on many people that it will never be possible to resurrect the old growth economy and that there will never be any return to a “business as usual.” At that point very radical socio-economic solutions will need to be explored for people to survive also in a literal physical sense as it becomes obvious that it is the nature of the economic relationships and the chains to the economy of the past that cause the problems. We may for instance ask what will happen if major portions of the population in economically significant countries will not be able to pay their mortgages? Will these people then have to leave their houses in mass so that countless houses owned by banks will sit empty when people are out on the streets? This is the kind of situation that has already appeared in some previously car manufacturing suburbs of Detroit. Hence, this scenario is not hypothetical, but has already to some extent happened on a limited scale.

Latvian Expose

SO this huge mulk of a maneater says he sat with the Politburo in a sauna in Lithuania during the strikes. Great, I say. That's fantastic, and plug my ears before any politico details from this man's past can enter my crystal skull. At 13 he says, he was taken into the sauna and told to stoke the fire by throwing water on it. After a couple of months of that he was up there on the large slatted boards with the big guys. Then a bikini wearing angel comes in, this one from LAtvia, sporting a Team GB swimsuit.... the rest is history.

Sunday, 1 November 2009

go to Aquarius Papers dot Com/ re Ro Wilkinson

this period of October-November 2008 is significant since we've begun to slide into the long term tension of the Saturn opposition Uranus. This symbolizes the vast polarization upon our world on every conceivable level, and is why recent developments indicate massive fraud, deception, and deflections from the true issues and solutions for today's global problems.

In its negative manifestation, it's retrograde myopic forces of doubt, duplicity, and willfulness polarizing against the forces of the positive manifestation. The positive expression of the opposition is demonstrated by practical responsible structural forms of progressive compassion that will carry us through the end of the long 84 year cycle and launch us into the new Uranus in Aries era beginning 2010.

The opposition will last the entire time, so this is the front end of an energy that will split the old from the new, the regressives from the progressives, the hard and critical from the individualized forces of practical compassion. The coming squares and oppositions will certainly change our world forever and turn many previous assumptions about what is "real" upside down.

The opposition forms over the next few weeks, and is within a three degree (very powerful!) orb between October 11 and early March 2009. It's within an even more extremely volatile two degree orb from late October through late November and early January through late February 2009. These are points of maximum tension, where "...There's battle lines being drawn..." that will put people into positions that will yield results for years to come.

Throughout this period, we'll have The Grand Irrationality triggered at key points, leading to major irrational occurrences that throw us individually and collectively down the road of a greater destiny. The choices we're making during these periods are keys to how our future will manifest on whatever level they occur. During the period of October 5-14, we'll have either 4, 5, or even 6 points triggered every day depending on where the Moon is if we factor in the influence of the Ascendant crossing through the zones.

Whenever any of the zones are triggered, we go through periods when radical things happen. And of course, with Saturn camped out in the Virgo zone, every time it is stimulated it will release through the opposite sign, which just happens to be occupied by Uranus the Revolutionizer. Things could take radical turns and get fairly unstable at key points over the next few months which set the stage for the even larger changes that will be set into motion as Jupiter moves into its conjunction with Neptune and septile to Pluto in early 2009.