Wednesday, 31 December 2008
she Ur Me's Me in S Water
He peppers his claims with such expressions as: "one suspects," "I feel," "my impression," "it is clear," "cannot be without significance," "dare we ask," "without doubt," "it is my guess," "it is quite evident," "I am left with the conviction" and a litany of would have, could have, must have beens. But no documented proof.
Ovason’s premise, if not belief, is that Pierre Charles L'Enfant (b. 1754/08/02, d. 1825/06/14) and Major Ellicott (b. 1754/01/24, d. 1820) intended Pennsylvania Avenue to provide a view of the setting sun from the Capitol building annually on August 10th. The reason for this was because on that day the sun is in 17 degrees of Leo and the star Regalus sets over the White House just over half an hour after sunset, leaving the stars "Spica, in Virgo, and Arcturus in Bootes." "They are the three stars which Masons such as Pike and Brunet recognized as enclosing the constellation of Virgo." [p. 346] This, he asserts, proves "the city was intended to celebrate the mystery of Virgo — of the Egyptian Isis, the Grecian Ceres and the Christian Virgin." [p. 349]
According to the work of anthropologist Jeremy Narby, this Ur-language of light is a "forest television" of images in which "DNA is a snaked shaped master of transformation that lives in water and is both extremely long and small, single and double. Just like the cosmic serpent."[5] His assessment agrees with Ovason's comments that only one who has the skin of the dragon, or has become one with the cosmic serpent of DNA, can understand this symbolic language of light.
symbols, derived perhaps from the DNA itself, that unite the global cultures of mankind, from the Inca to the ancient Greeks Imagine that what we call "biology" is the way the mechanical world invented how to build a toroidal charge vector thruster device using molecules.
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
In A LOndondonEarl's Court Hotel I layd My Hands on this geezer
internally and externally forming the New Horizon. The birth planted ideas of a generation, the double plus MaxPly condiments on the shelves, quivering with exceitement. Oh how sub atomic life likes to be bought. Oh great Form. Oh great wonder. Outside in the rain, he tells me, the Paikey notices a giorl roller blading up the prom on water laden pavements, with no bra with wetness dfripping and even tho I say it myself, never have I seen such breasts. That’s what he likes about life; when people just let go and give themselves the permission top enjoy, It is a phikosophy of Enjoyment he is gathering together. Now Crowleys happy. The open season of energy the final clearing through the lightworlers conduits as we all now hear and listen to the outet Planets. Ah I was worried in the downturns. I’d had a month two months maybe three months of extreme enjoyment. More enjoyment than I’ve had in years. Blissfull laughter and real risks. As the ^D blens and merges with Time itself, as we form the new now in the image of the source, as time and space are conjunct and are brought into synthesis, as the metallic lines of the Bar riveted with hands that are now at this moment still beating the drums of the Oluympiad. Ah Greeks. Ah Jupiter. Ah Deucalion. Ah Melissa. Ah Juno! Ah, the great Harridam pounces on me and extols my truth from me. The great Greek God and the Great Babylonian Goddess untied in hands together blessing wthe rain with gold and silver filaments falling from the sky light up the latent ptotozoa in the channel. We have agree to meet and recommence the great Northern projects; the Norse meets the Swede in the GRden of Earthly and Vegetable delights. We are going Horse riding today. The girl, giggling, pokes her best mate off the couch and introduces her to her father. The warm sleep of night is rubbed from her eyes. How did you sleep through the whole thing. The other day was then. This is now. We have the codes for the opening and the blending, the opening of the truem harmonic ovctave of the town meeting the old harmonic that was set up as imprint. The two worlds meet in time today, yes, they have co joined for this. The lights on the sea opff shore infddicate fisherman are stil out there sloshing in nets and dope. Fridges all over the world running on empty are no match for the whitenes in the dark sjy, Crack! Boom. The low thunder rolling round the bay waking up the south east corner of Little Britain. The English thistle the Irish hound the German lapdog and The Hungarian Count have all arrived here. The great rebuilt kingdom of Sumer, right here on the southern shores. From Folkstone the storm places itself over the channel absorbing the buiilogical data released from the glaciers. The elephantine rivers swell all the way up to London, pounding hearts hold steady on the briadge at Charing and sweep up to Bushy the water mark bleeding gold. The systematic construction of poetry; the heart of the Cosmos; the galactic nature of all things; the surreal and the mundane; the hidden and the seen; the two di poles of experience, moving to source and moving away from source were brought into a harmonic accord. Swoops of light through the rocks in the West Hill, downward m,elting energy into the small rivers and wells, spread into the telluric. Pikey shows me his two packs of cigarettes. Al orders another Dinner; even the kebab shops are closed. Gerry opens the door to his closed pub and stands on the lip opposite the two bos still selling weed, three a.m. Andrew makes his play for rosa outside Moda. Julie’s made her confidence known and she’s been willing to risk aklk for him. The catsuit and hotpants were made at home but the heels she had to go to London for. The time tube of the past, the votex generating positive energy that was all held in for so long. The panchen lama made that agreement long ago. As china moves through its rubble, the west becomes the east and all is reversed. The here was reversed over a year ago. The positive dipole remains in place. This is doing, they tell me. This is what we can now do. Now that the codes have been cleared and the opening smade clear and the agreements signed sealed and delivered …
Sunday, 28 December 2008
white snow and white sheets and white cum in white coffee at white christmas
I wake upo, bright, breezy. My Gemini inspired mind races for a minute before I realize Stacy’s curled up behind me, holding my hand. Naked save for her thin white vest top. I rest again. Unlike my own usual habit of getting straight out of bed, I feel a sense of relaxation , and realize that I can lie down and rest with her, her nergies are that clear. I just lie there for what seems like several hours, several relaxzing hours where the phone is not ringing, there are bno builders outside, even the road sweepers and car vacuumers seem to have taken the day off. When she wakes, its as if she sense si t too. And we both lie there, drawing ourselves closer to each other until we are hugging and pressed together in silnces, as if we both knew, as if by some chance she too had found the one. So the Lion did lie down with the Lamb on Broadway in the end, and the intrinsic meanings of life are uncoded by the fullest expression of Love. Fun today love? Yes I’m fine. Afterwards standing in the kitfchen drinking OJ. After that, sitting on the floor, stunned, not even needing a coffee or a cigarette. And then I put her back up on the ladder again, and she sits there, draped in a white sheet, looking ever so Greek and ever so beautiful. Both of us smiling. That was some night. Yes. Yes it was. Even now, even after all that, she is still trying to speak without moving her lips. Yopu have to understand how I paint. I begin I tell I know I feel. Waters in the bath are warm now for you darling. She slips between bubbles and I caress my own good luck, hoping it and I never run out of fuel for manifestations like this!.
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Monday, 22 December 2008
seed pods on winter wet boughs come thru light in english language
The next interludes are dominated by the eclipses, august one to sixteen, dominated too by the involvment of my own mind maps from May and June, telekinesis, mayan claneder free wheeling returns on the bar HOLLY STICKS her necks out of joint and the yes of Stacia are open to me. lLingering in the floodlit cavern she peeling off from the group to come hug mne she says, come and kiss me. We roll into the DUKE AND HIS MISSUS near claps herself shuit with jealus of how she wishes she had the freedom to fuck around. Love takes a bit of a back seat. Aquarius, Chiron and Jupiter all seem to be Northward bound to nodes, Chiron feels like a new mode has been made. The slippery surface of the beer stuck to the linoleum gives her feet enough purchase on the floor. Shoes from Next grip the side of the lavortory as she lifts skirt to finish herself off; poppong another E. Outside I am smoking and listening to her at the small window in the ally. She saying she likes ro know she is being heard, or watched. Arrangements are made to deliver delicious fantasies into the real. Byh Monday I am deep into Dirian energy. The delight has been replaced by a cold if stoic approach to ho9me and living. I resume the job of sorting piles of paper; buts up on the bed she does as her legs stretch to reach the walls I am blutaking myown lover to one side, I am blue for you she says this as her feet swing off the wall and around my hopping cock, her fingers reaching for oil and her toeas now marking my penis with nail varnish. As sweet a wetness and fondness as love is, I emerge from the cavern, delishously ravaging my own heart, loving her every minute of it. Round top bar stools perched bums and black shorts over balc s frog leggings tgie our attention to her lower half; she seated last week at the Rooms, swinging her belly and showing me the bruises again she comes to me with etes, eyes wide and curious as if I am some sort of foreign object unseen, unknown. Are all lovers endangered species? Does lust rule the conquerors fears? However much I try and avoid her gaze I can’t help but accept, she knows it too. Every night I am in her metaphorical bed. Every day I wake up in her arms, talking softly and gently, happy to be free of the old controlling dialogue that the harpie used to drone on and on outside the drunken navvie’s wife fingers cheap bacon as the old sausages fryd up in the wythces sauce fake orgasms for a controlled delight. After the karaoke, after Leon, after Mate Matt gloss finished and the strewth of humnour and thje belly extended arching across my body, she coming onto me, slowly the other one after a few beers also making her intentions known now as the roof is lifted on Morals, as the scheme is made for the evolution of society as the calender and the sixth dimension create forms, so the Wind comes in. they tell me I am col. General XAVIER 56, FRONM jni 89 Arcturus CODE 45, through the veil. Lifting Heat to Full MOON. Hope
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Sirian Objectivities had been Retherthered Further than Mer Sea Was finished it was past the leap year and before Hiuray for the
oceans and flights we scamped and drove west as far as we could arriving Redondo Mexicali for a two bit Cerveza to lop our motor engine in wo while we stood by looking at it in a pit. Laughter on the pacific highways. They were saying it was closing time and there we were at the bar and this was this and that was that. Camberwell, after the Five Nations became Seven,a dn then off to twickenham while you were in Cloakwell new Jersey for a guy who had begged you to come to Madras as a tourist. Love swelted at Jones beach and the high tide marks were wavering in everybody’s nostrils thick cubes of ice core samples, brevity quotations and ideas were hurtling at each other; not that we need a Hadron collidor exactly, but the shape is neat. Longtemps later, in the logyrythmic chamber we disidentified our natures and took new oaths. These were offline for a time and brief tho the 1994 hiatus was, Sirain objectives had become adjectives and there was no point denying the grace light could be opened up to. Guru Datta on hs high chair speaking some other worldy language of just plain truth sat beside the flowring Aquarian. At seat Pisces Scripture Dead sea scroll stood a hound dog of a man while in Capricorn there was a flurry of Asiatic about the western girl’s hair tied back like that. Two pin tie types came through looking at the smoking sections, fawnees for the old alphabet of law were still being pushed off railings. As we stood at Marlybone and york bridge was beneath our feet, we were reminded of days we had slept rough in Cornwall and in New Mexico and that was the extent of the literature in us, for what we had discovered under those starry nights and lonely roads was that stillness. And it could still be done. Quarter to four? I’m off Brompton road falling into the velvet chairs of L’Equipes. Sanchex reminding me I can’t afford to not stay, and well done bra girls with boots up to their astral later came through to the Olde grande tourist and made it clear, friends for life, eh? Said one from Peru.
cream crackered and twisted by the force of magestic overlays of time
The Temple Mount/ home to walining wall; where dome of Rock is, and the Alazor MoskComPlx. &thc. Destroyed twice; captured 44 times. All Jerusalem now; Ireland last night. Prime of Miss Jean, night before, and now teen girls in jumpers strip for a teacher waiting for inspiration.
Run on wavespells in What castle of Turning? Of Spirit.
Ah it feels good to type.
Cream crackered.
18 54 galactic overhead felt real heady. I’ve been enjoying something so subtle; each action. The Book. How to read that spengler? What to do about the notepads, more Paper; the price of the butter my drinking the cost of living the need for fun the necessity of discouse with people, the nature of poewtryh the call of Kerouac the fun in the poetry what I once crossed over into, Alfred Douglasd, and those brilliant letters.
Mrs Wilberforee, of 184 Witwatrsterrand Avenue, awoke to the phone ringing. It was half past eleven, and at forty eight was more than hungover from the night before. Her husband….
Friday, 12 December 2008
My Feelings For Heather
She was about 14 when Chuck taught her how. She helped lift the legs, which weighed more than 100 pounds, while her father gutted and quartered the animal and then used a bone saw to take off the ribs. Next he began removing various organs for his biology class. He wanted to use the eyes for dissection. When he tried to hand them to his daughter, she finally rebelled. "I can't," she said, shuddering.
In the summers, she took swimming lessons in a Red Cross program at a lake, in water so cold it turned her blue and had kids digging in their heels at the shore. "They'd report to our parents that we were afraid of the water," Ketchum remembers. Chuck thought his kids should learn "how to handle extreme conditions," Heather recalls, and he dared the older Heath children to sleep outdoors on the coldest snowy night.
Nobody watched much television. The Carter family had a battered old set that worked for about one hour a day before it conked out. The Heaths had a working one, but Chuck was always snapping it off and hustling the kids outside, and in the summer he put it away altogether.
On Sundays, Sally, now 68, exercised her own influence, shuttling the children to church for lessons in devotion. A lean outdoorswoman with feathered brown hair and a musical voice, she possessed "deep faith and convictions, hospitality, serenity in the eye of a storm," according to Heather. Though they were baptized Catholic as infants, they attended a small gray evangelical church, the Wasilla Assembly of God, and Sally enrolled them in summer Bible camps directed by the pastor.
On the family's long hikes and camping expeditions, Palin absorbed her parents' dueling views. "Sally is very devoted . . . and Chuck worships Mother Nature," says Marilyn Lane, a longtime family friend. Chuck may or may not attend church, but he wanted the children to appreciate the "grandeur" of nature. He lectured them on wildlife biology and was such a tireless dispenser of information that friends called him "Mr. Almanac." He collected furs, bones, shells and skulls.
I do support capping carbon emissions: Favors topic 18
Global warming affects Alaska, but is not man-made: Strongly Opposes topic 18
Favors topic 19:
Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it
(-3 points on Social scale) Highway fatalities down because of strict drunk driving laws: Favors topic 19
Maintain alcohol sale database; bar giving alcohol to minors: Favors topic 19
Opposes legalizing marijuana, but meth is greater threat: Strongly Favors topic 19
Smoked marijuanHe would stop his children on a footpath and point to fossils etched in rocks. "How old do you think those are?" he would ask.
This Story
Skepticism of Palin Growing, Poll Finds
Washington Post-ABC News Poll Data
Palin's Strengths Rooted in Alaska
View All Items in This Story
Sally, meanwhile, wanted them to understand "the bounty of it all," she says. The wild game, meat and fish, "was a gift to have." Both messages penetrated. "We heard both sides and formed our own views," Chuck Jr. says.
The summer Palin was 12, she asked to be baptized at Bible camp and was dipped in the frigid waters of Beaver Lake. According to Heather's account of their conversion, "I vividly recall at about 10 years old, looking out at Alaska's beautiful scenery and wondering how anyone could not admit there was a God who created it."
There was one indisputable lesson the Heath children learned about the wilderness: how dangerous it was.
Once, a grizzly showed a frightening interest in the family car on a camping trip in Denali National Park. The Heaths were bedded down for the night after bagging a caribou, Sally and Chuck in one tent and the children in another, when they heard an ominous rustling. Sally peered out and saw the enormous bear just outside the children's tent. It was eyeing the caribou they had strapped to the top of the car.
"We heard this grunting," Chuck Jr. remembers. His father raised his rifle and told Sally to train the flashlight on the bear, but she was trembling so badly that the beam wavered. Chuck didn't want to take a potshot in the dark. Instead he put himself between the bear and the children, and yelled at them to run for the car. He followed them, and the family huddled behind the windshield while the bear circled the car for half an hour. At one point it stopped, put its paws on the door and pressed its nose to the window.
Barbara Hand Clow wrote the following “around” the new moon of end of october 2008: “Humans and societies function within cycles that are mirrored in the sky by the locations of the planets and the Moon going around the Sun. Just as it is possible to consider the basic personalities of the people invited to a party and predict what kind of party might result, it is possible to use planetary analysis to anticipate the qualities of the human social field on Earth during a given period of time. Astrology can predict how individuals might be feeling, just by knowing the archetypal influence of each planet plus the Moon. Just like a wild rock-n-roll dance party is very different from a black-tie dinner party, life on Earth is very different during wartime than it is during peacetime. Astrology also states clearly when an influence begins and is finished; this makes it possible to look back or go forward in time to identify patterns.
Meanwhile, the Elite (powers-that-be that control the world) debunk astrology while using it as a tool to predict human behavior to perpetrate their power games. This site observes how some global political powers use astrology to stay one step ahead of the people.:: Omicron NanoTechnology GmbH ::
Astrology is the highest art for analyzing human behavior, and smart people use it. AstroFlash! looks at how the Elite might be planning events for us during the end of the Mayan Calendar, and it offers tips on how to live better amidst such transformative times. Also, this astrological analysis includes the influences of the Days and Nights of the Galactic Underworld-1999-2011, based on Carl Johan Calleman's time acceleration hypothesis, which explores Nine Underworlds of evolution in the universe over 16.4 billion years. AstroFlash! explores how individuals can succeed and be free and happy during the remainder of the Mayan Calendar.
How have we gotten to this critical juncture? Why are 1999 through 2011 so critical for the survival of our species? My recent book Catastrophobia (2001) theorizes that we are afflicted with a crippling, species-level, post-traumatic stress syndrome that I call "catastrophobia". This trauma complex developed 11,500 years ago as the result of a great cosmic catastrophe in our solar system. This malaise in the collective psyche of our species deepened during thousands of years after the 9500 BC cataclysm, when our ancestors endured starvation and horrific environmental stress. Before this time during the Regional Underworld-100,000 BC through AD 2011--Earth was the Garden of Eden; we experienced oneness with our planet. These events that separated us from nature are deeply buried in our minds. Just like adults who once endured early-childhood abuse that they've largely forgotten, we must heal ourselves by recovering these memories and understanding how they have changed us.
Catastrophobia presents a biotech company that develops and markets differential gene profiling technology for down stream study of gene expression, regulation, diagnostic, predictive toxicology and therapeutic purposes. The company is situated in the Greater Boston area biotech hub and commercializes proprietary gene expression kits, services and technologies to accelerate and enhance the discovery of new markers. evidence that Earth's axis did not tilt very much before 9500 BC, when the cosmic disaster disarranged the whole solar system. Therefore, AstroFlash! is structured by seasonality--equinoxes and solstices-because once the axis tilted, early humans quickly learned how to maximize their potential by arranging their lives by the seasons. Seasonality is not taGeneExpression Systemsken into account much in modern times, but it actually has a huge influence on human consciousness. George W. Bush invaded Iraq exactly during the Spring Equinox of 2003 because the Elite knew this moment had formative potential. This was also Day Tree of the Galactic, so this invasion caused events that will influence the rest of the Galactic Underworld.
Once Earth's axis tilted 11,500 years ago, the new seasons necessitated agriculture for human survival, and gradually hunter-gatherer cultures gave up their ways of life that were in harmony with nature. Focus on the seasons and lunar cyles goes way back to more than 10,000 years ago, which is why AstroFlash! examines them in detail. I've discovered ancient ways to balance our consciousness by showing how to use the potentiality of each season with intention. I believe that we must utilize the potential of this quarterly pattern to slowly integrate our neurological systems with the changes caused by the recently tilting axis. Like Humpty Dumpty falling off his wall, we can't put ourselves back together again. We can use the cycles of the Moon to master our emotions very effectively when the lunar analysis is understood in light of the four seasons. This technique really helps us handle time acceleration.
as christmas crackers drawers and knickers I...
avuncular renegades from Besswax Heaven, where the angelic wrote scripts about the magnificence of the worms endeavours, others just trod on unblended by the extrav beeanth yore, after habitude and Consueal the Rorty gang bustered with the sennet, and seats were sold with the couches for an eloquent gesture of arse made round the nighthalls for a wagon of jelly they, stooping in the litlamp promenade, bathing in the forty something smackspectaculr Hastings Girlsin the denim blue dress ran up to the Owner of the Yelton, calling him a Fat Wanker. Pisshead across the street, bneing boirthed yeronner from Rumdigger postcode fx45 2c, wrote back to me saying he hadn’t called her a bitch, but a bloody tourist, roaming round Men’s Hells for a good scene. That made him swallow. And as he thought “Crikey of Rileye” I’ll have to sea craggy green about that unless the Winderstruck bombshells calls, then its nadooks for Egyptians if I’ve a half swallow in me I’ll be… But he never had the chance to finishete the pretty, because latelyeliet and tardily bunched in rags, barreled over the bar for the chinks Charity Bottle, and then legged it out the boozer. Farmers in Washington noticed the sea swell underneath their bedeviled castle when that turned yellow and sour, he thought she said, swore, never to build a castle without a moat and fact. Drainage levels near zero. Dambusters nightly on Sundays pouring Romance down the guilltine of Tv. Barfed. That sent Sally to the hospital as her Fluke was in Casualty with the geezer from Knightsbridge having just had his head kicked in by the norther posse. Latitude wet fifty found them banking way too much foranIcicle and they were sold out by scum from A European enclave. They daid fuck you back to the nurse when she told and insisted no treatment until they showed some cause to sober up, at which point out came the whiskey, “to steady my head, dear.”
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Welsh Celtica
Nine powers of nine flowers,
Nine powers in me combined,
Nine buds of plant and tree.
Long and white are my fingers
As the ninth wave of the sea.
- Hanes Blodeuwedd
Mae Parc Cenedlaethol Bannau Brycheinog yn cwmpasu 519 o filltiroedd sgwâr (1,344 km²). Sefydlwyd y Parc yng nghanolbarth Cymru ym 1957, ac mae’n cynnwys rhai o’r tirweddau mwyaf cyfareddol ac amrywiol yn Ewrop.
Dyma gartref Pen-y-Fan gyda’i chopa coch gwastad nodweddiadol – copa Hen Dywodfaen Coch uchaf ym Mhrydain .
The Pantheon
Below are listed the major gods and goddesses known in
Welsh mythology, along with a listing of magical powers
associated with them.
The Goddesses
Arianrhod (ari-an-rod): "Silver Wheel"; star or sky goddess; goddess of reincarnation; Full Moon goddess. Her palace is called Caer Arianrhod (Aurora Borealis). She is "The great queen". Archetypical form of the mother goddess in Ireland. She was three-shaped: Badb, Macha and Nemainn. She fought aiding the Tuatha de Danaan. Manly seen as a goddess of war and love. Some references to the sumerian goddess Inanna.
See her shrine at the top.
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