I wake upo, bright, breezy. My Gemini inspired mind races for a minute before I realize Stacy’s curled up behind me, holding my hand. Naked save for her thin white vest top. I rest again. Unlike my own usual habit of getting straight out of bed, I feel a sense of relaxation , and realize that I can lie down and rest with her, her nergies are that clear. I just lie there for what seems like several hours, several relaxzing hours where the phone is not ringing, there are bno builders outside, even the road sweepers and car vacuumers seem to have taken the day off. When she wakes, its as if she sense si t too. And we both lie there, drawing ourselves closer to each other until we are hugging and pressed together in silnces, as if we both knew, as if by some chance she too had found the one. So the Lion did lie down with the Lamb on Broadway in the end, and the intrinsic meanings of life are uncoded by the fullest expression of Love. Fun today love? Yes I’m fine. Afterwards standing in the kitfchen drinking OJ. After that, sitting on the floor, stunned, not even needing a coffee or a cigarette. And then I put her back up on the ladder again, and she sits there, draped in a white sheet, looking ever so Greek and ever so beautiful. Both of us smiling. That was some night. Yes. Yes it was. Even now, even after all that, she is still trying to speak without moving her lips. Yopu have to understand how I paint. I begin I tell I know I feel. Waters in the bath are warm now for you darling. She slips between bubbles and I caress my own good luck, hoping it and I never run out of fuel for manifestations like this!.
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