Knowing Our Path of Service
As we progress ever forward on our spiritual evolutionary journey, our thoughts and focus are directed less and less on ourselves and more onto what surrounds us. We are thus becoming more of a whole, as we come to know that we are all one and that what we do affects each and every part of that whole. Almost all of those bearing more light than most, experienced challenges of abuse and darker and denser energies when they were young. These challenges transpired so that light-bearers would be given the opportunity to transmute that darkness through themselves, there-by assisting all of humanity in the process. These experiences of darkness also served to encourage a summoning, searching, and desire for something better, and thus this questioning and yearning created the connection and remembrance of who we really were and why we were here at this particular time.
Very typically, experiences of abuse create a very self-absorbed individual. So then, getting out of ourselves, or our ego-selves was an even greater challenge. But the more we progress through the ascension process, the more we lose these ego-based aspects of ourselves, and the more we then connect to Source and our true authentic selves.
Everything is not about us. The more dense our energy is, or rather the more we embody lower vibrating energies within us, the more of a filter we see things through. Some call this ego, some may call this our mis-perceptions, and some may simply refer to this density as opinions. But as we progress spiritually, we begin to take things much less personally, as our filters or densities are dissipating. With more of our filters now out of the way, we begin to see that what we may be experiencing has less to do with us and much more to do with what is outside of us.
With much more of our old selves out of the way, any agendas we may have had are dissipated as well. As we progress spiritually, we being to possess a new agenda, and this new agenda does not derive from our lower vibrating ego selves. But know as well, that any agendas we may have are always a good fit for where we currently are. In this way, there is no right or wrong, or better or worse.
As we continue to progress spiritually, we also begin a knowingness and new experience of having all our needs met effortlessly, as we are then in a very new evolutionary space. It is then that we desire different things. It is then that we desire things relating to the whole. And it is then that we become more focused on utilizing our gifts to provide our service to humanity.
In our early stages of growth, we may find new and exciting ways of working with energy. We may learn about what the core of creating is about. We may suddenly have experiences of connecting with non-physical beings and the non-physical world. As we expand our consciousness and begin interacting with a higher vibrating reality, we may think that we have come far and are perhaps now “advanced” beings indeed.
But until we mature into these new ways of being, use them with wisdom and discernment, and utilize them in the ways in which they were intended, we are only playing with fire. Similar to creating an off-shoot of a refined and pure religion and warping it to the extent that it now does not remotely resemble its original purpose, mis-using energy, or running it through a very dis-connected filter, reflects a still dis-connected soul. This situation usually occurs when we jump too fast…when we do not fully embody a new energy within ourselves before we try to begin a new way.
Maturing gradually into a being that uses his or her gifts and talents wisely is paramount in regard to knowing our path of service. Our path of service almost always calls to us…we do not call to it. As we evolve, we find that we no longer decide what we want to do and then try and make it happen. When we arrive at a place where it is time to focus more intently on our path of service, it will arrive for us very naturally and it is usually not even our idea. It will most certainly arrive when we are ready and when we need not learn any more about our particular contribution, as we are now embodying it fully. If we have come to a place where we are simply happy within our passion, this is usually when we are called. We will then begin a process of preparation within ourselves….either through a cleansing, through losses (within and without), and the like. This is a holy moment. We are being called.
Thus, as we progress with our spiritual evolutionary process, we become less and less concerned with creating for our own self-interests, and more and more concerned with using our new awareness to create for the whole.
One of the many symptoms of ascension is finding ourselves talking and wondering who is doing the talking. It may seem that a voice is emanating from within us, but we may feel far removed from that voice. We may look in the mirror and not be aware of that particular self anymore. Becoming less and less aware of ourselves means that we have lost more and more of our old selves and are now much more connected to Source. We have now gotten out of our own way. And it is then that we begin to be more aware of what is outside of us than who we are and what is inside of us. Service to humanity is then the next natural stepping stone on our path of ascension.
We are now well on our way to becoming human angels of the earth. When we arrive at this space, we are here for several reasons. We are here because we have learned how to let go of compassion and move into love. We now know that we cannot and should not hold anyone up, fix things for anyone, and care so deeply that our energy drops into their space of pain and we are now where they are. We now know that we need only love them. Love them, revere them, and give them the due respect that all living creatures deserve. We are here now because we now know how to allow suffering to occur. We know that this is a natural process in the lower dimensions. We know now that suffering is an individual journey that serves to connect those who suffer more fully to Source. We know now that we need not save anyone from his or her own individual and holy journey. We know now that we need to be asked for our assistance, our wisdom, and our new knowledge, gifts, and talents. We know now that we do not meddle, attempt to alleviate and fix, without each recipient of our services first coming to a point where he or she is ready…and when one is ready, one will ask.
And when they ask, a portal or door will open to the other side; another side where we are now residing and where we are willing and ready to assist others in joining us. Have you experienced pain and stiffness in your neck and back over the years and recent months? Have you had an aching and pain that could not be explained in these areas? Our angel wings are attempting to sprout. They are readying to burst forth, open through the density of our old human bodies, and serve to carry us in a cloud of light as we serve humanity. We are becoming human angels of the earth indeed.
As we become much more aware of what surrounds us the more we get out of our own way, we begin to know that there are others out there who are not residing on this planet, but who are none-the-less very connected to us as well. The higher we begin to vibrate or to evolve, the more ease we will have in connecting with these non-physical beings. I frequently refer to them as the Star Beings.
Connecting With the Star Beings
A rule of energy states that we connect with energies that are vibrating where we are vibrating. Thus, when we are just beginning to open and expand, we may find ourselves connecting to just about anything in the non-physical world. But as we progress in our growth process, we find that we begin connecting to higher vibrating and much more advanced non-physical beings the more we advance ourselves.
At the lower levels of the dimensional hierarchies, it can be easy to connect to our deceased loved ones who are many times at the next dimensional level above us. If we can know how easily accessible they are to us, this can bring great relief and comfort during times of their parting.
When my grandmother passed away at age 97, I was not as prepared as I thought. Although we knew for awhile that she was on her way to the other side, at age 52, I still had never really experienced the loss of a loved one before. So then, when I received the news, I was grief stricken none-the-less. My grandmother and I had a special bond like no other. The following day I was in a restaurant having breakfast with a friend. Very suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, I burst into tears. Feeling uncomfortable in public in this state of being, I went out towards the car. While standing there, I felt a hand upon my shoulder…the hand of my grandmother. She proceeded to tell me that I was the strongest person she knew, and certainly within the entire family, and thus she knew I would be fine. And she was so happy! Each and every soul whom I have spoken with from the other side, usually at the request of a relative, is always so happy!
After that, I never experienced a sad moment again. And I cannot tell you how often I talk to my grandmother now. It is like she never left. She is with me always.
There are other dimensional levels and other realities that we can connect to as well. When I used to frequent the ancient sites here in the Southwest, I frequently spoke to the ancients who were no longer in physical form. Their energies were fairly easy to discern. The Mogollons, for instance, were a more pristine, innocent, pure, and original energy than the Anasazi who had succumbed to the lower vibrating energies of power and the like. I preferred connecting, then, to the more original and pristine ancients.
Many groups of ancients have touched the earth in times past. They arrived at different times and for various reasons. Being that I have spent the most time with the Mogollon culture, I grew then, to know more of their ways. They indeed lived in harmony with the earth and the cosmos. They indeed lived a very clean, clear, and pristine existence. They knew how to set up their communities in alignment with specific energies. They knew what to put where. They created illusion for unwanted visitors…this was their non-violent defense mechanism. They knew how to place grinding slicks in alignment with the equinox, solstice, and energies of the sun and moon. And they ground things dear to them, specific stones and the like, when the alignments were just so, in order to wear and utilize these aligned substances all the time. These are but a few of their ways…the ways that our present day culture has now forgotten.
My connection to the ancients was only meant to be brief. Although I enjoyed this time immensely, this was not my passion or area of expertise. Their ways of utilizing and living with alignments will always be a part of me, as this particular aspect of their culture remains to be utilized today. Alignments are very powerful indeed and can serve to ease our existence in many ways. So these ways, then, are what I will use when building my home here in New Mexico.
But ultimately, I was more comfortable speaking with the higher authority that sent the ancients here in the first place. He became a friend to me during these times. A gracious, calm, wise, and ancient being himself, we had many conversations. Ultimately, he released me to continue on somewhere else. Saying that I was always welcome at the sites, he encouraged me to simply visit them, commune with the inhabitants there, and to forgo learning anymore about their ways. I was simply to visit, have fun, enjoy, and relax.
We are now vibrating beyond the level of the ancients. We have surpassed them. Although there are always high vibrating things from the past to be brought forth into the future, we are meant to create fresh and new, the New Earth of our choosing.
Because of the plan of the Shift of the Ages, we are being given infinite choices as to what the New Earth will look like. It is entirely up to us, as we are the ones experiencing the ascension process while in physical form on the earth, and we are then, the ultimate creators.
As each and every one of us participating in the Shift of the Ages is a representative from our home or star, we are thus very connected to our star families. And this brings us to another level and very interesting scenario relating to the Star Beings.
Some of our star families are more evolved and vibrate higher than others. A highly evolved being vibrates similarly to our new vibrations as the angels of the earth. So then, higher vibrating Star Beings will not tell you what to do, order you around, ask you to do something for them, or set up situations that benefit them and are detrimental to you. They will not meddle, give you unsolicited advice, arrive in your space uninvited, or the like.
I disconnected from my star family many years ago. I did not like the way I felt when they spoke to me, I felt I was being utilized by opportunists, and I felt they were unnecessarily harsh, rude, and disrespectful. There are some Star Beings that need to clear up damage that they incurred here on the earth in times past. And they want their off-shoots or representatives to do this for them. They are trying to clear their energy so that they can move forward. They have a distinct agenda. I am sure there are other lower vibrating reasons for utilizing human beings as well, but I choose not to go there or even have this information in my space.
Other Star Beings are stuck in the past and have completely missed the boat. They do not seem to be aware that we are undergoing an ascension process, that we are creating a very new planet Earth, and they are thus trapped in a merry-go-round relating to their agendas from some lower vibrating reality. We tried to bring everyone together here for this Shift of the Ages, and at times things can unfold in a variety of ways indeed…but these are the old ways. Although they need to clear their energies before they can move on, it is best that they do it with a fully consenting and willing human being who is joyful about doing their bidding.
Those of us who experienced challenges and darker energies earlier in our lives as mentioned previously in this book, almost always have boundary issues. This is very common and to be expected…and this is yet another challenge of those bearing the most light. But if we have taken responsibility for our healing, chosen to look inside of ourselves and be brave enough to see what is there, and are willing to know and accept what healthy boundaries are all about, our process with any outside energies will be much more of a pleasant experience.
We will attract in the non-physical world the same things we attract in the physical world. So although we may think that we have evolved and expanded because we can now easily connect to the non-physical world, if we are not yet ready and healthy within, we will have some strange and unpleasant experiences indeed, and may not even be aware of what is occurring. This is why a stepping stone process is so vitally important; and this is also why the New Age community gets a well earned bad rap at times. Many have simply not yet matured into their area of interest and are thus, mis-managing, mis-handling, and utilizing their newfound knowledge in inappropriate and immature ways.
In regard to boundaries, it is not the best possible scenario to allow just anything into our spaces. We have a right to say “no.” We need not be nice, or even believe or buy into what has arrived in our spaces just because it is of the non-physical world. It is always best to use our good judgment. If something does not feel good, right, or seems awry, we can simply say, “No thank you.” My rule of thumb relates to assessing if I am being considered, respected, or empowered. Some might say that the non-physicals simply do not understand as they are not in human form, but I say that is a very lame excuse provided by a lower vibrating being.
So then, many times we are vibrating beyond our star families. We have outgrown them. And many times we are vibrating beyond many of the non-physical beings in which we come into contact. But this is perfectly OK and very natural for a very specific reason.
If one were to speak to Archangel Michael, for instance, one might receive a message in one form or another. Another individual might speak to Archangel Michael and receive yet another. In long times past, when I used to read the material of others, I was always amazed, for instance, at all the astrological references Archangel Michael made for one individual but not for another.
When we are communicating with and connecting to a non-physical being, we are actually connecting to an aspect of ourselves. So then, we are only speaking to ourselves. Most of us may not be ready to accept the higher vibrating, wise, and wonderful aspects of ourselves, so we subconsciously choose to place them outside of us. But we would not be connecting to them at all if they were not a part of us. We simply are not ready yet to accept the fact that we are incredibly awesome and wise, so we attribute these traits to another. Thus, in our lower vibrating 3D minds, we make up a story or a scenario that we can wrap our minds around, as this can at times, be easier to digest.
The ascension process and plan was described at the beginning of this book. And included within this description was the fact that we are all one…that we embodied each and every manifestation of energy at some point. Thus, we are the non-physical beings as well. As we begin to expand and grow, or to vibrate higher, we then surpass the aspects of ourselves that are vibrating lower. In this way, when we reach new plateaus of expansion, we almost always receive and connect to very new “guides” in the non-physical. These new guides are again, simply aspects of ourselves that we are now a better match for, and being that we place them outside of ourselves, can connect to with more ease, trust, and companionship.
The more we evolve, the less we depend upon information outside of us. A higher vibrating guide will usually disappear when we are in distress. This is because we are being encouraged to find our answers within. A higher vibrating guide does not want us to become dependent upon it. There have been many times in my life when I called out to my non-physical companion and he seemed to be behind an energetic wall. He would tell me that he was not “allowed” to come into my space. Although he seemed so very far away, I understood what was occurring, and ultimately was grateful for it.
In our beginning stages of spiritual evolution, we can greatly benefit from information from outside sources (as long as we do not become dependent upon them). In the same vein, we can also benefit from assists as well. Divination card decks, readings from those who can see what we may not, and most certainly advice from the non-physicals. In these cases, we are only being validated for what we already know at some level.
In regard to assists with our healing, they can be greatly beneficial in the beginning stages as well. Until we come to a point where we are vibrating high enough that we rarely become ill or out of balance, or when we have not yet reached a level where we know how to rebalance ourselves very naturally, assistance with healing and rebalancing can be very necessary and certainly helpful.
But once we evolve beyond these supports, connecting with them will only serve to bring us down into a lower vibrating space. You will know when you have reached this new plateau in your evolutionary process, as receiving a healing or adjustment will feel downright awful, and not because you are releasing. It will feel as if you are reactivating something that has been dormant and no longer fits you, it will feel very “off” or strange, it will feel dense and as if you have dropped lower somehow, and you will feel even more out of balance than when you began.
So then, I will say to you that the more we evolve, the less we connect to, speak with, and commune with the non-physical world in ways of the past. This is because we are becoming non-physical ourselves…we are becoming what it was that we used to depend upon in the past…we are becoming the angels of the earth. And ultimately, we will evolve beyond any and all non-physical beings in this universe. It is then that we will be ready to begin a brand new journey in a brand new and more highly vibrating universe where we have yet to travel.
After we begin to understand and become comfortable connecting with the Star Beings, we will find a new and higher vibrating relationship with them. We were meant to be the ultimate creators of this New Planet Earth. We were meant to create it in the ways of our choosing…not then, in the ways that some Star Beings are attempting to place upon us that existed in the old 3D reality. In this way, a highly vibrating Star Being will wait to be asked. They know that this is our game. They know that although we are aspects of them, we are the ones here in form at this time, experiencing this amazing and challenging ascension process. They know that we are evolving for them as well. And they know and remember the plan that says it is up to those of us who are here on the planet to choose what we will create.
What if you are one who has never connected to a Star Being or anything from the non-physical world? Is there something wrong with you? If you do not want to, you certainly don’t have to, and thus, you probably won’t. I have been this way since I was born, so this is the only way of being I have known in this lifetime. But what if you are ready and willing to begin a connection and you have not had an experience like this before?
This book was not intended to give a detailed lesson on connecting to the non-physical world, but I know there are assuredly many wonderful teachers and programs out there that can provide this service. For our purposes here, know that we all have this ability within us. All of us have a muscle that can be developed with practice and with use. If you are willing to begin a connection, all you need do is to be open and willing. Ask that a higher vibrating being show its’ presence to you in a way that you will recognize. We are all different, and thus, we receive information and much of anything else in a way that is specific to us. In this way, some of us may hear, others may see, and yet others may simply sense. There is always the way of connecting through writing as well.
The angel community is a wonderful arena to start with. They always vibrate high and are a joy to communicate with. When my new twin grandbabies were born prematurely in June of 2008, they were in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for many weeks. In a panic, my daughter asked that I dispatch some angels to watch over them, but this was not necessary. It was not necessary because when I looked into the hospital, there were wall to wall angels everywhere! I have never seen so many angels in one place at one time. It was a sight to behold and brought me to tears. Our angels are so incredibly loving, non-judgmental, always willing to serve, and so very gentle. I just love the angels!
As we begin living in communities that vibrate higher, a part of this way of living involves regular communication with the Star Beings. We are all one in this universe, and having an on-going connection and welcome mat with other life forms will be a normal part of our existence. The ancients lived in this way as well. They provided beacons at their sites for connecting and were very aware that they were not the only ones around.
Do we have to live in this way? What if each and every one of us has a different vision of a higher vibrating reality? Then what?
jeremiah and jody
This article is the third in a three part series which addresses the Self Healing process and prepares us to fully experience Being the Light we are. Healing This Life is the final section of Self Healing. It is similar to both Creational Womb Healing and Healing Other Lifetime Events. For that reason, you can use either of those step by step processes to clear and heal these issues. If it involves a person or an attachment, use the Creational Womb method. If it is an event or experience use Other Lifetime method. Use the one that helps you address the issue with greatest detail.
We have become aware that individuals whose Divine Plan involves ascending to New Earth are to recall and record all of their Soul's lifetimes before ascension is complete. This is so they can consciously experience and remember all the lessons of their Soul. These individuals may feel as though they have a lot more issues to be healed than others. Their Soul wants to extract the wisdom and heal on all levels and from all times. If you feel called to experience New Earth you will find self healing to be essential to moving forward in a timely manner with grace and ease.
Another reason self healing is needed for ascension is that it eliminates the possibility of picking up even more 'stuff' as you try to clear and heal yourself. Anytime you work with another person the potential to share and transfer 'stuff' is nearly inevitable no matter how much you intend otherwise. Also, a healer may not be aware of whether you have learned the lesson intended by the issue. They see it within you and want to free you of it. They naturally assume it is ready to come out because it shows itself. If you are working with a Healer and an issue is brought up that is completely new to you, chances are you have not extracted the lesson and wisdom of it yet. The healer will go through the motions of removing it but unless your Soul is ready to release it, guess what, it returns as soon as you walk out their door. Your Soul says, "Hey, they haven't finished working on that one yet" and quickly puts it back in after you leave, so it seems like the healing didn't work. Your Soul will bring up whatever you need to work with, at the perfect time. Going in and searching for stuff is not the approach to take with healing.
The energy around unresolved events of this lifetime will develop into attachments, blocks or limiting beliefs. These issues also reside in our creational womb, but are different from the seedings previously addressed in Creational Womb Healing. They are different from issues of Other Lifetimes too. These need to be resolved and cleared to bring peace to a 3rd Dimensional reality. Yet, for those of us planning to move into the multi-dimensional reality of New Earth, it is essential that we personally embrace and heal everything in our Creational Womb, whether the source is this lifetime, other lifetimes or seedings from another. Our exploration has shown us that before we can manifest our New Earth reality and be in full conscious communication with our I Am Self, we must release the attachments, blocks and beliefs in our Creational Womb that keep us from experiencing our I Am Self and thus remaining fully present in each moment.
We've seen that all healing requires going to the lifetime in which the root cause or Original Wounding was created. When we focus our healing on that lifetime, all other lifetimes in which the story was replayed are automatically healed. It also brings ease in resolution of its affects in this lifetime as well. Even if it seems as though the issue has nothing to do with this lifetime, there is often some sort of distortion or connection created. It is very beneficial for full and complete healing to consider how Other Lifetime issues may be affecting your current life.
Each of us needs to learn to let our energy and our healing flow freely and naturally. Once we have intentionally opened the door to allowing our body to bring issues into our awareness, an automatic process will come into play. It's as if our bodies are saying it's okay to let things come all the way up now because we know how to heal our Self. This eliminates the need to suppress or stuff issues down deeper. There's no longer a reason to keep them at bay until we can schedule with a healer, or create the space and time to deal with heavy emotional upheaval. With a consistent healing process, issues come out when your body knows it is ready. They gently and easily release, the same way your body naturally clears your bladder or bowels.
As you become an open channel for healing, long forgotten events from this life will surface for final resolution. This occurred for both of us. Neither of us was looking to heal anything, we were just allowing our body and Soul to show us what we needed to see. For both of us the long forgotten events were quite shocking news. If this happens to you, remember everything that happened in this lifetime was perfectly planned by you for a reason. Take yourself out of victim mentality so you see the larger picture from your Soul's perspective. It isn't about lack, pain or suffering, even though that is your minds perception of the events. Those feelings surface as tools to awaken you to your chosen lessons. Pat yourself on the back for creating and playing out that story. Give thanks for it resurfacing so that you can remember the lesson it held. The more traumatic and dramatic the event, the more important the lesson was so you'd be sure to 'get it'.
Self healing is the most important tool you can have for creating a fulfilling, abundant and joy filled life. Every time you heal an issue you bring yourself closer to experiencing the truth of who you are, your spiritually true or I AM Self. When you connect fully with your I AM Self, manifesting becomes instantaneous because limited beliefs are removed. Abundance naturally flows to you all the time, because fear, lack and limitation are no longer your reality. Relationships which don't support your divine plan will either dissolve with ease or shift to one that does. You will be able to have fulfilling, loving relationships with others because you no longer need conditions or attachments to feel safe within them.
Blessed IS,
J & J
As the old world is now rapidly beginning its "fall," many are finding
there is not much left to hold onto. Through a long and at times arduous
process of letting go in order to connect to something new and more
highly evolved, we can thus ease the very natural process of ascension.
Stepping Into the New Reality examines the many steps up the ascension
ladder, describes helpful processes to ease each step, identifies ways
of moving out of the old and into the new, and gives a clear picture
of where we are headed and what is to come. With sections on Keys of Being
in the New Reality and Stepping Stones on Your Path, you will learn to
navigate the new energies with ease, identify who you are, define your
path, learn how to set up your money generating store-front, connect
to your path of service, and find your Heaven on Earth.
An Interactive Book
Stepping Into the New Reality gives you the opportunity to ask questions
about the book content and/or how it relates to experiences you may be
having in your life. An e-mail address is provided for you to submit
any questions you may have. Although all questions submitted cannot be
answered, the most commonly asked will be posted on the What's Up On
Planet Earth? website. The questions and answers page is open to
anyone to read...you need not have purchased the book to access it.
If your question is selected, you will receive an answer via e-mail
and your question and answer will be posted. If your question is not
selected, you may very well find that someone else has asked it for you!
Reader e-mail addresses are kept confidential.
Table of Contents
Foreword ..........................................vii
Questions & Answers Guideline.....................xiii
The Broad Ascension Picture .........................5
How We Evolve and Expand............................25
Where We Are Headed.................................53
Keys To Living In The New Energies..................67
Keys of Being: the Feminine.........................77
Shifting Into A New Way Of Being And Thinking.......80
We Always Have Everything We Need...................93
Accessing the Higher Realms Through the Earth......104
Not Taking Things Personally.......................113
Creating in the Higher Realms......................123
Focus and Clarity..................................162
Living Effortlessly With No Struggle or Suffering..171
Shutting The Door Behind Us ........................190
Stepping Stones on Our Path: the Masculine.........211
Knowing Who We Are .................................214
Defining Our Path..................................228
Connecting With Our Soul Teams and New
Identifying Our Geographical Home on Earth.........253
Living Without the Need for Money..................266
Setting Up Our Store-Fronts........................279
Knowing Our Path of Service........................289
Connecting With the Star Beings....................296
Finding Our Heaven.................................310
Staying In Our Heaven..............................315
About the Author...................................325
A portion of the FOREWORD:
Because the entire planet and all her inhabitants are participating
in this experience of expansion and journeying home, many are at
varying levels and different phases of their journeys. Some are the
fore-runners and way-showers, forging ahead and embodying within themselves
new territory and new ways of being, while others are recently expanding
and realizing that something vast, holy, and perhaps overwhelmingly
confusing is indeed occurring.
Each and every one of us is precisely where we need to be. Before birth,
we planned with open hearts and souls how we would each contribute to
this process, and where we would place ourselves and our own special
energy along the ascension path. Some agreed to begin the process, to
thus experience these strange and confusing aspects of the ascension
process long before the masses. These brave souls were the first to
shake-up the waters and to create an opening for many to follow. Others
agreed to hold the space for subsequent levels and layers, at differing
rungs and phases of this one-of-a-kind Shift of the Ages. In this way,
we are all equally valued and important as we support, create, and bring
forth a very New Planet Earth.
Stepping Into the New Reality is thus structured so that you may find
yourself in its pages, no matter where you are on your path. Some may
say, "Been there, done that, but now I know how far I've come." Or perhaps,
"I haven't had that experience yet, but I will know it when I see it!"
Or even, "So that is what was happening for me!" And maybe you will not
relate to this material at all. In this case, this book may not be for you,
as it is not for everyone. You will then have the choice to disregard its'
content and look elsewhere for material which is more aligned with where
you are, or you may simply want to extract the things which ring true for
you, and disregard the rest for a later time.
This book is broken into various escalating stages so that you may
understand and integrate the material in the best and easiest way possible.
After some of the more complex concepts are explained in depth, a much
shorter version follows and then a shortest version, to better assist you
in gaining more clarity. The higher we evolve, the more we crave simplicity
and a very direct interaction, and thus, long passages of complicated text
may not suit all of us all of the time. Immediately following other
subjects, a brief synopsis of how to stay in alignment with each subject
area is described, as an assist in summarizing these concepts. And yet in
the concluding sections, different rungs of the ascension ladder are
discussed within each section so that you may find yourself now or at
least know where you are headed. Whatever the format at any particular time,
this book was created with you in mind.
READ AN EXCERPT:(please see the end of this e-mail for excerpts):
Shutting the Door Behind Us
Knowing Our Path of Service
Connecting With the Star Beings
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Shutting the Door Behind Us
One day I received an email from a woman who used to teach me yoga.
This beautiful and special woman was currently in the Hawaiin Islands,
where she had been for a month or two after leaving the mountains of
Flagstaff, Arizona for an indefinite stay in the islands. She had been
called to the islands for reasons that had yet to become clear to her,
and she was confused. After we had exchanged a few e-mails, she received
her clarity (of which she already knew, of course, and was only getting
validated), and then returned to Arizona. When she arrived back home to
the mainland, she e-mailed and asked when I would be back in Flagstaff,
as she wanted to connect. It just so happened that I was going to be
there in the next few days. Although not close friends, it seemed that
this meeting was an important one none-the-less.
As we connected over a cup of tea, she suddenly gave me a very important
message. This message hit me so powerfully, and validated so intensely
what I had been seeing for some time now, that I had no doubt that this
was the purpose of our meeting.
She told me that she had been concerned she might not like the islands
or fit in there. Her friend who was currently living there immediately
corrected her by saying, "No. It is really a matter of the islands liking
you." He then proceeded to tell her that she or anyone for that matter,
is not automatically accepted by the locals. If the locals do not feel
comfortable with someone, they will not accept them or open up to them,
which many times encourages that person to leave. For those they love
and accept, they will embrace and welcome with open arms. Her experience
in the islands proved to be more than she had ever hoped for. She said
that she had never felt more love, caring, unity, and support at any other
time in her life, and greatly missed this energy when she returned to
The Hopi tribe here in the Southwest has a similar philosophy. They will
not allow just anyone into their world. I have found them to be some of
the most welcoming, loving, and open people I have ever known. But if you
cross them in an inappropriate way, they will not hesitate to take
appropriate legal action against you. They know their boundaries.
After spending much time at the ancient sites here, I believe that a very
similar philosophy was present with the ancients as well. The ancients
utilized what I refer to as "cover sites," or sites that presented a passive
, peaceful exterior of feminine energy which was only what they allowed to
be revealed to a visitor. One particular site, perfectly poised at a
bottleneck entrance to the Mogollon community of many other scattered
sites, was utilized for much trading and was thus, very open to the
outside energies. This particular site was poised in an area where visitors
and travellers would most likely end up as they first neared the Mogollon
Not openly visible to its many visitors was the fact that it was really a
"cover site" which encouraged outsiders to believe that what was revealed
was all there was. And hence, not much interest was promoted for continuing
on past this site and into the Mogollon community. Other powerful and
valuable energy and ways of being were hidden beyond this site, but one
might never know as these ancients revealed themselves to most as very
simplistic and plain.
Many other individual sites were macrocosmically laid out in this fashion
as well. Behind a "cover," or area of each site which would be accessed
first by a visitor, existed some very powerful acitivites and structures
that were simply being protected from any intruders. A simple more basic
existence was revealed first...usually a farming area or area for community
trading. But if one were allowed to traverse further into each site, one
would encounter the real purpose and power of the site.
So in this way, not everyone was allowed in. As the Mogollons were a
peaceful and highly evolved culture which still contained the pristine
energies of the "very beginning," these sites were being protected by
the powerful but subtle energies of illusion. In addition, the ancients
vacated their communities in one big whoosh many times. This was because
they were very aware at a higher level that lower vibrating energies would
be arriving in due time. They knew then, that they must indeed leave, as
their higher vibrating cultures would then be contaminated and dominated
by this newly arriving energy belonging to other individuals. The ancients
left when they knew that the tide had turned...that the tide had turned and
another lower vibrating reality was ineed on its' way. In our current
reality now, it is just the opposite. A newly arriving higher vibrating
reality is on its' way.
In many areas on the planet, this same scenario is happening now. Whether
it be higher vibrating countries being invaded by much lower vibrating
countries, cities and towns being over-run by different cultures that are
bringing in some lower energy, or simply a dominance of dis-respectful, new,
and unaware employees taking over a workplace. This is occuring because we
are indeed switching over, but the higher vibrating energies are still in
the minority. In this way, those bearing more light are retreating to their
sanctuaries, relocating to new and different geographical areas, or simply
buying land and staying put until the fall is complete. Eventually, the
majority will be comprised of higher vibrating energy. The see-saw effect
of transition can be tricky at times, but as always, everything is
transpiring in a divine and perfectly orchestrated way.
The law of spiritual hierarchies supports this reality as well, because
higher vibrating energy cannot exist alongside lower vibrating energy.
If you were to look through the dimensions, you would see a perfectly
orchestrated and divine plan at work. There is no judgment with this plan,
as it is simply a matter of physics and energy.
So then, it is part of the evolutionary plan to "shut the door behind us"
after we arrive in a higher dimension. We are not required to allow everyone
into our spaces. It is perfectly OK to have healthy boundaries, and with
the higher dimensions breaking down many of the old denser energies, our
boundaries are more fragile and thin than ever before. In this way, it is
vitally important to stay behind "the veil," or rather, within our higher
vibrating creations and spaces. We have lost many of our old defense
patterns as they were vibrating lower. In this way, it can now be difficult
to exist with less boundaries, and with the now more innocent and pristine
energy within us, when our outside surroundings are vibrating so much lower.
We may feel very vulnerable and defenseless in a world that still seems to
present a threat.
This situation of shutting the door behind us is perhaps one of the most
important of any of the aspects of the ascension process if we are to
remain sane, and may even seem strange since unity is such an important
concept in a higher vibrating reality. The higher we begin to vibrate,
or the more evolved we become, the more uncomfortable it is to be in any
aspect of the old world or old reality. Spending any amount of time there
can serve to throw us off balance, make us feel extremely uncomfortable
and edgy, make us wonder if we are indeed residing in hell, and break us
down into a weakened state.
If lower vibrating energies cannot be in the same space as higher vibrating
energies, why do we need to set strong boundaries at all?
Boundary issues become ever important the higher we vibrate. This is
because energetic boundaries are now much thinner. There is less density
present, just like in the very higher realms where the angels hang out,
for instance. But at the same time, because we are going through an
ascension process, things are a bit different. In the reality where the
angels hang out, there are no threatening, dangerous, or lower vibrataing
and lost energies! We may be residing with less density surrounding us, but
most of us are still embodying some traits that vibrate lower. So then,
because we are continually in transition through this process, we are
getting a little of this and a little of that as we move up the rungs of
the ascension ladder. In so may ways, this transition creates one big mish
mosh, as we are not yet completely here or completely there.
In this way, we may still find lower vibrating energies within our spaces.
Why? Because there is an overlap somewhere, or rather a matching energy
beween ourselves and the "unpleasant" intruder, and we have then created
an open door. The matching energy might simply be an instance of two
individuals wanting to develop new friendships, so they might both have
that in common. Or perhaps two individuals both enjoy bowling. When the
two individuals are focusing on and connection soley through bowling
energy, things may seem to feel pretty good, but then one individual begins
to demonstrate lower vibrating behaviors and the relationship then becomes
uncomfortable for the one vibrating higher.
Any overlap energy creates an open door. Thus, there then exist energies
in our spaces that are not a match at all, as they have arrived along with
the overlap energy.
Another scenario involving boundaries relates to those who are seeking
light, but want to get it from another person. In this way, an individual
who is bearing more light will feel drained, used, perhaps abused, maybe
even violated, and eventually wants to flee. One individual will be very
happy and the other individual will be very uncomfortable. The more light
we embody, the more we will attract others. This sets up a situation
requiring an understanding of healthy and necessary boundaries.
Navigating the Dimensions...Staying Sane and Connected While in the
Lower Vibrating Energies
There is a solution to this dilemma and/or aspect of the ascension
process involving boundaries, that can keep us in the higher realms
and allow us to remain balanced, in states of peace and joy, and living
our dream lives while wondering if we have indeed arrived in Heaven.
Of the many ways of being that we eventually evolve into, there are
three that become important and extremely helpful in regard to navigating
the dimensions and staying sane.
1. Letting go of compassion and moving into love.
2. Letting go of supporting and allowing others to suffer.
3. Protecting ourselves while in the lower dimensions through
the energy of love.
These states of being might sound cold and incaring, but I can assure
you that anything else only derived from a 3D way of thinking and being.
So many times I have said that the higher realms is not what we may have
imagined it to be, and this is yet another example. As we begin to vibrate
higher and expand and grow, we indeed find that what we might have believed
to be a higher way of being, quite simply, was not.
During my lifetime, if I had heard it once I had heard it a million times...
"You are such a compassionate and caring person!" Little did I know how much
this trait would eventually bite me as I evolved. It first began when I
found out that my neighbor, whom I dearly loved, was recovering from a
kidney stone. I cared so deeply and resonated so deeply that I got a kidney
stone within a week. Several weeks later my sister-in-law and both brothers
were having trouble with nerve pain in their legs along with lower back
pain. The next day, I had the same, but this time, only briefly. Next, my
step-mother was scheduled for surgery to remove a lump in her thigh...
hopefully not cancerous. Within a day or two I developed a lump on my thigh.
Jeez! What was going on here?
I soon discovered that deep caring and compassion vibrated lower than
love and only existed in the old reality. Each time that I cared too much,
my energy would literally drop down lower and I would connect in an
unhealthy and non-productive way. Over and over I had this experience.
One particular evening I was concerned about my prior husband from a brief
marriage, as we had recently parted and I was very worried about him.
Suddenly, in dropped my non-physical companion (who only shows up rarely
with very important messages ), who very susinctly told me that I was
running my energy completely wrong. Oh, how he loves to catch me when I am
going down the wrong road and hurting myself!
Well, after weeks of getting this message, I nearly had a breakdown as my
identity was severely compromised. After sadness, tears, grave disappointment,
feelings of being invalidated and seemingly worthless, I finally began to
get the hang of shifting out of my old self and into someone new. I simply
did not know how to shut off my feelings of compassion and deep caring. If
I could not be the me I had been my entire life, who in the world was I now
supposed to be? Was I supposed to stop caring about others? Was the main
component of the way I ran my energy now being completely shut off? And I
have to say, I now felt completely shut off myself....turned off, shut down,
and eliminated! But eventually, I found a new way, became a new me, and was
on my way once again.
As always, the ascension process continues to make new people out of us.
This is why we may often wonder who in the world is staring back at us when
we look in the mirror, and may wonder just who is speaking the words we
hear coming out of our mouths. We eventually lose an awareness of ourselves
as we embody more and more Source energy within us. And this is how it is.
So then, when we are in states of compassion and deep caring, we are giving
energy to and fueling the situation which we are compassionate about.
Resonating too much with a situation which is not ours eventually becomes
ours if we resonate too deeply. We end up going where we need no longer go.
We need not make another's journey our own. We are no longer vibrating at
that level, so then, situations or experiences which require compassion are
not longer in our own individual realities. In this way, being in states of
compassion takes us to the old world and the old states of being that will
drag us down. Love is the key here. We can still show our deep caring and
concern, but we can now show it in the form of love.
Love vibrates very differently and much higher. Love tells another that
"I respect your journey, as it is yours." Love tells another "I know that
what you are going through is part of your soul's desire and plan." Love
tells another that "I love you always and know you can handle your situation
." Love tells another that "you are deeply respected and highly revered."
Love tells another that "I am here to listen." Love tells another that
"you matter to me." Love tells another "I will be by your side."
So what about the energy of support? Are we supposed to quit supporting
too? Do we get to have any positive and helpful traits at all? As a
life-long supporter of the dreams of others and the many situations of
others, this one was a tough one for me as well.
In June of 2008 we experienced a substantial movement of energy with the
arrival of the solstice on June 21st. It seemed that nearly everything was
knocked out of its groove and left flying around with seemingly no
familiar home. We had reached a very important turning point in the
ascension process and this event created a very new state of being for
many of us.
It was now time for "the fall" to begin in earnest. Many with the gift of
sight and vision had predicted that 2008 would be the year of new beginning
s and great abundance for many. But by June, nothing much had changed
and many felt down right awful at best. Where was all that abundance?
Where was our very new beginning? We had decided as a group of souls to
give as many as possible the opportunity to expand, awaken, change, and
grow...to make perhaps different choices in their lives....choices made without regard to money or perhaps with a new knowingness of what was really and truly important to each and every one of us. This then, created the big delay in this new time of very new beginnings.
So then, the solstice of June 21st added to this very important phase.
Much was shaken up, much was usurped, and insecurities, suffering,
confusion, and choas resulted. It was a very difficult time. But not only
was it a difficult time for those who were suffering, but it was difficult
as well for the loved ones of the suffering, even if they were very fine in
their own lives and circumstances.
At higher levels, those who had gone before and were thus more situated,
were being prompted to stay out of the fall, to stay out of the suffering,
and to simply stay put where they were. This manifested in strange ways,
but basically, many of us had to watch from the sidelines. Why? Because our
presence alone in areas that were falling would only serve to hold them up
longer, and they needed to go. Many of our loved ones still needed to hit
rock bottom before they were willing to wake up and make a change. Thus,
saving them or supporting them by holding them up and possibly aleviating
their circumstances would only serve to hinder the very needed fall.
Individual souls needed to come to a point where they were ready to "ask"
for help, or for something new and different. They needed to be ready and
willing to let go. Holding them up through our supportive energy would only
serve to prolong the existence of what needed to fall. Thus, supporting
was seemingly prohibited.
During this time, enough had now crossed over to "the other side." When
this occurred, everything else was most ready to fall. It was time. The
other side was secure and safe....a place where all our needs would be met
in an effortless way. And going down with the fall was not our original
intent or plan. Most of us bearing light have been very used to supporting
or bringing light into situations, and now this role was over forever.
Done, never to return. We had accomplished a monumental task and now we
could rest. No more supporting, holding up, extending, and infusing our
energies into the old and denser reality to hopefully bring it "up."
Who were we now? What now was our very new role? Without being able to be
compassionate and supportive, what in the world were we supposed to be
doing with ourselves? Could we no longer simply brighten anyone's day,
or were we now supposed to shut down and become invisible?
Very simply, we had successfully crossed over to the other side. Here,
there is no suffering. Here, compassion is then no longer needed. Here,
we need not support or hold anything up as each and every one of us can
hold their very own space with the support of Source energies and our own
bright lights. Here, we can easily and effortlessly create whatever we
choose, all by ourselves. Here, there are no ties that bind us. Here, we
need not hold the energy for another, ever again.
But what happens then, when we need to leave "here" and visit that old
world in another reality that is still partially poised in the lower
dimensions? How do we assist others who are still traveling up the
ascension ladder or who are being seriously affected by the fall?
And when we need to interact with some of the old systems, as we still
sometimes do, how do we do this without suffering greatly from all that
old and very unpleasant energy that nearly kills us to be around?
Love is our greatest protection. Over the years I have heard of different
psychic remedies providing so-called "protection" from dark forces or the
like. But the higher we evolve, the more we realize that keeping our own
vibration high is the best protection ever. Intentionally doing anything
is not a way of being in the higher realms. Sending light to others,
smudging to remove denser energies, or even surrounding ourselves with
light eventually becomes very moot. There is too much extending here and
too much of our old ego selves making things happen. In the beginning
stages we may have felt more comfortable performing these rituals, but
eventually we will find that we no longer need them.
Staying in a state of love as much as possible when we visit the denser
energies or old reality is all we need do to stay centered, peaceful,
and grounded. But at times, this can be a very tall order indeed. After all,
we are only human and still evolving. This is why we can only stay in
these denser energies for limited amounts of time and then we must retreat
to our sacred spaces. It may sound harsh, self-serving and a bit strange,
but it is a good and solid remedy to keep us afloat and feeling good so
that we can assist others in our own special ways. As always, a simple fact
of how energy works is that higher vibrating energies cannot stay in the
same space as lower vibrating energies.
Just like a simple flower in nature, when we know who we are, are very
comfortable being just that, can stand firm and steady within our true
selves, not taking things personally, and simply being comfortable with
our true, authentic, and divine selves, we can then be much less affected
by any lower vibrating energies which may surround us.
Add to this, being in a state of love as much as possible and feeling
this love for our brothers and sisters while seeing who they truly are...
their true, authentic, and divine selves, can greatly ease our time spent
in the lower dimensional realities.
When we find that we are suddenly in the company of an energy which does
not feel good to us, it can help if we stop to identify what our overlap
or like energies are about....in other words, why we connected in the first
place. Staying in that arena or subject matter as much as possible while
ignoring any others, along with focusing on the divine gifts and talents
of that individual will greatly assist in keeping our lights shining and
our vibrations high when we are not in our sacred spaces.
We are most certainly morphing into the angels of the earth, one by one.
As our angel wings continue to sprout (that never ending stiffness and
pain in our upper back and neck ), we become more like the angels who have
loved and watched over us each and every day. So then, eventually we will
be the angels of the earth, as we drop down into the lower dimensions to
assist and serve, while spending the remainder of our time in our Heaven
on Earth.
By simply being who we truly are...our pure and authentic selves...we can
thus keep our light shining brightly while we make our own special
contributions through our sacred gifts and talents.
Do you know who you really and truly are? Do you know what your very
special contribution is? Do you know why you are here on this Earth at
this particular point in time?"
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