“Not to worry. Just blow truth—cool, contemplative, grave.” Architectural Miles davis Logics. The children of the great bop innovators taking me into crowds with Al to Silver lined grotto. Woman in white. James, skank and dark, forboding blue eyes roaring with laughter in the heat. Then the girl. Buying me a drink! The woman in turquoise streamed and fish net tights. Amazing! Amazing! The brown paper envelopes strewn on the street. The green and white reminders to pay. The red flowers and onion bahji’s stewing in thick sided cauldrons under vampire tents; the street filling filling filling, sprawling out along the industrial side lines. Now the next morning. The bare nakedness of the lovers strewn with light; efficaciousness. Me and Dan rounding the corner. Me and Claire dancing high up on the balcony as the police and children catch ideas in the wind’s stream. Het, soup and silver hip flasks filled with unique diets. The three girls. Waiting so patiently for the movement of the mountain before they arrive on stage. Blam. Ping. The stringing of a guitar, Spanish style while the new land opens up new directives.
I xstand and I think. I hallucinate things. The tried and tested route to the child; when its spontaneous, theres no hiding their eyes. That mn on the corner with his ineffable glee making waves through the midwide heart he can’t have or see. Take guru establishment poetry to the Max at this next stage level drive the firce horse voiced whisperering lineage coming through loud. For all noble truths born are apt for an Age thus p[recepts foir 21 centuries take time to change. Once instigated that becomes law and is so enshrined that the likes of Baudrillard and Foucault seemed to hold up their hands with despair, and seeing the shock on their faces, his frech reveilled morning mouth breathing derridean into the sunlight as the house of academina stands full and tall,k as all pivots and spires, church roads and hamlets where ponies stry about the road, el Grampian mountain, and advertising notwitholding nor withstanding as we all quibble and quibble about purpose. The light rays scream hello into the vintegismal locus of tourism while nay saying liberals escalate their wares on thin and trumped up puffy eyed old soldier boy Clothes given away to Oxon, beautiful dresses for girls. The torchlight procession Halloween style after the burning of the wwitches was completeedd in 172n5 nd the new trade of horsesmen to yeloow again forward thinking establishment liberal military united froibnt hunters and yellow cab vensors came in from Miania to say they had founbd the source and sould of the new Western Race, and it was spirtual as Goehter forsaw it coulr ane wenderi could be growth you hjVE BECOME human too late relte yes and no in sum totl insisdde the rest yes dyes sand wendry ssaid d rreesting her head forward thinking you are whendy then tied or tried ci couldnfront run the yellowing cubicles future resterunts grabebedd frn rifb ghhe aay theieueoemjnh cuneiform ring tipped mirrors
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