"Wallabies of midnight" rouse me to the pub, the royal Sunday in Heaven a new born two foot long infant pleads a case with a pigeon and the rainy smiles of November transform into ultimate dew drop laughter and eyes sing a delight from the stanhop arms to the Buthchers in the field glazing our eyes with their truth not mollycoddled we sit and stand rooftop drinkers shout opbscenities at seagulls and laughter ranges across the skies. I saw a dove did you know pigeons can fly up to one hundred miles an hour another pint Jim? Melancholy wiped away years of hard work disheveled again. Can you spare us a Rizla Mate? Adi comes in wearing the black night lace and garters her hair hanging down over her shoulders her pert bottom Al’s up and almost into Stephanie’s Lap. Funny jokes. Pulp fiction and the return of the iguana. Kid came in here had one on his shoulder frightened the life up out of me. Albion rising Albion swelling the heated sea meeting the swelling multiple orgasms of the counter attacks met with humour. I am a humourous pot. I am rhizxome as Jung said: The Rhizome remains. Occult Philosopher ex hippie from the Warf is peotecting and projecting millions for the Morocco Gig. He is slim faced, like a skeleton and he sits eager to see out the trip to the south coast. London return s from the weekednd standing platform eyed and red wined up the gazom for the shinabolozaa that it was. Ten pound rail price trip up to Old Stokey and a somnolent catachrysalis wakes from Beelzebub’s grasp, loosening tights and skirsts, the European empire gathers. Ger says do I wanna teach. I’m publishing. I, The I Am Arturtno Tinitis Bendidnig Timespace truto mandencion wine flowing aout the rooms garden wet heavyh rapid felixtra gemeinshacht yeho/1 Aie Bansia Oham kim bandalini. E, Che bella dolce. Ich bein to the deocd fock mate. Round? Have it on ym tab. Girlfriend woes as poet on plane gesticulates to hostess. Egypt? Yr going to Egypt. The wholoe of Alexandria swooning, from Slovak to triets, from Pola Jew in Mid Israeli Kibbuts on dosnslope skiing the land rishning high Highh hello hi the bee bnod bad jazz jack curtaialied hai hai hai Ku ku ku blam the scene at the beach whoosh 4 am hello lets go hello hi hi hi hi this ones for you big boy she standing wave, aai wave great Hi hi guitar man play the guitar Hi hi a gd f buy I HIGHT Ashes and loads of lorries building renovating improbving they need you need me I wanst you hey Veggie Burger! Hey Gulag. Hey. Sunnier times now we’ve been to the festival pouring out our haearts great. Hi here this whiz. Hi hi. You know how he plays that jeff? Beck crues I I I Oh! This one for you Johnny oh, daddy oh don’t be such a square. Shit for brains in the gutter pounds his hands on the endge of the pram as the pub landlord decides ever so meekly to put sun lungers out on the deck. Hi! The trains coming in. daz I * Daz. ! his is is this U are his this, the man with the ong trousers sctiish tartan and the midnight oqwl racing to cathch in on the medlay and the broom Forsooth I saw a purty cat. Bing bing1 HOLLY on the edge of my own laughter I saw you at the bar and I decided that I just had to have me. Hi! Put that on the tab will you dear. I feel olike going to the barrel. We day tripped out to Ottery to see the birthplkace of Venus, where the man Coleridge was born we tore our hands on the same walls ice creams with our lips smacking on the sweltering night skyline. This was good this was poetry this was where the poet, havunbg mne t the mad monk having disable THE Progessforia trieta up the Shangtse down the vile tube into the Nubian plateau of Plato sat on moon craters of PLute batman in the wombats earth from POerth and Shirts shrugged with ambiavlenmce as the taxi failing to arrive announces itsd sausages all round for t. Amout?1 Hi Hi aShe makes me laugh longer spnt noww, Al sunglasses having a laugh at Sania expense buys a telephone instead of bacon. Market day market day . Anyone for market D. Stolen cases and stolen cheeses mount up in the parking area with stolen glances. Perversity. The sdistruption of the aietais meglamoniea frolglianchurh heads Rupert roger each other in the yellow cabs back on forty eight street the jim jam bellontiyionfridge gryioumbles great! Hi up on the twin tower now flying eagle feather shit shining in the moonday still smells sweet from a pedigree dogs ass to the shiny new radio head I am you I am you you are me together we can make the world a going place swing slow swip sliding hay hi did you see garfunkle. Its 1968 now. The guru Krishna is singing in the park as the hot on the hochInchtamIngh trail slaver for a footstool of experience. Hi1 Berger said it best in the almight y book from the second comint o the Egyptian isrealis fonanza. I am writing typos at the airport. The full on rugby is on and I am swearing as I did not think the times of the flight out. Did Air India care when the flag went down on the refeees hand and we missed our winning try? I stand, bootsure and frolicking in the heat drenched red caveats of Indias Delhi. Swarming flies. Opportuinisitic Hotels. I see Bombayh in one instant. Either I get out of the car and go bee a guru a western one at that bring the dharma very much backward in reverse in these uncoiling times wouldn’t you sayt. I stretch to find a form and the geometry is all in place in space. I mount the bicycle and peddle furiously to the sea, with my turquoise ink and my hard donkey bells rounderesounf ree1 hi1 Bare me bare me bare. GThe grace of God the light of the jews the monotheits and the carvery I like down in Midtown, the flag fluttering frenzy at the Un my own life we want your contacts. I have my own contacts. I am contact.
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