>>Blodeuwedd was created out of flowers by Gwydion to wed Llew Llaw Gyffes. She betrayed Llew, either because she had no soul, being non-human, or because she resented being his chattel, or because the triplet of one woman and two men must play itself out in Welsh myth, and Llew Llaw Gyffes must die. At any rate, she fell in love with Goronwy and, wishing to be rid of Llew, she tricked out of him the clearly supernatural and ritual manner in which only he could be killed: neither by day nor night, indoors nor out of doors, riding nor walking, clothed nor naked, nor by any weapon lawfully made. She asked him to explain this, and he did: he could be killed only if it were twilight, wrapped in a fish net, with one foot on a cauldron and the other on a goat, and if the weapon had been forged during sacred hours when such work was forbidden. Blodeuwedd convinced him to demonstrate how impossible such a position was to achieve by chance, and when he was in it, het lover Goronwy leapt out and struck. Llew was transformed into an eagle and eventually restored to human form, after which he killed Goronwy. Blodeuwedd was transformed i nto an owl, to haunt the night in loneliness and sorrow, shunned by all other birds. >> (Encyclopedia Mystica online
r cult seems to have been East-France with the A goddess of plenty who was found accross South-western Britain, Gaul and long the rivers Rhone and Rhine. Often shown (as it is only the stone Roman altars which have survived) as part of a couple with Mercury. It's a bit tenuous but she may have been linked with dairy production in Britain (the brass bound bucket) as suggested by Ellis-Davidson.
ROSMERTA- Gaul- All celtic tribes
A Celtic goddess of fertility and wealth, whose cult was widely spread in Gaul. She is the wife of the god Esus, but also of the Gaulish Mercury. Her attributes are a cornucopia and a stick with two snakes. city Alesia.)
The Goddesses of Avalon
All Gods are One God,
All Goddesses One Goddess....
On Avalon, there were five faces of the Goddess which the priestesses worked with, although many continued to honor the Goddesses of their homelands in addition to these Matronesses. We find glimpses of Them in the later written records of the Celts, and because most of the tales were written long after the New Religion had firmly taken hold in Britain, we must look beyond the words to see the ancient truths embedded in them.
From such sources as the Mabinogion and the poems of Taliesin, we begin our quests for the Goddesses of Avalon. Coming to know Them is a life-long process - this brief overview aims to serve as an introduction - the information is by no means complete, but will serve as a compass to point the seeker along their path.....
The Goddesses of Avalon
All Gods are One God,
All Goddesses One Goddess....
On Avalon, there were five faces of the Goddess which the priestesses worked with, although many continued to honor the Goddesses of their homelands in addition to these Matronesses. We find glimpses of Them in the later written records of the Celts, and because most of the tales were written long after the New Religion had firmly taken hold in Britain, we must look beyond the words to see the ancient truths embedded in them.
From such sources as the Mabinogion and the poems of Taliesin, we begin our quests for the Goddesses of Avalon. Coming to know Them is a life-long process - this brief overview aims to serve as an introduction - the information is by no means complete, but will serve as a compass to point the seeker along their path.....
Nine powers of nine flowers,
Nine powers in me combined,
Nine buds of plant and tree.
Long and white are my fingers
As the ninth wave of the sea.
- Hanes Blodeuwedd
Blodeuwedd is the Welsh Maiden Goddess, revered on Avalon as the Goddess of new beginnings, independence and empowerment. The story which patriarchy has to tell of Blodeuwedd can be found in the branch of the Mabinogion called Math, Son of Mathonwy. She is made of Nine Flowers by the great magicians Math and Gwydion, to be the Bride of Llew, the Welsh Sun God. She chooses another lover, who attempts to slay Her husband, but Llew instead turns into an Eagle. Llew is found and restored by Gwydion, who transforms Blodeuwedd into an Owl as punishment. There is much more to this story than meets the eye... look beyond what is written to see the truth.
The name "Blodeuwedd" means "Flower Face", which refers to Her Flower origins as well as her association with the owl.... which in Wales, still bears Her name: blodeuwedd.
I have spent three turns
In the Castle of Arianrhod...
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