that fantastic night in Ohio when I knew we had their vote. That next morning waking up, the Mondday with THe Senator on the phone congratulating me. I said nothing aout the polls. Or the deaths in California over the weekend. He wanted to know, and now he knew.
We would meet again in 2012 and plenty times in commisions before then.
Willow called. She was up all night with excitement. Where had her bunny gone?
Todd had his own agenda. tough guy but i knoew. I knew what he was really feeling. We had in fact, only just begun. We’d arrived at only the first rung, the essential run. Now the last third of the Iron Man of Real Politics was about to start. We had the three months, that was true. However, nothing could have prepared us for what happned the next morning.. November 5th. ugly to think of it.
Bristl had come back from Starbucks, bearing our necessary orders. Agent Todd and Quinsey were welcome ing the Next General of the Ubaid Army and the Yellow taxis were everywhere.
Piper’s been marvelous. Really marvelous. None of this without her. How true of that I shall reveal.
the computer men had me up all night with their talk. I was determined too underrstand the principles behind it. Absoultely had to, as you shall see.
Could say why
What do you mean
You know darling, what I mean.
Are you a peter Pan?
I’m just thinking. Pour me some coffee would you?
Sure. And please, don’t forgot...
I interrupt. You can’t put it all in the negative
and that was where the moment was. That was what I had to reconcile with: the paradox that unites the archytypes in consciousness.
It means (in conclusion) space and time are organised on golden mean fractally embedded harmonics rations scales f stops indiginous natives Fiirst Mother First Sea First Sea Hawk. I cruised into downtown Alaska and made a right spill of it. The Jeigermeister shots were flowing full swing. On the one side I had half odd tho it seems, of the gymnsatics team from ICal and Sb tho three minutes into that I was talking with one from Anchorage and one from Ohio. they gals and then the boys were smiling. I was getting drunker by the minuto. Someone said, “If you ever go to Boston, go to Mary Anne’s.” I held the hand of one Detroit flat barrer and then was whisked away by my mate Count Basey. Into the Darlit moonlit night yellow poughkkepsie giants stadium of a yankee red light night in denmark marked by croded tourist bears speaking kiowan to me with archtypes and shympols. tall as woods as yews as old as night as days sparkle the white luminous rare raw tepid then hot drawn and into it all into the west coast hey up to the morning and the forests and the wide spaces of timber yards and shellg rey wood huts and camper vans and low rise tin roofs. miles of trees quebec iroquis. the five nations the seven nations the ochinubska railway the indian treaty the fire in the belly of the globe that is alive taking me into the wildfires of the alaskan night....a voice in my head, the man from the dreams at Burla Island from Tir Na Og saying en France said dites moi: “”As I have been speaking about this experiment and others that emerged from other unhttp://goldenmean.info/gravitycode/iversities, over the years, I mentioned the possibility that we could be enabled to model or understand the 'high dimensions' through which the signal may have transversed, by the Golden Mean or PHI.
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